Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Wolf-Dieter Schuh




Tel: +49 – 228 – 73 – 2626

Fax: +49 – 228 – 73 – 6486

Office: Nussallee 17, 2. OG, room 2.016


University of Bonn

Theoretical Geodesy, IGG

Nussallee 17

53115 Bonn


Research interests

  • Mathematical, numerical  and statistical methods in geodesy
  • Computational geodesy and high performance computing
  • Geostatistics and stochastic processes
  • Satellite geodesy

Short CV

Wolf-Dieter Schuh finalized the diploma degree course “Vermessungswesen” at the University of Technology Graz in 1981. He defended his PhD thesis “Analyse und Konvergenzbeschleunigung der Methode der konjugierten Gradienten bei geodätischen Netzen” in 1984 and receive the postdoctoral lecture qualification in “Theoretische Geodäsie” on the TU Graz with the habilitation treatise “Tailored numerical solution strategies for the global determination of the earth’s gravity field”  in 1996. Since 2000 Wolf-Dieter Schuh is full professor for “Theoretical Geodesy” at the University of Bonn.

Wolf-Dieter Schuh is member of the international expert team GOCE-HPF which was installed by the European Space Agency (ESA) to support the mission design and data exploration of the dedicated gravity field and ocean circulation mission (GOCE). As principle investigator (speaker) of the cooperative research project within the BMBF/DFG Geotechnologien Programme ’REAL-GOCE’ he coordinate a group of eight university institutes and two research centres to build up an infrastructure to exploit data from the GOCE mission also in Germany. Under his responsibility the HPF-processing centre Bonn was established. This centre computes in cooperation
with the TU Graz and the TU Munich the GOCE-TIM models. The necessary computational resources are raised by the applicant with project proposals on the Jülich Supercomputing Centre and by a DFG Forschungsgroßgeräte Einzelantrag.

In cooperation with the Joanneum Research Graz and with support of ESA new research activities are started in the last year on the deterministic and stochastic modeling of DInSAR data.

Teaching activities

  • B.Sc. Lecture “Adjustment Theory”
  • B.Sc. Lecture “Applied Statistics”
  • B.Sc. Lecture “Parameter Estimation and Hypothesis Testing”
  • B.Sc. Lecture “Geostatistics”
  • M.Sc. Lecture “Geodetic Optimization”
  • M.Sc. Lecture “Signal Processing”
  • M.Sc. Lecture “Stochastic Processes”
  • M.Sc. Lecture “Selected Topics in Signal Processing”
  • Masterproject “Space Geodesy Simulator Bonn”
  • Supervision of different diploma, B.Sc, M.Sc. and PhD thesis


  • Since 2004  Corresponding Member of “Österreichischen Geodätischen Kommission”
  • Since 2002 Member of “Deutschen Geodätischen Kommission”
  • Since 2000 Member of the European GOCE Gravity Consortium
  • 1984 Winner of the “Promotionspreis der Österreichischen Industriellenvereinigung”

Further activities

  • Since 2015 Member of the editorial board  “Journal of Geodesy”
  • Review activities for various journals, proceedings and book chapters (Studia Geophysica et Geodetica, ZfV, Advances in Space Research, Applied geomatics, Springer IAG proceedings, Applied Mathematical Modelling, …)
  • Book Volume Editor, Observation of the System Earth from Space – CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE and future missions. Advanced Technologies in Earth Sciences, Editors, Flechtner, F. and Sneeuw, N. and Schuh, W.-D., Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-32135-1, 2014.
  • Referee for DFG, BMBF, DAAD, NOK (Norway), NCN (Poland)
  • Member of the IGG Institutsvorstand, Member of the Studienkommision Geodäsie und Geoinformation, Representative for degree program geodesy in the examination board, Member of the grants committee of faculty of agriculture, Member of the steering commitee of Geoverbund ABC/J.

Paper and Presentations

List of Publications


  • J. M. Brockmann, M. Borlinghaus, C. Neyers, and W. Schuh, “On the Coestimation of Long-Term Spatio-Temporal Signals to Reduce the Aliasing Effect in Parametric Geodetic Mean Dynamic Topography Estimation.” {Berlin, Heidelberg}: Springer, 2023, p. 1–9. doi:10.1007/1345_2023_224
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {On the {{Coestimation}} of {{Long-Term Spatio-Temporal Signals}} to {{Reduce}} the {{Aliasing Effect}} in {{Parametric Geodetic Mean Dynamic Topography Estimation}}},
    author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin and Borlinghaus, Moritz and Neyers, Christian and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2023},
    series = {International {{Association}} of {{Geodesy Symposia}}},
    pages = {1--9},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    address = {{Berlin, Heidelberg}},
    doi = {10.1007/1345_2023_224},
    url = {},
    urldate = {2023-09-18},
    langid = {english},
    keywords = {Finite elements,Geoid,Mean dynamic topography,Sea surface height,Signal separation,Spatio-temporal modelling}

  • J. Korte, T. Schubert, J. M. Brockmann, and W. Schuh, “On the Estimation of Time Varying AR Processes.” {Berlin, Heidelberg}: Springer, 2023, p. 1–6. doi:10.1007/1345_2023_188
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {On the {{Estimation}} of {{Time Varying AR Processes}}},
    author = {Korte, Johannes and Schubert, Till and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2023},
    series = {International {{Association}} of {{Geodesy Symposia}}},
    pages = {1--6},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    address = {{Berlin, Heidelberg}},
    doi = {10.1007/1345_2023_188},
    url = {},
    urldate = {2023-05-02},
    langid = {english},
    keywords = {AR process,Motions of the roots,Non-stationarity,Time varying AR coefficients},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/P2ZJGUZZ/Korte et al. - On the Estimation of Time Varying AR Processes.pdf}

  • J. Korte, J. M. Brockmann, and W. Schuh, “A Comparison between Successive Estimate of TVAR(1) and TVAR(2) and the Estimate of a TVAR(3) Process,” Engineering Proceedings, vol. 39, iss. 1, p. 90, 2023. doi:10.3390/engproc2023039090
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {A {{Comparison}} between {{Successive Estimate}} of {{TVAR}}(1) and {{TVAR}}(2) and the {{Estimate}} of a {{TVAR}}(3) {{Process}}},
    author = {Korte, Johannes and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2023},
    journal = {Engineering Proceedings},
    volume = {39},
    number = {1},
    pages = {90},
    publisher = {{Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}},
    issn = {2673-4591},
    doi = {10.3390/engproc2023039090},
    url = {},
    urldate = {2023-07-18},
    copyright = {},
    langid = {english},
    keywords = {AR process of order 3,non-stationarity,time-variable roots from polynomials,time-varying AR coefficients}

  • T. Schubert and W. Schuh, “A Flexible Family of Compactly Supported Covariance Functions Based on Cutoff Polynomials,” in X Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy, {Berlin, Heidelberg}, 2023, p. 1–9. doi:10.1007/1345_2023_200
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {A {{Flexible Family}} of {{Compactly Supported Covariance Functions Based}} on {{Cutoff Polynomials}}},
    booktitle = {X {{Hotine-Marussi Symposium}} on {{Mathematical Geodesy}}},
    author = {Schubert, Till and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2023},
    series = {International {{Association}} of {{Geodesy Symposia}}},
    pages = {1--9},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    address = {{Berlin, Heidelberg}},
    doi = {10.1007/1345_2023_200},
    url = {},
    urldate = {2023-07-11},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/62TZSDDZ/Schubert und Schuh - 2023 - A Flexible Family of Compactly Supported Covarianc.pdf}

  • W. Schuh, J. Korte, T. Schubert, and J. M. Brockmann, “Modeling of Inhomogeneous Spatio-Temporal Signals by Least Squares Collocation.” {Berlin, Heidelberg}: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2023. doi:10.1007/1345_2023_202
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {Modeling of {{Inhomogeneous Spatio-Temporal Signals}} by {{Least Squares Collocation}}},
    author = {Schuh, Wolf-Dieter and Korte, Johannes and Schubert, Till and Brockmann, Jan Martin},
    year = {2023},
    publisher = {{Springer Berlin Heidelberg}},
    address = {{Berlin, Heidelberg}},
    doi = {10.1007/1345_2023_202},
    url = {},
    urldate = {2023-07-11},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/2KJFSUV4/Schuh et al. - 2023 - Modeling of Inhomogeneous Spatio-Temporal Signals .pdf}


  • J. M. Brockmann, T. Schubert, and W. Schuh, “An Improved Model of the Earth’s Static Gravity Field Solely Derived from Reprocessed GOCE Data,” Surveys in Geophysics, 2021. doi:10.1007/s10712-020-09626-0
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {An {{Improved Model}} of the {{Earth}}'s {{Static Gravity Field Solely Derived}} from {{Reprocessed GOCE Data}}},
    author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schubert, Till and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2021},
    month = jan,
    journal = {Surveys in Geophysics},
    issn = {1573-0956},
    doi = {10.1007/s10712-020-09626-0},
    url = {},
    urldate = {2021-01-20},
    langid = {english},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/26BVIN27/Brockmann et al. - 2021 - An Improved Model of the Earth’s Static Gravity Fi.pdf}

  • J. Korte, T. Schubert, J. M. Brockmann, and W. Schuh, “A Mathematical Investigation of a Continuous Covariance Function Fitting with Discrete Covariances of an AR Process,” International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting (ITISE 2021), Engineering Proceedings, vol. 5, iss. 1, p. 18, 2021. doi:10.3390/engproc2021005018
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {A {{Mathematical Investigation}} of a {{Continuous Covariance Function Fitting}} with {{Discrete Covariances}} of an {{AR Process}}},
    author = {Korte, Johannes and Schubert, Till and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2021},
    journal = {International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting (ITISE 2021), Engineering Proceedings},
    volume = {5},
    number = {1},
    pages = {18},
    publisher = {{Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}},
    doi = {10.3390/engproc2021005018},
    url = {},
    urldate = {2021-07-22},
    copyright = {},
    langid = {english},
    keywords = {AR process,continuous covariance function,Fourier transform,positive definiteness,power spectral density,signal prediction},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/JUUI5UGW/Korte et al. - 2021 - A Mathematical Investigation of a Continuous Covar.pdf}

  • A. Kvas, J. M. Brockmann, S. Krauss, T. Schubert, T. Gruber, U. Meyer, T. {Mayer-Gürr}, W. Schuh, A. Jäggi, and R. Pail, “GOCO06s – a Satellite-Only Global Gravity Field Model,” Earth System Science Data, vol. 13, iss. 1, p. 99–118, 2021. doi:10.5194/essd-13-99-2021
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {{{GOCO06s}} {\textendash} a Satellite-Only Global Gravity Field Model},
    author = {Kvas, Andreas and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Krauss, Sandro and Schubert, Till and Gruber, Thomas and Meyer, Ulrich and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, Torsten and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter and J{\"a}ggi, Adrian and Pail, Roland},
    year = {2021},
    month = jan,
    journal = {Earth System Science Data},
    volume = {13},
    number = {1},
    pages = {99--118},
    publisher = {{Copernicus GmbH}},
    issn = {1866-3508},
    doi = {10.5194/essd-13-99-2021},
    url = {},
    urldate = {2021-01-27},
    langid = {english},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/SFR4IICG/Kvas et al. - 2021 - GOCO06s – a satellite-only global gravity field mo.pdf}

  • I. Loth, B. Kargoll, and W. Schuh, “Non-Recursive Representation of an Autoregressive Process within the Magic Square,” in IX Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy, {Cham}, 2021, p. 183–189. doi:10.1007/1345_2019_60
    title = {Non-Recursive Representation of an Autoregressive Process within the Magic Square},
    booktitle = {{{IX}} Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy},
    author = {Loth, Ina and Kargoll, Boris and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    editor = {Nov{\'a}k, Pavel and Crespi, Mattia and Sneeuw, Nico and Sans{\`o}, Fernando},
    year = {2021},
    pages = {183--189},
    publisher = {{Springer International Publishing}},
    address = {{Cham}},
    doi = {10.1007/1345_2019_60},
    isbn = {978-3-030-54267-2},
    annotation = {loth-etal\_2021},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/F8TJDZFV/Loth et al. - 2021 - Non-recursive representation of an autoregressive .pdf}

  • T. Schubert, J. M. Brockmann, J. Korte, and W. Schuh, “On the Family of Covariance Functions Based on ARMA Models,” Proceedings of The 7th International conference on Time Series and Forecasting (ITISE 2021), Engineering Proceedings, vol. 5, iss. 1, p. 37, 2021. doi:10.3390/engproc2021005037
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {On the {{Family}} of {{Covariance Functions Based}} on {{ARMA Models}}},
    author = {Schubert, Till and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Korte, Johannes and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2021},
    journal = {Proceedings of The 7th International conference on Time Series and Forecasting (ITISE 2021), Engineering Proceedings},
    volume = {5},
    number = {1},
    pages = {37},
    publisher = {{Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}},
    doi = {10.3390/engproc2021005037},
    url = {},
    urldate = {2021-07-05},
    copyright = {},
    langid = {english},
    keywords = {ARMA processes,covariance function,Mat{\'e}rn covariance function,positive definiteness,stochastic modeling,time series analysis},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/Q9GQACHG/Schubert et al. - 2021 - On the Family of Covariance Functions Based on ARM.pdf}

  • T. Schubert, J. M. Brockmann, and W. Schuh, “Identification of Suspicious Data for Robust Estimation of Stochastic Processes,” in IX Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy, {Cham}, 2021, p. 199–207. doi:10.1007/1345_2019_80
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {Identification of {{Suspicious Data}} for {{Robust Estimation}} of {{Stochastic Processes}}},
    booktitle = {{{IX Hotine-Marussi Symposium}} on {{Mathematical Geodesy}}},
    author = {Schubert, Till and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    editor = {Nov{\'a}k, Pavel and Crespi, Mattia and Sneeuw, Nico and Sans{\`o}, Fernando},
    year = {2021},
    series = {International {{Association}} of {{Geodesy Symposia}}},
    pages = {199--207},
    publisher = {{Springer International Publishing}},
    address = {{Cham}},
    doi = {10.1007/1345_2019_80},
    url = {},
    isbn = {978-3-030-54267-2},
    langid = {english},
    keywords = {AR-processes,Hypothesis tests,Outlier detection,Residual time series,Stochastic modeling,Time series},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/HG354NA2/Schubert et al. - 2021 - Identification of Suspicious Data for Robust Estim.pdf}


  • C. Esch, J. Köhler, K. Gutjahr, and W. Schuh, “One-Step Three-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping Approach Based on Small Baseline Subset Interferograms,” Remote Sensing, vol. 12, iss. 9, p. 1473, 2020. doi:10.3390/rs12091473
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {One-{{Step Three-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping Approach Based}} on {{Small Baseline Subset Interferograms}}},
    author = {Esch, Christina and K{\"o}hler, Jo{\"e}l and Gutjahr, Karlheinz and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2020},
    month = jan,
    journal = {Remote Sensing},
    volume = {12},
    number = {9},
    pages = {1473},
    publisher = {{Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}},
    doi = {10.3390/rs12091473},
    url = {},
    urldate = {2020-05-08},
    copyright = {},
    langid = {english},
    keywords = {D-InSAR,multitemporal phase unwrapping,SBAS,temporal inconsistency},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/KDDV4NYS/Esch et al. - 2020 - One-Step Three-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping Approa.pdf}

  • T. Schubert, J. Korte, J. M. Brockmann, and W. Schuh, “A Generic Approach to Covariance Function Estimation Using ARMA-Models,” Mathematics, Special Issue “Stochastic Models for Geodesy and Geoinformation Science”, vol. 8, iss. 4, p. 591, 2020. doi:10.3390/math8040591
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {A {{Generic Approach}} to {{Covariance Function Estimation Using ARMA-Models}}},
    author = {Schubert, Till and Korte, Johannes and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2020},
    month = apr,
    journal = {Mathematics, Special Issue "Stochastic Models for Geodesy and Geoinformation Science"},
    volume = {8},
    number = {4},
    pages = {591},
    publisher = {{Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}},
    doi = {10.3390/math8040591},
    url = {},
    urldate = {2021-03-19},
    copyright = {},
    langid = {english},
    keywords = {ARMA-process,autoregressive processes,colored noise,continuous process,covariance function,stochastic modeling,time series},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/S4EYNEV3/Schubert et al. - 2020 - A Generic Approach to Covariance Function Estimati.pdf}


  • C. Esch, J. Köhler, K. Gutjahr, and W. Schuh, “25 Jahre Bodenbewegungen in Der Niederrheinischen Bucht – Ein Kombinierter Ansatz Aus D-InSAR Und Amtlichen Leitnivellements,” zfv – Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, iss. 3/2019, p. 173–186, 2019. doi:10.12902/zfv-0257-2019
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {25 {{Jahre Bodenbewegungen}} in Der {{Niederrheinischen Bucht}} {\textendash} {{Ein}} Kombinierter {{Ansatz}} Aus {{D-InSAR}} Und Amtlichen {{Leitnivellements}}},
    author = {Esch, Christina and K{\"o}hler, Jo{\"e}l and Gutjahr, Karlheinz and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2019},
    journal = {zfv {\textendash} Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Geod{\"a}sie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement},
    number = {3/2019},
    pages = {173--186},
    issn = {1618-8950},
    doi = {10.12902/zfv-0257-2019},
    url = {},
    urldate = {2019-06-11}

  • C. Esch, J. Köhler, K. Gutjahr, and W. Schuh, “On the Analysis of the Phase Unwrapping Process in a D-InSAR Stack with Special Focus on the Estimation of a Motion Model,” Remote Sensing, vol. 11, iss. 19, p. 2295, 2019. doi:10.3390/rs11192295
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {On the {{Analysis}} of the {{Phase Unwrapping Process}} in a {{D-InSAR Stack}} with {{Special Focus}} on the {{Estimation}} of a {{Motion Model}}},
    author = {Esch, Christina and K{\"o}hler, Jo{\"e}l and Gutjahr, Karlheinz and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2019},
    month = jan,
    journal = {Remote Sensing},
    volume = {11},
    number = {19},
    pages = {2295},
    doi = {10.3390/rs11192295},
    url = {},
    urldate = {2019-10-08},
    copyright = {},
    langid = {english},
    keywords = {D-InSAR,extended minimum cost flow,minimum cost flow,phase unwrapping,SBAS,simulated annealing},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/JDB3HZ73/Esch et al. - 2019 - On the Analysis of the Phase Unwrapping Process in.pdf;/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/R2M5W4D6/2295.html}

  • J. Köhler, C. Esch, K. Gutjahr, and W. Schuh, “Eine Nivellement gestützte Methode zur Erzeugung langer DInSAR Zeitreihen mittels B-Splines,” in Tagungsband GeoMonitoring 2019, {Hannover}, 2019. doi:10.15488/4518
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {{Eine Nivellement gest{\"u}tzte Methode zur Erzeugung langer DInSAR Zeitreihen mittels B-Splines}},
    booktitle = {{Tagungsband GeoMonitoring 2019}},
    author = {K{\"o}hler, Joel and Esch, Christina and Gutjahr, Karlheinz and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2019},
    address = {{Hannover}},
    doi = {10.15488/4518},
    url = {},
    urldate = {2019-03-21},
    copyright = {CC BY 3.0 DE},
    langid = {german},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/YV43ZIK9/Köhler et al. - 2019 - Eine Nivellement gestützte Methode zur Erzeugung l.pdf;/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/9EJIKIQC/4560.html}


  • B. Kargoll, M. Omidalizarandi, H. Alkhatib, and W. -D. Schuh, “Further Results on a Modified EM Algorithm for Parameter Estimation in Linear Models with Time-Dependent Autoregressive and t-Distributed Errors,” in Time Series Analysis and Forecasting, 2018, p. 323–337. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-96944-2_22
    title = {Further {{Results}} on a {{Modified EM Algorithm}} for {{Parameter Estimation}} in {{Linear Models}} with {{Time-Dependent Autoregressive}} and t-{{Distributed Errors}}},
    booktitle = {Time {{Series Analysis}} and {{Forecasting}}},
    author = {Kargoll, Boris and Omidalizarandi, Mohammad and Alkhatib, Hamza and Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Rojas, Ignacio and Pomares, H{\'e}ctor and Valenzuela, Olga},
    year = {2018},
    series = {Contributions to {{Statistics}}},
    pages = {323--337},
    publisher = {{Springer International Publishing}},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-96944-2_22},
    isbn = {978-3-319-96944-2},
    langid = {english},
    keywords = {EM algorithm,Linear model,Scaled t-distribution,Self-tuning robust estimator,Time-dependent AR process,Vibration analysis}

  • W. -D. Schuh and J. M. Brockmann, “The Numerical Treatment of Covariance Stationary Processes in Least Squares Collocation,” in Handbuch Der Geodäsie, W. Freeden, Ed., Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018, vol. Mathematical Geodesy. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-46900-2_95-1
    title = {The Numerical Treatment of Covariance Stationary Processes in Least Squares Collocation},
    booktitle = {Handbuch Der {{Geod{\"a}sie}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M.},
    editor = {Freeden, W.},
    year = {2018},
    series = {Springer {{Reference Naturwissenschaften}}},
    volume = {Mathematical Geodesy},
    publisher = {{Springer Berlin Heidelberg}},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-46900-2_95-1},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {(in print) schuh-brockmann{$_1$}8}


  • J. M. Brockmann, N. Zehentner, W. -D. Schuh, and T. {Mayer-Guerr}, “Studies on the Potential of Reprocessing Campaign of the GOCE Observations Inline with the Time-Wise Method,” {Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Department of Theoretical Geodesy, University Bonn} 2017.
    title = {Studies on the Potential of Reprocessing Campaign of the {{GOCE}} Observations Inline with the Time-Wise Method},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Zehentner, N. and Schuh, W.-D. and {Mayer-Guerr}, T.},
    year = {2017},
    institution = {{Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Department of Theoretical Geodesy, University Bonn}},
    owner = {swd}

  • B. Kargoll, M. Omidalizarandi, H. Alkathib, and W. -D. Schuh, “A Modified EM Algorithm for Parameter Estimation in Linear Models with Time-Dependent Autoregressive and t-Distributed Errors,” in Proceedings of the ‘International Work-Conference on TIme SEries Analysis’, {Granada, Spain}: , 2017, vol. 2, p. 1132–1145.
    title = {A {{Modified EM Algorithm}} for {{Parameter Estimation}} in {{Linear Models}} with {{Time-Dependent Autoregressive}} and t-{{Distributed Errors}}},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the '{{International Work-Conference}} on {{TIme SEries Analysis}}'},
    author = {Kargoll, B. and Omidalizarandi, M. and Alkathib, H. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2017},
    volume = {2},
    pages = {1132--1145},
    address = {{Granada, Spain}},
    isbn = {978-84-17293-01-7},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Über Die Ausgleichung Bei Überschüssigen Messungen Und Zufälligen Beobachtungen –- Auf Den Spuren von Friedrich Robert Helmert,” in Friedrich Robert Helmert –- 13. Dortmunder Symposium Zur Vermessungsgeschichte, 13.2.2017, {Dortmund}, 2017, p. 30–45.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {{\"U}ber Die {{Ausgleichung}} Bei {\"U}bersch{\"u}ssigen {{Messungen}} Und Zuf{\"a}lligen {{Beobachtungen}} --- Auf Den {{Spuren}} von {{Friedrich Robert Helmert}}},
    booktitle = {Friedrich {{Robert Helmert}} --- 13. {{Dortmunder Symposium}} Zur {{Vermessungsgeschichte}}, 13.2.2017},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Wei{\ss}, Erich},
    year = {2017},
    volume = {42},
    pages = {30--45},
    publisher = {{Schriftenreihe des F{\"o}rderkreis Vermessungstechnisches Museum e.V.}},
    address = {{Dortmund}},
    url = {},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {schuh\textsubscript{v}17}

  • W. -D. Schuh and J. Korte, “Über Die Genauigkeit von Schätzern Für Den Skalenparameter Der Verteilungsfunktion,” Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten (AVN), vol. 6, p. 186–196, 2017.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    ids = {schuh-korte_17},
    title = {{\"U}ber Die {{Genauigkeit}} von {{Sch{\"a}tzern}} F{\"u}r Den {{Skalenparameter}} Der {{Verteilungsfunktion}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Korte, J.},
    year = {2017},
    journal = {Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten (AVN)},
    volume = {6},
    pages = {186--196},
    url = {},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {schuh-korte\textsubscript{1}7}


  • J. M. Brockmann and W. -D. Schuh, “Computational Aspects of High-Resolution Global Gravity Dield Determination – Numbering Schemes and Reodering,” in NIC Symposium, Proceedings, G. Münster, D. Wolf, and M. Kremer, Eds., Schriftenreihe des Forschungszentrums Jülich, 2016, p. 309–317.
    title = {Computational Aspects of High-Resolution Global Gravity Dield Determination - Numbering Schemes and Reodering},
    booktitle = {{{NIC Symposium}}, {{Proceedings}}},
    author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {M{\"u}nster, G. and Wolf, D. and Kremer, M.},
    year = {2016},
    series = {{{IAS Series}}},
    pages = {309--317},
    publisher = {{Schriftenreihe des Forschungszentrums J{\"u}lich}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {brockmann-schuh\textsubscript{1}6}

  • S. Halsig, L. {Roese-Koerner}, T. Artz, A. Nothnagel, and W. -D. Schuh, “Improved Parameter Estimation of Zenith Wet Delay Using an Inequality Constrained Least Squares Method,” in IAG 150 Years, Proceedings of the 2013 IAG Scientific Assembly, Potsdam, IAG Symposia, Lecture Notes in Earth Science ed., C. Rizos and P. Willis, Eds., {Berlin – Heidelberg}: Springer, 2016, vol. 143, p. 69–74.
    title = {Improved {{Parameter Estimation}} of {{Zenith Wet Delay Using}} an {{Inequality Constrained Least Squares Method}}},
    booktitle = {{{IAG}} 150 {{Years}}, {{Proceedings}} of the 2013 {{IAG Scientific Assembly}}, {{Potsdam}}, {{IAG Symposia}}},
    author = {Halsig, S. and {Roese-Koerner}, L. and Artz, T. and Nothnagel, A. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Rizos, Chris and Willis, Pascal},
    year = {2016},
    edition = {Lecture Notes in Earth Science},
    volume = {143},
    pages = {69--74},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    address = {{Berlin - Heidelberg}},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Inequality Constrained Least Squares,Refractivity variations,Tropospheric delay,VLBI},
    annotation = {halsig-etal\_15}

  • L. {Roese-Koerner} and W. -D. Schuh, “Effects of Different Objective Functions in Inequality Constrained and Rank-Deficient Least-Squares Problems,” in VIII. Hotine-Marussi-Symposium, IAG Symposia, 2016, p. 325–331. doi:10.1007/1345_2015_140
    title = {Effects of {{Different Objective Functions}} in {{Inequality Constrained}} and {{Rank-Deficient Least-Squares Problems}}},
    booktitle = {{{VIII}}. {{Hotine-Marussi-Symposium}}, {{IAG Symposia}}},
    author = {{Roese-Koerner}, Lutz and Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Sneeuw, Nico and Nov{\'a}k, Pavel and Crespi, Mattia and Sans{\`o}, Fernando},
    year = {2016},
    series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Earth Science}}},
    volume = {142},
    pages = {325--331},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    doi = {10.1007/1345_2015_140},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {roese-koerner-schuh\textsubscript{2}016}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Signalverarbeitung in Der Physikalischen Geodäsie,” in Handbuch Der Geodäsie, W. Freeden and R. Rummel, Eds., Springer Spektrum, 2016, vol. Erdmessung und Satellitengeodäsie, p. 73–121.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {Signalverarbeitung in Der {{Physikalischen Geod{\"a}sie}}},
    booktitle = {Handbuch Der {{Geod{\"a}sie}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Freeden, W. and Rummel, R.},
    year = {2016},
    series = {Springer {{Reference Naturwissenschaften}}},
    volume = {Erdmessung und Satellitengeod{\"a}sie},
    pages = {73--121},
    publisher = {{Springer Spektrum}},
    url = {},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {schuh\textsubscript{1}6}


  • I. Krasbutter, B. Kargoll, and W. -D. Schuh, “Magic Square of Real Spectral and Time Series Analysis with an Application to Moving Average Processes,” in The 1st International Workshop on the Quality of Geodetic Observation and Monitoring Systems (QuGOMS’11), IAG Symposia, H. Kutterer, F. Seitz, H. Alkhatib, and M. Schmidt, Eds., Springer, 2015, vol. 140, p. 9–14.
    title = {Magic {{Square}} of {{Real Spectral}} and {{Time Series Analysis}} with an {{Application}} to {{Moving Average Processes}}},
    booktitle = {The 1st {{International Workshop}} on the {{Quality}} of {{Geodetic Observation}} and {{Monitoring Systems}} ({{QuGOMS}}'11), {{IAG Symposia}}},
    author = {Krasbutter, I. and Kargoll, B. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Kutterer, H. and Seitz, F. and Alkhatib, H. and Schmidt, M.},
    year = {2015},
    series = {International {{Association}} of {{Geodesy Symposia}}},
    volume = {140},
    pages = {9--14},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    isbn = {978-3-319-10827-8},
    langid = {english},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Moving average process,Spectral analysis,Stochastic process,Time series analysis},
    annotation = {krasbutter-etal\textsubscript{1}5}

  • L. {Roese-Koerner}, B. Devaraju, W. -D. Schuh, and N. Sneeuw, “Describing the Quality of Inequality Constrained Estimates,” in The 1st International Workshop on the Quality of Geodetic Observation and Monitoring Systems (QuGOMS’11), IAG Symposia, H. Kutterer, F. Seitz, H. Alkhatib, and M. Schmidt, Eds., Springer, 2015, vol. 140, p. 15–20.
    title = {Describing the {{Quality}} of {{Inequality Constrained Estimates}}},
    booktitle = {The 1st {{International Workshop}} on the {{Quality}} of {{Geodetic Observation}} and {{Monitoring Systems}} ({{QuGOMS}}'11), {{IAG Symposia}}},
    author = {{Roese-Koerner}, L. and Devaraju, B. and Schuh, W.-D. and Sneeuw, N.},
    editor = {Kutterer, H. and Seitz, F. and Alkhatib, H. and Schmidt, M.},
    year = {2015},
    series = {International {{Association}} of {{Geodesy Symposia}}},
    volume = {140},
    pages = {15--20},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    isbn = {978-3-319-10827-8},
    langid = {english},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Confidence regions,Convex optimization,Inequality constrained least-squares,Monte Carlo method,Stochastic modeling},
    annotation = {roese-koerner-etal\textsubscript{1}5}

  • W. -D. Schuh, S. Müller, and J. M. Brockmann, “Completion of Band-Limited Data Sets on the Sphere,” in The 1st International Workshop on the Quality of Geodetic Observations and Monitoring Systems (QuGOMS’11), IAG Symposia, H. Kutterer, F. Seitz, H. Alkhatib, and M. Schmidt, Eds., Springer, 2015, vol. 140, p. 171–178.
    title = {Completion of Band-Limited Data Sets on the Sphere},
    booktitle = {The 1st {{International Workshop}} on the {{Quality}} of {{Geodetic Observations}} and {{Monitoring Systems}} ({{QuGOMS}}'11), {{IAG Symposia}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and M{\"u}ller, S. and Brockmann, J. M.},
    editor = {Kutterer, H and Seitz, F and Alkhatib, H and Schmidt, M},
    year = {2015},
    series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Earth Science}}},
    volume = {140},
    pages = {171--178},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {schuh-etal\textsubscript{1}5a}


  • S. Becker, M. Losch, J. M. Brockmann, G. Freiwald, and W. -D. Schuh, “A Tailored Computation of the Mean Dynamic Topography for a Consistent Integration into Ocean Circulation Models,” Surveys in Geophysics, vol. 35, iss. 6, p. 1507–1525, 2014. doi:10.1007/s10712-013-9272-9
    title = {A Tailored Computation of the Mean Dynamic Topography for a Consistent Integration into Ocean Circulation Models},
    author = {Becker, S. and Losch, M. and Brockmann, J. M. and Freiwald, G. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2014},
    journal = {Surveys in Geophysics},
    volume = {35},
    number = {6},
    pages = {1507--1525},
    doi = {10.1007/s10712-013-9272-9},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Altimetry,consistent combination,gravity field,mean dynamic topography,Ocean circulation},
    annotation = {becker-etal\textsubscript{1}4a}

  • S. Becker, J. M. Brockmann, and W. -D. Schuh, “Mean Dynamic Topography Estimates Purely Based on GOCE Gravity Field Models and Altimetry,” Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 41, iss. 6, p. 2063–2069, 2014. doi:10.1002/2014GL059510
    title = {Mean Dynamic Topography Estimates Purely Based on {{GOCE}} Gravity Field Models and Altimetry},
    author = {Becker, S. and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2014},
    journal = {Geophysical Research Letters},
    volume = {41},
    number = {6},
    pages = {2063--2069},
    issn = {1944-8007},
    doi = {10.1002/2014GL059510},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {consistent combination,GOCE,gravity field,mean dynamic topography},
    annotation = {becker-etal\textsubscript{1}4b}

  • J. M. Brockmann, L. {Roese-Koerner}, and W. -D. Schuh, “A Concept for the Estimation of High-Degree Gravity Field Models in a High Performance Computing Environment,” Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, vol. 58, iss. 4, p. 571–594, 2014. doi:10.1007/s11200-013-1246-3
    title = {A Concept for the Estimation of High-Degree Gravity Field Models in a High Performance Computing Environment},
    author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin and {Roese-Koerner}, Lutz and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2014},
    journal = {Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica},
    volume = {58},
    number = {4},
    pages = {571--594},
    issn = {0039-3169},
    doi = {10.1007/s11200-013-1246-3},
    langid = {english},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {global gravity field recovery,high performance computing,high-degree spherical harmonics,iterative solvers},
    annotation = {brockmann-etal\textsubscript{1}4}

  • J. M. Brockmann, L. {Roese-Koerner}, and W. -D. Schuh, “Use of High Performance Computing for the Rigorous Estimation of Very High Degree Spherical Harmonic Gravity Field Models,” in Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems (GGHS 2012), IAG Symposia, U. Marti, Ed., Springer, 2014, vol. 141, p. 27–33.
    title = {Use of {{High Performance Computing}} for the {{Rigorous Estimation}} of {{Very High Degree Spherical Harmonic Gravity Field Models}}},
    booktitle = {Gravity, {{Geoid}} and {{Height Systems}} ({{GGHS}} 2012), {{IAG Symposia}}},
    author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin and {Roese-Koerner}, Lutz and Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Marti, U.},
    year = {2014},
    series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Earth Science}}},
    volume = {141},
    pages = {27--33},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {brockmann-etal\textsubscript{1}4b}

  • J. M. Brockmann, N. Zehentner, E. Höck, R. Pail, I. Loth, T. {Mayer-Gürr}, and W. -D. Schuh, “EGM_TIM_RL05: An Independent Geoid with Centimeter Accuracy Purely Based on the GOCE Mission,” Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 41, iss. 22, p. 8089–8099, 2014. doi:10.1002/2014GL061904
    title = {{{EGM}}\_{{TIM}}\_{{RL05}}: {{An Independent Geoid}} with {{Centimeter Accuracy Purely Based}} on the {{GOCE Mission}}},
    author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Zehentner, N. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Pail, R. and Loth, I. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2014},
    journal = {Geophysical Research Letters},
    volume = {41},
    number = {22},
    pages = {8089--8099},
    doi = {10.1002/2014GL061904},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Earth's gravity field determination,GOCE,spherical harmonic model},
    annotation = {brockmann-etal\textsubscript{1}4c},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/GS2C274E/brockmann_etal_2014a.pdf}

  • E. Forootan, J. Kusche, I. Loth, W. -D. Schuh, A. Eicker, J. Awange, L. Longuevergne, B. Diekkrüger, M. Schmidt, and C. K. Shum, “Multivariate Prediction of Total Water Storage Changes over West Africa from Multi-Satellite Data,” Surveys in Geophysics, vol. 35, p. 913–940, 2014. doi:10.1007/s10712-014-9292-0
    title = {Multivariate Prediction of Total Water Storage Changes over {{West Africa}} from Multi-Satellite Data},
    author = {Forootan, E. and Kusche, J. and Loth, I. and Schuh, W.-D. and Eicker, A. and Awange, J. and Longuevergne, L. and Diekkr{\"u}ger, B. and Schmidt, M. and Shum, C.K.},
    year = {2014},
    journal = {Surveys in Geophysics},
    volume = {35},
    pages = {913--940},
    doi = {10.1007/s10712-014-9292-0},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {forootan-etal\textsubscript{1}4}

  • I. Krasbutter, J. M. Brockmann, B. Kargoll, and W. -D. Schuh, “Adjustment of Digital Filters for Decorrelation of GOCE SGG Data,” in Observation of the System Earth from Space – CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE and Future Missions., F. Flechtner, N. Sneeuw, and W. -D. Schuh, Eds., Springer, 2014, vol. 20, p. 109–114.
    title = {Adjustment of Digital Filters for Decorrelation of {{GOCE SGG}} Data},
    booktitle = {Observation of the {{System Earth}} from {{Space}} - {{CHAMP}}, {{GRACE}}, {{GOCE}} and Future Missions.},
    author = {Krasbutter, I. and Brockmann, J. M. and Kargoll, B. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Flechtner, F. and Sneeuw, N. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2014},
    series = {Advanced {{Technologies}} in {{Earth Sciences}}, {{GEOTECHNOLOGIEN Science Report}}},
    volume = {20},
    pages = {109--114},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {krasbutter-etal\textsubscript{1}4}

  • S. Müller, J. M. Brockmann, and W. -D. Schuh, “Consistent Combination of Gravity Field, Altimetry and Hydrographic Data,” in Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems (GGHS 2012), IAG Symposia, U. Marti, Ed., Springer, 2014, vol. 141, p. 267–273.
    title = {Consistent {{Combination}} of {{Gravity Field}}, {{Altimetry}} and {{Hydrographic Data}}},
    booktitle = {Gravity, {{Geoid}} and {{Height Systems}} ({{GGHS}} 2012), {{IAG Symposia}}},
    author = {M{\"u}ller, Silvia and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Marti, U.},
    year = {2014},
    series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Earth Sciences}}},
    volume = {141},
    pages = {267--273},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {mueller-etal\textsubscript{1}4}

  • R. Pail, A. Albertella, D. Rieser, J. M. Brockmann, W. -D. Schuh, and R. Savcenko, “Satellite Gravity Models and Their Use for Estimating Mean Ocean Circulation,” in Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, IAG Symposia, C. Rizos and P. Willis, Eds., Springer, 2014, vol. 139, p. 275–281.
    title = {Satellite {{Gravity Models}} and {{Their Use}} for {{Estimating Mean Ocean Circulation}}},
    booktitle = {Earth on the {{Edge}}: {{Science}} for a {{Sustainable Planet}}, {{IAG Symposia}}},
    author = {Pail, Roland and Albertella, Alberta and Rieser, Daniel and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, W.-D. and Savcenko, Roman},
    editor = {Rizos, Chris and Willis, Pascal},
    year = {2014},
    series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Earth Science}}},
    volume = {139},
    pages = {275--281},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    langid = {english},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Global gravity model,GOCE,mean dynamic topography,Ocean currents,Spherical harmonics},
    annotation = {pail-etal\textsubscript{1}4}

  • L. {Roese-Koerner} and W. -D. Schuh, “Convex Optimization under Inequality Constraints in Rank Deficient Systems,” Journal of Geodesy, vol. 88, iss. 5, p. 415–426, 2014. doi:10.1007/s00190-014-0692-1
    title = {Convex {{Optimization}} under Inequality Constraints in Rank Deficient Systems},
    author = {{Roese-Koerner}, L. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2014},
    journal = {Journal of Geodesy},
    volume = {88},
    number = {5},
    pages = {415--426},
    doi = {10.1007/s00190-014-0692-1},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {roese-koerner-schuh\textsubscript{1}4}

  • W. -D. Schuh, I. Krasbutter, and B. Kargoll, “Korrelierte Messung – Was Nun?,” in Zeitabhängige Messgrößen – Ihre Daten Haben (Mehr-)Wert, H. Neuner, Ed., Wißner, Augsburg, 2014, vol. 74, p. 85–101.
    title = {Korrelierte {{Messung}} - Was Nun?},
    booktitle = {Zeitabh{\"a}ngige {{Messgr{\"o}{\ss}en}} - {{Ihre Daten}} Haben ({{Mehr-}}){{Wert}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Krasbutter, Ina and Kargoll, Boris},
    editor = {Neuner, Hans},
    year = {2014},
    series = {{{DVW-Schriftenreihe}}},
    volume = {74},
    pages = {85--101},
    publisher = {{Wi{\ss}ner, Augsburg}},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Autokovarianzen,Cholesky,Dekorrelation,Magisches Quadrat,Stochastische Prozesse},
    annotation = {schuh-etal\textsubscript{1}4}

  • W. -D. Schuh and B. Kargoll, “Real Data Analysis GOCE (REAL GOCE): A Retrospective Overview,” in Observation of the System Earth from Space – CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE and Future Missions. GEOTECHNOLOGIEN Science Report, F. Flechtner, N. Sneeuw, and W. -D. Schuh, Eds., Springer (Advanced Technologies in Earth Sciences), Heidelberg, 2014, vol. 20, p. 75–79.
    title = {Real {{Data Analysis GOCE}} ({{REAL GOCE}}): A Retrospective Overview},
    booktitle = {Observation of the {{System Earth}} from {{Space}} - {{CHAMP}}, {{GRACE}}, {{GOCE}} and Future Missions. {{GEOTECHNOLOGIEN Science Report}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Kargoll, B.},
    editor = {Flechtner, F. and Sneeuw, N. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2014},
    volume = {20},
    pages = {75--79},
    publisher = {{Springer (Advanced Technologies in Earth Sciences), Heidelberg}},
    isbn = {978-3-642-32134-4},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {schuh-kargoll\textsubscript{1}4}


  • S. Halsig, A. Ernst, and W. -D. Schuh, “Ausgleichung von Höhennetzen Aus Mehreren Epochen Unter Berücksichtigung von Bodenbewegungen,” Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, vol. 138, iss. 4, p. 288–297, 2013.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {Ausgleichung von {{H{\"o}hennetzen}} Aus Mehreren {{Epochen}} Unter {{Ber{\"u}cksichtigung}} von {{Bodenbewegungen}}},
    author = {Halsig, S. and Ernst, A. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2013},
    journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Vermessungswesen},
    volume = {138},
    number = {4},
    pages = {288--297},
    url = {},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {halsig-etal\textsubscript{1}3}

  • G. Jager, A. Kunoth, and W. -D. Schuh, “Approximate Continuation of Harmonic Functions in Geodesy: A Spline Based Least Squares Approach with Regularization,” Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 237, p. 62–82, 2013. doi:10.1016/
    title = {Approximate Continuation of Harmonic Functions in Geodesy: {{A}} Spline Based Least Squares Approach with Regularization},
    author = {Jager, Gabriela and Kunoth, Angela and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2013},
    journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics},
    volume = {237},
    pages = {62--82},
    issn = {0377-0427},
    doi = {10.1016/},
    owner = {swd}


  • S. Becker, G. Freiwald, M. Losch, and W. -D. Schuh, “Rigorous Fusion of Gravity Field, Altimetry and Stationary Ocean Models,” Journal of Geodynamics, vol. 59–60, p. 99–110, 2012. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2011.07.006
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {Rigorous {{Fusion}} of {{Gravity Field}}, {{Altimetry}} and {{Stationary Ocean Models}}},
    author = {Becker, S. and Freiwald, G. and Losch, M and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2012},
    journal = {Journal of Geodynamics},
    volume = {59--60},
    pages = {99--110},
    doi = {10.1016/j.jog.2011.07.006},
    url = {},
    owner = {swd}

  • A. Ernst and W. -D. Schuh, “The Effect of Reordering Strategies on Rounding Errors in Large, Sparse Equation Systems,” in VII. Hotine-Marussi-Symposium, IAG Symposia, N. Sneeuw, P. Novák, M. Crespi, and F. Sansò, Eds., {Berlin – Heidelberg}: Springer, 2012, vol. 137, p. 99–104.
    title = {The Effect of Reordering Strategies on Rounding Errors in Large, Sparse Equation Systems},
    booktitle = {{{VII}}. {{Hotine-Marussi-Symposium}}, {{IAG Symposia}}},
    author = {Ernst, A. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Sneeuw, Nico and Nov{\'a}k, Pavel and Crespi, Mattia and Sans{\`o}, Fernando},
    year = {2012},
    series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Earth Sciences}}},
    volume = {137},
    pages = {99--104},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    address = {{Berlin - Heidelberg}},
    owner = {swd}

  • K. R. Koch, J. M. Brockmann, and W. -D. Schuh, “Optimal Regularization for Geopotential Model GOCO02S by Monte Carlo Methods and Multi-Scale Representation of Density Anomalies,” Journal of Geodesy, vol. 86, p. 647–660, 2012. doi:10.1007/s00190-012-0546-7
    title = {Optimal Regularization for Geopotential Model {{GOCO02S}} by {{Monte Carlo}} Methods and Multi-Scale Representation of Density Anomalies},
    author = {Koch, K.R. and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2012},
    journal = {Journal of Geodesy},
    volume = {86},
    pages = {647--660},
    doi = {10.1007/s00190-012-0546-7},
    owner = {swd}

  • L. {Roese-Koerner}, I. Krasbutter, and W. -D. Schuh, “A Constrained Quadratic Programming Technique for Data-Adaptive Design of Decorrelation Filters,” in VII. Hotine-Marussi-Symposium, IAG Symposia, N. Sneeuw, P. Novák, M. Crespi, and F. Sansò, Eds., {Berlin – Heidelberg}: Springer, 2012, vol. 137, p. 165–170.
    title = {A Constrained Quadratic Programming Technique for Data-Adaptive Design of Decorrelation Filters},
    booktitle = {{{VII}}. {{Hotine-Marussi-Symposium}}, {{IAG Symposia}}},
    author = {{Roese-Koerner}, L. and Krasbutter, I. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Sneeuw, Nico and Nov{\'a}k, Pavel and Crespi, Mattia and Sans{\`o}, Fernando},
    year = {2012},
    series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Earth Sciences}}},
    volume = {137},
    pages = {165--170},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    address = {{Berlin - Heidelberg}},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {-,Active,adjustment,constraints,decorrelation,Filter,inequality,Method,Set,with},
    annotation = {roese-koerner-etal\textsubscript{1}2}

  • L. {Roese-Koerner}, B. Devaraju, N. Sneeuw, and W. -D. Schuh, “A Stochastic Framework for Inequality Constrained Estimation,” Journal of Geodesy, vol. 86, p. 1005–1018, 2012. doi:10.1007/s00190-012-0560-9
    title = {A Stochastic Framework for Inequality Constrained Estimation},
    author = {{Roese-Koerner}, Lutz and Devaraju, Balaji and Sneeuw, Nico and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2012},
    month = nov,
    journal = {Journal of Geodesy},
    volume = {86},
    pages = {1005--1018},
    doi = {10.1007/s00190-012-0560-9},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {roese-koerner-etal\textsubscript{1}2a}


  • J. Brockmann and W. -D. Schuh, “Use of Massive Parallel Computing Libraries in the Context of Global Gravity Field Determination from Satellite Data,” in Proceedings of the 4th International GOCE User Workshop, L. Ouwehand, Ed., ESA Publication SP-696, ESA/ESTEC, ISBN (Online) 978-92-9092-260-5, ISSN 1609-042X, 2011.
    title = {Use of {{Massive Parallel Computing Libraries}} in the {{Context}} of {{Global Gravity Field Determination}} from {{Satellite Data}}},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International {{GOCE User Workshop}}},
    author = {Brockmann, J. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Ouwehand, L.},
    year = {2011},
    publisher = {{ESA Publication SP-696, ESA/ESTEC, ISBN (Online) 978-92-9092-260-5, ISSN 1609-042X}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {brockmann-schuh\textsubscript{1}1}

  • I. Krasbutter, J. M. Brockmann, H. Goiginger, B. Kargoll, R. Pail, and W. -D. Schuh, “Refinement of the Stochastic Model of GOCE Scientific Data in along Time Series,” in Proceedings of the 4th International GOCE User Workshop, 2011.
    title = {Refinement of the Stochastic Model of {{GOCE}} Scientific Data in along Time Series},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International {{GOCE User Workshop}}},
    author = {Krasbutter, I. and Brockmann, J. M. and Goiginger, H. and Kargoll, B. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Ouwehand, L.},
    year = {2011},
    publisher = {{ESA Publication SP-696, ESA/ESTEC, ISBN (Online) 978-92-9092-260-5, ISSN 1609-042X}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {krasbutter-etal\textsubscript{1}1}

  • R. Pail, S. Bruinsma, F. Miggliaccio, C. Förste, H. Goiginger, W. -D. Schuh, E. Höck, M. Reguzzoni, J. Brockmann, O. Abrikosov, M. Veicherts, T. Fecher, R. Mayrhofer, I. Krasbutter, F. Sansó, and C. C. Tscherning, “First GOCE Gravity Field Models Derived by Three Different Approaches,” J Geodesy, vol. 85, iss. 11, p. 819–843, 2011. doi:10.1007/s00190-011-0467-x
    title = {First {{GOCE}} Gravity Field Models Derived by Three Different Approaches},
    author = {Pail, R. and Bruinsma, S. and Miggliaccio, F. and F{\"o}rste, C. and Goiginger, H. and Schuh, W.-D. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Reguzzoni, M. and Brockmann, J. and Abrikosov, O. and Veicherts, M. and Fecher, T. and Mayrhofer, R. and Krasbutter, I. and Sans{\'o}, F. and Tscherning, C. C.},
    year = {2011},
    journal = {J Geodesy},
    volume = {85},
    number = {11},
    pages = {819--843},
    doi = {10.1007/s00190-011-0467-x},
    owner = {swd}

  • R. Pail, H. Goiginger, W. -D. Schuh, E. Höck, J. M. Brockmann, T. Fecher, T. {Mayer-Gürr}, J. Kusche, A. Jäggi, D. Rieser, W. Hausleitner, A. Maier, S. Krauss, O. Baur, I. Krasbutter, and T. Gruber, “Combination of GOCE Data with Complementary Gravity Field Information,” in Proceedings of the 4th International GOCE User Workshop, 2011.
    title = {Combination of {{GOCE}} Data with Complementary Gravity Field Information},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International {{GOCE User Workshop}}},
    author = {Pail, R. and Goiginger, H. and Schuh, W.-D. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Brockmann, J. M. and Fecher, T. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Kusche, J. and J{\"a}ggi, A. and Rieser, D. and Hausleitner, W. and Maier, A. and Krauss, S. and Baur, O. and Krasbutter, I. and Gruber, T.},
    editor = {L, Ouwehand},
    year = {2011},
    publisher = {{ESA Publication SP-696, ESA/ESTEC, ISBN (Online) 978-92-9092-260-5, ISSN 1609-042X}},
    owner = {swd}

  • R. Pail, H. Goiginger, W. -D. Schuh, E. Höck, J. M. Brockmann, T. Fecher, R. Mayrhofer, I. Krasbutter, and T. {Mayer-Gürr}, “GOCE-only Gravity Field Models Derived from 8 Months of GOCE Data,” in Proceedings of the 4th International GOCE User Workshop, 2011.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {{{GOCE-only}} Gravity Field Models Derived from 8 Months of {{GOCE}} Data},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International {{GOCE User Workshop}}},
    author = {Pail, R. and Goiginger, H. and Schuh, W.-D. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Brockmann, J. M. and Fecher, T. and Mayrhofer, R. and Krasbutter, I. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T.},
    editor = {L, Ouwehand},
    year = {2011},
    publisher = {{ESA Publication SP-696, ESA/ESTEC, ISBN (Online) 978-92-9092-260-5, ISSN 1609-042X}},
    url = {},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh and B. Kargoll, “On the Current Status of the Cooperative Research Project Real Data Analysis GOCE(REAL GOCE),” in Proceedings of the 4th International GOCE User Workshop, L. Ouwehand, Ed., ESA Publication SP-696, ESA/ESTEC, ISBN (Online) 978-92-9092-260-5, ISSN 1609-042X, 2011.
    title = {On the {{Current Status}} of the {{Cooperative Research Project Real Data Analysis GOCE}}({{REAL GOCE}})},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International {{GOCE User Workshop}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Kargoll, B.},
    editor = {Ouwehand, L.},
    year = {2011},
    publisher = {{ESA Publication SP-696, ESA/ESTEC, ISBN (Online) 978-92-9092-260-5, ISSN 1609-042X}},
    owner = {swd}


  • J. M. Brockmann, B. Kargoll, I. Krasbutter, W. -D. Schuh, and M. Wermuth, “GOCE Data Analysis: From Calibrated Measurements to the Global Earth Gravity Field,” in System Earth via Geodetic-Geophysical Space Techniques, F. Flechtner, M. Mandea, T. Gruber, M. Rothacher, J. Wickert, and A. Güntner, Eds., {Berlin}: Springer, 2010, p. 213–229.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {{{GOCE Data Analysis}}: {{From Calibrated Measurements}} to the {{Global Earth Gravity Field}}},
    booktitle = {System {{Earth}} via {{Geodetic-Geophysical Space Techniques}}},
    author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I. and Schuh, W.-D. and Wermuth, M.},
    editor = {Flechtner, F. and Mandea, M. and Gruber, T. and Rothacher, M. and Wickert, J. and G{\"u}ntner, A.},
    year = {2010},
    pages = {213--229},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    address = {{Berlin}},
    url = {},
    owner = {swd}

  • J. M. Brockmann and W. -D. Schuh, “Fast Variance Component Estimation in GOCE Data Processing,” in Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation, S. P. Mertikas, Ed., Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, p. 185–193. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-10634-7_25
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {Fast {{Variance Component Estimation}} in {{GOCE Data Processing}}},
    booktitle = {Gravity, {{Geoid}} and {{Earth Observation}}},
    author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Mertikas, Stelios P.},
    year = {2010},
    series = {International {{Association}} of {{Geodesy Symposia}}},
    number = {135},
    pages = {185--193},
    publisher = {{Springer Berlin Heidelberg}},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-10634-7_25},
    url = {},
    urldate = {2017-01-03},
    copyright = {{\textcopyright}2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg},
    isbn = {978-3-642-10633-0 978-3-642-10634-7},
    langid = {english},
    keywords = {and,Earth,{Earth Sciences, general},Environmental,Geophysics/Geodesy,Geotechnical Engineering \& Applied Earth Sciences,Science},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/VVS8DXP2/brockmann-schuh_2008.pdf}

  • G. Freiwald, M. Losch, W. -D. Schuh, and S. Becker, “RIFUGIO – Rigorous Fusion of Gravity Field into Stationary Ocean Models,” in ESA Living Planet Symposium Bergen, Proceedings, 2010.
    title = {{{RIFUGIO}} - Rigorous Fusion of Gravity Field into Stationary Ocean Models},
    booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Symposium Bergen}}, {{Proceedings}}},
    author = {Freiwald, G. and Losch, M. and Schuh, W.-D. and Becker, S.},
    editor = {{Lacsoste-Francis}, H.},
    year = {2010},
    publisher = {{ESA-SP-686, ESA/ESTEC, ISBN (Online) 978-92-9221-250-6 ISSN 1609-042X}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {freiwald-etal\textsubscript{1}0}

  • K. R. Koch, H. Kuhlmann, and W. -D. Schuh, “Approximating Covariance Matrices Estimated in Multivariate Models by Estimated Auto- and Cross-Covariances,” J. Geodesy, vol. 84, iss. 6, p. 383–397, 2010. doi:10.1007/s00190-010-0375-5
    title = {Approximating Covariance Matrices Estimated in Multivariate Models by Estimated Auto- and Cross-Covariances},
    author = {Koch, K.R. and Kuhlmann, H. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2010},
    journal = {J. Geodesy},
    volume = {84},
    number = {6},
    pages = {383--397},
    doi = {10.1007/s00190-010-0375-5},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {koch-etal\textsubscript{1}0}

  • I. Krasbutter, J. M. Brockmann, B. Kargoll, and W. -D. Schuh, “Stochastic Model Refinements for GOCE Gradiometry Data,” BMBF Geotechnologien Science Report, vol. 17, p. 70–76, 2010.
    title = {Stochastic Model Refinements for {{GOCE}} Gradiometry Data},
    author = {Krasbutter, I. and Brockmann, J. M. and Kargoll, B. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2010},
    journal = {BMBF Geotechnologien Science Report},
    volume = {17},
    pages = {70--76},
    owner = {swd}

  • R. Pail, H. Goiginger, R. Mayerhofer, W. -D. Schuh, J. M. Brockmann, I. Krasbutter, E. Höck, and T. Fecher, “GOCE Gravity Field Model Derived from Orbit and Gradiometry Data Applying the Time-Wise Approach,” in ESA Living Planet Symposium Bergen, Proceedings, 2010.
    title = {{{GOCE}} Gravity Field Model Derived from Orbit and Gradiometry Data Applying the Time-Wise Approach},
    booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Symposium Bergen}}, {{Proceedings}}},
    author = {Pail, R. and Goiginger, H. and Mayerhofer, R. and Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J. M. and Krasbutter, I. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Fecher, T.},
    editor = {{Lacoste-Francis}, H.},
    year = {2010},
    publisher = {{ESA-SP-686, ESA/ESTEC, ISBN (Online) 978-92-9221-250-6 ISSN 1609-042X}},
    owner = {swd}

  • R. Pail, H. Goiginger, W. -D. Schuh, E. Höck, J. M. Brockmann, T. Fecher, and T. Gruber, “Combined Satellite Gravity Field Model GOCO01S Derived from GOCE and GRACE,” Geophys. Res. Lett., vol. 37, p. L20314, 2010. doi:10.1029/2010GL044906
    title = {Combined Satellite Gravity Field Model {{GOCO01S}} Derived from {{GOCE}} and {{GRACE}}},
    author = {Pail, R. and Goiginger, H. and Schuh, W.-D. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Brockmann, J. M. and Fecher, T. and Gruber, T.},
    year = {2010},
    journal = {Geophys. Res. Lett.},
    volume = {37},
    pages = {L20314},
    doi = {10.1029/2010GL044906},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh and S. Becker, “Potential Field and Smoothness Conditions,” in The Apple of Knowledge – In Honour of Prof. N. Arabelos, 2010, p. 237–250.
    title = {Potential Field and Smoothness Conditions},
    booktitle = {The Apple of Knowledge - {{In}} Honour of {{Prof}}. {{N}}. {{Arabelos}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Becker, S.},
    editor = {Contadakis, M.E. and Kaltsikis, C. and Spatalas, S. and Tokmakidis, K. and Tziavos, I.N.},
    year = {2010},
    pages = {237--250},
    publisher = {{AUTH - Faculty of rural and surveying engineering}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {ISBN 978-960-243-674-5 schuh-becker\textsubscript{1}0}

  • W. -D. Schuh, J. M. Brockmann, B. Kargoll, and I. Krasbutter, “Adaptive Optimization of GOCE Gravity Field Modeling,” in NIC Symposium, Proceedings, G. Münster, D. Wolf, and M. Kremer, Eds., Schriftenreihe des Forschungszentrums Jülich, 2010, vol. 3, p. 313–320.
    title = {Adaptive {{Optimization}} of {{GOCE Gravity Field Modeling}}},
    booktitle = {{{NIC Symposium}}, {{Proceedings}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J. M. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I.},
    editor = {M{\"u}nster, G. and Wolf, D. and Kremer, M.},
    year = {2010},
    series = {{{IAS Series}}},
    volume = {3},
    pages = {313--320},
    publisher = {{Schriftenreihe des Forschungszentrums J{\"u}lich}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {schuh-etal\textsubscript{1}0a}

  • W. -D. Schuh, J. M. Brockmann, I. Krasbutter, and R. Pail, “Refinement of the Stochastic Model of GOCE Scientific Data and Its Effect on the In-Situ Gravity Field Solution,” in ESA Living Planet Symposium Bergen, Proceedings, 2010.
    title = {Refinement of the Stochastic Model of {{GOCE}} Scientific Data and Its Effect on the In-Situ Gravity Field Solution},
    booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Symposium Bergen}}, {{Proceedings}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J. M. and Krasbutter, I. and Pail, R.},
    editor = {{Lacoste-Francis}, H.},
    year = {2010},
    publisher = {{ESA-SP-686, ESA/ESTEC, ISBN (Online) 978-92-9221-250-6 ISSN 1609-042X}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {schuh-etal\textsubscript{1}0b}


  • A. M. Bauer, F. Hoti, T. C. Reetz, W. -D. Schuh, J. Léon, and M. J. Sillanpää, “Bayesian Prediction of Breeding Values by Accounting for Genotype-by-Environment Interaction in Self-Pollinating Crops,” Genetical Research, vol. 91, p. 193–207, 2009. doi:10.1017/S0016672309000160
    title = {Bayesian Prediction of Breeding Values by Accounting for Genotype-by-Environment Interaction in Self-Pollinating Crops},
    author = {Bauer, A.M. and Hoti, F. and Reetz, T.C. and Schuh, W.-D. and L{\'e}on, J. and Sillanp{\"a}{\"a}, M.J.},
    year = {2009},
    journal = {Genetical Research},
    volume = {91},
    pages = {193--207},
    doi = {10.1017/S0016672309000160},
    owner = {swd}

  • J. M. Brockmann, B. Kargoll, I. Krasbutter, W. -D. Schuh, and M. Wermuth, “GOCE Data Analysis: From Calibrated Measurements to the Global Earth Gravity Field Observation of the Earth System from Space,” Springer (accepted), 2009.
    title = {{{GOCE Data Analysis}}: {{From Calibrated Measurements}} to the {{Global Earth Gravity Field Observation}} of the {{Earth System}} from {{Space}}},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I. and Schuh, W.-D. and Wermuth, M.},
    year = {2009},
    journal = {Springer (accepted)},
    owner = {swd}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Geodäsie –- Mathematik Zum Angreifen,” in Universalgeodäsie in Graz, 2008, p. 162–166.
    title = {Geod{\"a}sie --- {{Mathematik}} Zum {{Angreifen}}},
    booktitle = {Universalgeod{\"a}sie in {{Graz}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {{Hofmann-Wellenhof}, B.},
    year = {2008},
    pages = {162--166},
    publisher = {{Verlag der Technischen Universit{\"a}t Graz}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {schuh\textsubscript{0}8}


  • H. Alkhatib and W. -D. Schuh, “Integration of the Monte Carlo Covariance Estimation Strategy into Tailored Solution Procedures for Large-Scaled Least Squares Problems,” Journal of Geodesy, vol. 70, p. 53–66, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-006-0034-z, 2007. doi:10.1007/s00190-006-0034-z
    title = {Integration of the {{Monte Carlo}} Covariance Estimation Strategy into Tailored Solution Procedures for Large-Scaled Least Squares Problems},
    author = {Alkhatib, H. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2007},
    journal = {Journal of Geodesy},
    volume = {70},
    pages = {53--66, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-006-0034-z},
    doi = {10.1007/s00190-006-0034-z},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Covariance estimation,GOCE gravity field processing,inverse problems,MonteCarlo integration,variance propagation}

  • H. Kutterer and W. -D. Schuh, “Quality Measures and Control (Stochastic and Non-Stochastic Methodes Od Data Evaluation),” in National Report of the Federal Republic of Germany On the Geodetic Activities in the Years 2003-2007. XXIV General Assembly of the International Union for Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 2007 in Perugia/Italy, J. Müller and H. Hornik, Eds., {München}: Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, 2007, p. 160–165.
    title = {Quality {{Measures}} and {{Control}} ({{Stochastic}} and {{Non-Stochastic Methodes}} Od {{Data Evaluation}})},
    booktitle = {National {{Report}} of the {{Federal Republic}} of {{Germany On}} the {{Geodetic Activities}} in the {{Years}} 2003-2007. {{XXIV General Assembly}} of the {{International Union}} for {{Geodesy}} and {{Geophysics}} ({{IUGG}}) 2007 in {{Perugia}}/{{Italy}}},
    author = {Kutterer, H. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {M{\"u}ller, J. and Hornik, H.},
    year = {2007},
    series = {Reihe {{B}} 315},
    pages = {160--165},
    publisher = {{Deutsche Geod{\"a}tische Kommission}},
    address = {{M{\"u}nchen}},
    owner = {swd}

  • R. Pail, B. Metzler, B. Lackner, T. Preimesberger, E. Höck, W. -D. Schuh, H. Alkathib, C. Boxhammer, C. Siemes, and M. Wermuth, “GOCE Gravity Field Analysis in the Framework of HPF: Operational Software System and Simulation Results,” in Proceedings of the “`3\textsuperscriptrd Int. GOCE User Workshop”‘, 2007.
    title = {{{GOCE}} Gravity Field Analysis in the Framework of {{HPF}}: Operational Software System and Simulation Results},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the "`3{\textsuperscript{rd}} {{Int}}. {{GOCE}} User Workshop"'},
    author = {Pail, R. and Metzler, B. and Lackner, B. and Preimesberger, T. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Schuh, W.-D. and Alkathib, H. and Boxhammer, Ch and Siemes, Ch and Wermuth, M.},
    year = {2007},
    publisher = {{ESA, SP-627}},
    adress = {Noordwijk},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {ISBN 92-9092-938-3}

  • R. Pail, B. Metzler, B. Lackner, T. Preimesberger, E. Höck, W. -D. Schuh, H. Alkathib, C. Boxhammer, C. Siemes, and M. Wermuth, “GOCE-Schwerefeldprozessierung: Software-Architektur Und Simulationsergebnisse,” ZfV, vol. 132, p. 16–25, 2007.
    title = {{{GOCE-Schwerefeldprozessierung}}: {{Software-Architektur}} Und {{Simulationsergebnisse}}},
    author = {Pail, R. and Metzler, B. and Lackner, B. and Preimesberger, T. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Schuh, W.-D. and Alkathib, H. and Boxhammer, Ch and Siemes, Ch and Wermuth, M.},
    year = {2007},
    journal = {ZfV},
    volume = {132},
    pages = {16--25},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh, C. Boxhammer, and C. Siemes, Correlations, Variances, Covariances –- From GOCE Signals to GOCE Products, ESA, SP-627, 2007.
    title = {Correlations, Variances, Covariances --- {{From GOCE}} Signals to {{GOCE}} Products},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Boxhammer, Ch and Siemes, Ch},
    year = {2007},
    publisher = {{ESA, SP-627}},
    adress = {Noordwijk},
    owner = {swd}

  • {. C. Siemes, W. -D. Schuh, J. Cai, N. Sneeuw, and O. Baur, “GOCE Data Processing: The Numerical Challange of Data Gaps,” in Proceedings of the Status Seminar Geotechnologien, “`Observation of the System Earth from Space”‘, Munich, Nov. 22-23, 2007, Geotechnologien, Science Report, 2007, vol. 11, p. 99–105.
    title = {{{GOCE}} Data Processing: The Numerical Challange of Data Gaps},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the {{Status Seminar Geotechnologien}}, "`{{Observation}} of the {{System Earth}} from {{Space}}"', {{Munich}}, {{Nov}}. 22-23, 2007},
    author = {Siemes, {\relax Ch}. and Schuh, W.-D. and Cai, J. and Sneeuw, N. and Baur, O.},
    year = {2007},
    volume = {11},
    pages = {99--105},
    publisher = {{Geotechnologien, Science Report}},
    owner = {swd}


  • {. C. Boxhammer and W. -D. Schuh, “GOCE Gravity Field Modeling: Computational Aspects – Free Kite Numbering Scheme,” in Observation of the Earth System from Space, R. Rummel, C. Reigber, M. Rothacher, G. Boedecker, U. Schreiber, and J. Flury, Eds., {Berlin – Heidelberg}: Springer, 2006, p. 209–224.
    title = {{{GOCE}} Gravity Field Modeling: Computational Aspects - Free Kite Numbering Scheme},
    booktitle = {Observation of the {{Earth System}} from {{Space}}},
    author = {Boxhammer, {\relax Ch}. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Rummel, R. and Reigber, Ch and Rothacher, M. and Boedecker, G. and Schreiber, U. and Flury, J.},
    year = {2006},
    pages = {209--224},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    address = {{Berlin - Heidelberg}},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. D. Schuh, H. Alkhatib, C. Boxhammer, B. Kargoll, C. Siemes, O. Baur, and N. Sneeuw, Numerical Challenges for GOCE Data Analysis, , 2006.
    title = {Numerical {{Challenges}} for {{GOCE Data Analysis}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.D. and Alkhatib, H. and Boxhammer, Ch and Kargoll, B. and Siemes, Ch and Baur, O. and Sneeuw, N.},
    year = {2006},
    series = {Status {{Seminar Geotechnologien}}, {{Bonn}}, {{Sept}}. 18-19, 2006},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {Geotechnologien, Science Report}


  • R. Pail, W. -D. Schuh, and M. Wermuth, “GOCE Gravity Field Processing,” in Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions, IAG Symposia, {Berlin – Heidelberg – New York}, 2005, p. 36–41. doi:10.1007/3-540-26932-0_7
    title = {{{GOCE Gravity Field Processing}}},
    booktitle = {Gravity, {{Geoid}} and {{Space Missions}}, {{IAG Symposia}}},
    author = {Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D. and Wermuth, M.},
    editor = {Jekeli, C. and Bastos, L. and Fernandes, J.},
    year = {2005},
    series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Earth Sciences}}},
    volume = {129},
    pages = {36--41},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    address = {{Berlin - Heidelberg - New York}},
    doi = {10.1007/3-540-26932-0_7},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {energy integral combined solution,gravity field modeling}


  • R. Pail, W. -D. Schuh, and M. Wermuth, “GOCE Gravity Field Processing,” in IAG International Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions” (GGSM2004), 2004.
    title = {{{GOCE Gravity Field Processing}}},
    booktitle = {{{IAG International Symposium}} ``{{Gravity}}, {{Geoid}} and {{Space Missions}}'' ({{GGSM2004}})},
    author = {Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D. and Wermuth, M.},
    year = {2004},
    series = {{{CD-ROM}}},
    publisher = {{Porto/Portugal, Aug.~30~-~Sept.~3}},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh and B. Kargoll, “The Numerical Treatment of the Downward Continuation Problem for the Gravitypotential,” in V. Hotine-Marussi-Symposium, IAG Symposia, F. Sansò, Ed., {Berlin – Heidelberg}: Springer, 2004, vol. 127, p. 22–31.
    title = {The Numerical Treatment of the Downward Continuation Problem for the Gravitypotential},
    booktitle = {V. {{Hotine-Marussi-Symposium}}, {{IAG Symposia}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Kargoll, B.},
    editor = {Sans{\`o}, F.},
    year = {2004},
    series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Earth Sciences}}},
    volume = {127},
    pages = {22--31},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    address = {{Berlin - Heidelberg}},
    owner = {swd}


  • H. Alkhatib, A. Benoit, and W. -D. Schuh, “Berechung Der SST-Normalgleichungsanteile Über Die CHAMP Korrelations\-matrix; Analysen Und Implementierung,” {Theoretische Geodäsie, Universität Bonn}, Interner {{Technischer Bericht}} , 2003.
    type = {Interner {{Technischer Bericht}}},
    title = {Berechung Der {{SST-Normalgleichungsanteile}} {\"U}ber Die {{CHAMP Korrelations}}\-matrix; {{Analysen}} Und {{Implementierung}}},
    author = {Alkhatib, H. and Benoit, A. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2003},
    institution = {{Theoretische Geod{\"a}sie, Universit{\"a}t Bonn}},
    owner = {swd}

  • C. Boxhammer and W. -D. Schuh, “Orthogonalisierungsverfahren,” {Theoretische Geodäsie, Universität Bonn}, Interner {{Technischer Bericht}} , 2003.
    type = {Interner {{Technischer Bericht}}},
    title = {Orthogonalisierungsverfahren},
    author = {Boxhammer, C. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2003},
    institution = {{Theoretische Geod{\"a}sie, Universit{\"a}t Bonn}},
    owner = {swd}

  • B. Kargoll and W. -D. Schuh, “Closed-Loop Simulationen Und Validierung von SGG-Modellen,” {Theoretische Geodäsie, Universität Bonn}, Interner {{Technischer Bericht}} , 2003.
    type = {Interner {{Technischer Bericht}}},
    title = {Closed-{{Loop Simulationen}} Und {{Validierung}} von {{SGG-Modellen}}},
    author = {Kargoll, B. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2003},
    institution = {{Theoretische Geod{\"a}sie, Universit{\"a}t Bonn}},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh, Numerische Verfahren Zur Geodätischen Optimierung, Theoretische Geodäsie, Universität Bonn, 2003.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {Numerische {{Verfahren}} Zur Geod{\"a}tischen {{Optimierung}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2003},
    series = {Skriptum},
    publisher = {{Theoretische Geod{\"a}sie, Universit{\"a}t Bonn}},
    url = {},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “The Processing of Band-Limited Measurements; Filtering Techniques in the Least Squares Context and in the Presence of Data Gaps,” Space Science Reviews, vol. 108, iss. 1-2, p. 67–78, 2003. doi:10.1023/A:1026121814042
    title = {The Processing of Band-Limited Measurements; Filtering Techniques in the Least Squares Context and in the Presence of Data Gaps},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Beutler, G. and Drinkwater, M. R. and Rummel, R. and von Steiger, R.},
    year = {2003},
    journal = {Space Science Reviews},
    volume = {108},
    number = {1-2},
    pages = {67--78},
    doi = {10.1023/A:1026121814042},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {band-limited observations,decorrelation,Filtering,least squares,whitening process},
    annotation = {schuh\textsubscript{0}3c}

  • H. Schuh, R. Dill, H. {Greiner-Mai}, H. Kutterer, J. Müller, A. Nothnagel, B. Richter, M. Rothacher, U. Schreiber, and M. Soffel, Erdrotation Und Glo\-bale Dynamische Prozesse. Stand Und Ziele Der Modellbildung, Der Mess- Und Der Auswerte\-verfahren, {Frankfurt/Main}: Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie, 2003.
    title = {Erdrotation Und Glo\-bale Dynamische {{Prozesse}}. {{Stand}} Und {{Ziele}} Der {{Modellbildung}}, Der {{Mess-}} Und Der {{Auswerte}}\-verfahren},
    author = {Schuh, H. and Dill, R. and {Greiner-Mai}, H. and Kutterer, H. and M{\"u}ller, J. and Nothnagel, A. and Richter, B. and Rothacher, M. and Schreiber, U. and Soffel, M.},
    year = {2003},
    publisher = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Kartographie und Geod{\"a}sie}},
    address = {{Frankfurt/Main}},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh and M. Pennekamp, “Stochastische Simulation Zur Approximativen Berechnung von Kovarianzmatrizen,” {Theoretische Geodäsie, Universität Bonn}, Interner {{Technischer Bericht}} , 2003.
    type = {Interner {{Technischer Bericht}}},
    title = {Stochastische {{Simulation}} Zur Approximativen {{Berechnung}} von {{Kovarianzmatrizen}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Pennekamp, M.},
    year = {2003},
    institution = {{Theoretische Geod{\"a}sie, Universit{\"a}t Bonn}},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh, Auswertung Der Differentiellen Beschleunigungsmessungen Mit Einem Numerischen Ansatz Sowie Assimilation von GPS- Und Gradiometrie-Lösungen, GOCE-GRAND, AP2, Zwischenbericht, 2003.
    title = {Auswertung Der Differentiellen {{Beschleunigungsmessungen}} Mit Einem Numerischen {{Ansatz}} Sowie {{Assimilation}} von {{GPS-}} Und {{Gradiometrie-L{\"o}sungen}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2003},
    publisher = {{GOCE-GRAND, AP2, Zwischenbericht}},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh, GOCE Gravity Field Determination – Simulation Studies, Observation of the System Earth from Space, 2003.
    title = {{{GOCE}} Gravity Field Determination - Simulation Studies},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2003},
    series = {Status {{Seminar Bavarian State Mapping Agency}} ({{BLVA}}), {{Munich}}, {{June}} 12-13, 2003},
    publisher = {{Observation of the System Earth from Space}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {Geotechnologien, Science Report, No.3, 152--155}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “The Processing of Band-Limited Measurements; Filtering Techniques in the Least Squares Context and in the Presence of Data Gaps,” in Earth Gravity Field from Space – From Sensors to Earth Sciences, G. Beutler, M. R. Drinkwater, R. Rummel, and R. von Steiger, Eds., Space Science Reviews, 2003, vol. 108, p. 67–78.
    title = {The Processing of Band-Limited Measurements; Filtering Techniques in the Least Squares Context and in the Presence of Data Gaps},
    booktitle = {Earth {{Gravity Field}} from {{Space}} - {{From Sensors}} to {{Earth Sciences}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Beutler, G. and Drinkwater, M. R. and Rummel, R. and von Steiger, R.},
    year = {2003},
    volume = {108},
    pages = {67--78},
    publisher = {{Space Science Reviews}},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {band-limited observations,decorrelation,Filtering,least squares,whitening process},
    annotation = {ISSI Workshop, Bern (March 11-15,2002)}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Improved Modeling of SGG-data Sets by Advanced Filter Strategies,” in ESA-Project “From Eötvös to mGal+”, WP 2, Final-Report, ESA/ESTEC Contract No. 14287/00/NL/DC, 2002, p. 113–181.
    title = {Improved Modeling of {{SGG-data}} Sets by Advanced Filter Strategies},
    booktitle = {{{ESA-Project}} ``{{From E{\"o}tv{\"o}s}} to {{mGal}}+'', {{WP}} 2, {{Final-Report}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2002},
    pages = {113--181},
    publisher = {{ESA/ESTEC Contract No. 14287/00/NL/DC}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {schuh\textsubscript{0}2}


  • R. Pail, G. Plank, and W. -D. Schuh, “Spatially Restricted Data Distributions on the Sphere: The Method of Orthonormalized Functions and Applications,” Journal of Geodesy, vol. 75, p. 44–56, 2001. doi:10.1007/s001900000153
    title = {Spatially Restricted Data Distributions on the Sphere: The Method of Orthonormalized Functions and Applications},
    author = {Pail, R. and Plank, G. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2001},
    journal = {Journal of Geodesy},
    volume = {75},
    pages = {44--56},
    doi = {10.1007/s001900000153},
    owner = {swd}

  • G. Plank and W. -D. Schuh, Numerical Solution Strategies for Global Gravity Field Determination, Wien, 2001.
    title = {Numerical Solution Strategies for Global Gravity Field Determination},
    author = {Plank, G. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2001},
    series = {{\"O}sterreichische {{Beitr{\"a}ge}} Zu {{Meteorologie}} Und {{Geophysik}}, {{Heft}} 26},
    publisher = {{Wien}},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh, R. Pail, and G. Plank, “Assessment of Different Numerical Solution Strategies for Gravity Field Recovery,” in Proceedings of the ”First International GOCE~User Workshop”, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (April 23-24, 2001), 2001, p. 87–95.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {Assessment of Different Numerical Solution Strategies for Gravity Field Recovery},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the ''{{First International GOCE~User Workshop}}''},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Pail, R. and Plank, G.},
    year = {2001},
    pages = {87--95},
    publisher = {{ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (April 23-24, 2001)}},
    url = {},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Improved Modeling of SGG-data Sets by Advanced Filter Strategies,” in ESA-Project “From Eötvös to mGal+”, WP 2, Midterm-Report, ESA/ESTEC Contract No. 14287/00/NL/DC, 2001, p. 111–145.
    title = {Improved Modeling of {{SGG-data}} Sets by Advanced Filter Strategies},
    booktitle = {{{ESA-Project}} ``{{From E{\"o}tv{\"o}s}} to {{mGal}}+'', {{WP}} 2, {{Midterm-Report}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2001},
    pages = {111--145},
    publisher = {{ESA/ESTEC Contract No. 14287/00/NL/DC}},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh, Numerische Verfahren Zur Geodätischen Optimierung, Theoretische Geodäsie, Universität Bonn, 2001.
    title = {Numerische {{Verfahren}} Zur Geod{\"a}tischen {{Optimierung}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2001},
    series = {Skriptum},
    publisher = {{Theoretische Geod{\"a}sie, Universit{\"a}t Bonn}},
    owner = {swd}


  • R. Pail and W. -D. Schuh, “Effects of Inhomogeneous Data Coverage on Spectral Analysis,” in Towards an Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System (IGGOS), IAG Symposia, {Berlin – Heidelberg}, 2000, p. 209–213. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-59745-94_2
    title = {Effects of Inhomogeneous Data Coverage on Spectral Analysis},
    booktitle = {Towards an {{Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System}} ({{IGGOS}}), {{IAG Symposia}}},
    author = {Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Rummel, R. and Drewes, W. and Bosch, H. and Hornik, H.},
    year = {2000},
    series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Earth Science}}},
    volume = {120},
    pages = {209--213},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    address = {{Berlin - Heidelberg}},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-59745-94_2},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {pail-schuh\textsubscript{0}0}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Scientific Data Processing Algorithms,” in ESA-Project “From Eötvös to mGal”, WP 3.1, Final-Report, ESA/ESTEC Contract No. 13392/98/NL/GD, 2000, p. 97–148.
    title = {Scientific Data Processing Algorithms},
    booktitle = {{{ESA-Project}} ``{{From E{\"o}tv{\"o}s}} to {{mGal}}'', {{WP}} 3.1, {{Final-Report}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2000},
    pages = {97--148},
    publisher = {{ESA/ESTEC Contract No. 13392/98/NL/GD}},
    owner = {swd}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Scientific Data Processing Algorithms,” in ESA-Project “From Eötvös to mGal”, WP 3.1, Midterm-Report, ESA/ESTEC Contract No. 13392/98/NL/GD, 1999, p. 41–73.
    title = {Scientific Data Processing Algorithms},
    booktitle = {{{ESA-Project}} ``{{From E{\"o}tv{\"o}s}} to {{mGal}}'', {{WP}} 3.1, {{Midterm-Report}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1999},
    pages = {41--73},
    publisher = {{ESA/ESTEC Contract No. 13392/98/NL/GD}},
    owner = {swd}


  • T. Auzinger and W. -D. Schuh, “High-Degree Spherical Harmonic Analysis Combining Gridded and Random Distributed Data Sets,” Phys. Chem. Earth, vol. 23, p. 19–23, 1998.
    title = {High-Degree Spherical Harmonic Analysis Combining Gridded and Random Distributed Data Sets},
    author = {Auzinger, T. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1998},
    journal = {Phys. Chem. Earth},
    volume = {23},
    pages = {19--23},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Crossover Adjustment Using Array Algebra,” IGeS Bulletin, vol. 7, p. 38–51, 1998.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {Crossover Adjustment Using Array Algebra},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1998},
    journal = {IGeS Bulletin},
    volume = {7},
    pages = {38--51},
    url = {},
    owner = {swd}


  • W. -D. Schuh, Tailored Numerical Solution Strategies for the Global Determination of the Earth’s Gravity Field, {Graz}: Technische Universität Graz (TUG), 1996, vol. 81.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {Tailored Numerical Solution Strategies for the Global Determination of the Earth's Gravity Field},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1996},
    series = {Mitteilungen Der {{Geod{\"a}tischen Institute}}},
    volume = {81},
    publisher = {{Technische Universit{\"a}t Graz (TUG)}},
    address = {{Graz}},
    url = {},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {schuh\textsubscript{9}6}

  • W. -D. Schuh, H. Sünkel, W. Hausleitner, and E. Höck, Refinement of Iterative Procedures for the Reduction of Spaceborne Gravity Data, ESA-Project CIGAR~IV / WP 4, Final-Report, 1996.
    title = {Refinement of Iterative Procedures for the Reduction of Spaceborne Gravity Data},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and S{\"u}nkel, H. and Hausleitner, W. and H{\"o}ck, E.},
    year = {1996},
    publisher = {{ESA-Project CIGAR~IV / WP 4, Final-Report}},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh, Gravity Field Determination Using Satellite Gravity Gradiometry, {Graz}: Video Animation, Mathematische Geodäsie der TU, 1996.
    title = {Gravity Field Determination Using Satellite Gravity Gradiometry},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1996},
    publisher = {{Video Animation, Mathematische Geod{\"a}sie der TU}},
    address = {{Graz}},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Least Squares Adjustment of High Degree Spherical Harmonics,” in Inverse Methods – Interdisciplinary Elements of Methodology, Computation and Application, {Heidelberg}, 1996, p. 276–283.
    title = {Least Squares Adjustment of High Degree Spherical Harmonics},
    booktitle = {Inverse {{Methods}} - {{Interdisciplinary Elements}} of {{Methodology}}, {{Computation}} and {{Application}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = { Jacobsen, B.H.},
    year = {1996},
    series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Earth Sciences}} 63},
    pages = {276--283},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    address = {{Heidelberg}},
    owner = {schuh}

  • W. -D. Schuh, Tailored Numerical Solution Strategies for the Global Determination of the Earth’s Gravity Field, {Graz}: Mitteilungen der Geodätischen Institute der TU, 1996.
    title = {Tailored Numerical Solution Strategies for the Global Determination of the Earth's Gravity Field},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1996},
    publisher = {{Mitteilungen der Geod{\"a}tischen Institute der TU}},
    address = {{Graz}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {Folge 81}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “SST/SGG Tailored Numerical Solution Strategies,” in ESA-Project CIGAR~III / Phase 2, WP 221, Final-Report, H. Sünkel, Ed., Technical University Graz, Mathematical Geodesy and Geoinformatics, 1995, p. 18–46.
    title = {{{SST}}/{{SGG}} Tailored Numerical Solution Strategies},
    booktitle = {{{ESA-Project CIGAR~III}} / {{Phase}} 2, {{WP}} 221, {{Final-Report}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {S{\"u}nkel, H.},
    year = {1995},
    pages = {18--46},
    publisher = {{Technical University Graz, Mathematical Geodesy and Geoinformatics}},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh, H. Sünkel, W. Hausleitner, and E. Höck, Refinement of Iterative Procedures for the Reduction of Spaceborne Gravity Data, ESA-Project CIGAR~IV / WP 4, Midterm-Report, 1995.
    title = {Refinement of Iterative Procedures for the Reduction of Spaceborne Gravity Data},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and S{\"u}nkel, H. and Hausleitner, W. and H{\"o}ck, E.},
    year = {1995},
    publisher = {{ESA-Project CIGAR~IV / WP 4, Midterm-Report}},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh, SST/SGG Tailored Numerical Solution Strategies, ESA-Project CIGAR~III / Phase 2, WP 221, Final-Report, Part 2, 1995.
    title = {{{SST}}/{{SGG}} Tailored Numerical Solution Strategies},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1995},
    publisher = {{ESA-Project CIGAR~III / Phase 2, WP 221, Final-Report, Part 2}},
    owner = {swd}


  • W. -D. Schuh, H. Sünkel, and W. Hausleitner, Tailored Numerical Solution Strategies, Study of the Complementary Use of the Gradiometry and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) for the Determination of the Earth’s Gravity Field. ESA-Project CIGAR~III / Phase 2, WP 221, Midterm-Summary-Report, 1994.
    title = {Tailored Numerical Solution Strategies},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and S{\"u}nkel, H. and Hausleitner, W.},
    year = {1994},
    publisher = {{Study of the Complementary Use of the Gradiometry and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) for the Determination of the Earth's Gravity Field. ESA-Project CIGAR~III / Phase 2, WP 221, Midterm-Summary-Report}},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh, MATRIX – Grundpaket, {Graz}: Mitteilungen der Geodätischen Institute der TU, 1994.
    title = {{{MATRIX}} - {{Grundpaket}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1994},
    publisher = {{Mitteilungen der Geod{\"a}tischen Institute der TU}},
    address = {{Graz}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {Folge 77}

  • W. -D. Schuh, Processing of Gridded Data, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 30, Part 1bis: 166–175, 1994.
    title = {Processing of Gridded Data},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1994},
    publisher = {{International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 30, Part 1bis: 166--175}},
    owner = {swd}


  • W. Fürst, W. Hausleitner, E. Höck, W. -D. Schuh, and H. Sünkel, “Validation of the Global Digital Height Model ETOPO5U in a Local Area Referring to the Italian Height Model (Italian DEM),” in Mare Nostrum, 1993, p. 151–167.
    title = {Validation of the Global Digital Height Model {{ETOPO5U}} in a Local Area Referring to the {{Italian}} Height Model ({{Italian DEM}})},
    booktitle = {Mare {{Nostrum}}},
    author = {F{\"u}rst, W. and Hausleitner, W. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Schuh, W.-D. and S{\"u}nkel, H.},
    editor = {Sans{\`o}, F.},
    year = {1993},
    pages = {151--167},
    publisher = {{Geomed Report 3, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Idraulica, Ambientale e del Rilevamento, Politecnico di Milano, Milano}},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Geomed,Hoehenmodelle}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Adjustment and Solution Techniques – Modern Trends in Numerical Computing,” in Proceedings of ISPRS Commission I, Workshop on “Digital Sensors and Systems”, Trento, 1993, p. 388–406.
    title = {Adjustment and Solution Techniques - Modern Trends in Numerical Computing},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of {{ISPRS Commission I}}, {{Workshop}} on ``{{Digital Sensors}} and {{Systems}}''},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1993},
    pages = {388--406},
    publisher = {{Trento}},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Improvement of Spatial Data,” in Proceedings of ISPRS Commission~I, Workshop on “Digital Sensors and Systems”, Trento, 1993, p. 255–268.
    title = {Improvement of Spatial Data},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of {{ISPRS Commission~I}}, {{Workshop}} on ``{{Digital Sensors}} and {{Systems}}''},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1993},
    pages = {255--268},
    publisher = {{Trento}},
    owner = {swd}


  • W. Fürst, W. Hausleitner, E. Höck, W. -D. Schuh, and H. Sünkel, “Crossover Adjustment of Satellite Altimeter Data,” in Mare Nostrum, {Madrid}, 1992, p. 75–90.
    title = {Crossover Adjustment of Satellite Altimeter Data},
    booktitle = {Mare {{Nostrum}}},
    author = {F{\"u}rst, W. and Hausleitner, W. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Schuh, W.-D. and S{\"u}nkel, H.},
    editor = {Sevilla, M.J.},
    year = {1992},
    pages = {75--90},
    publisher = {{Geomed Report 2, Publicaci{\'o}n Instituto de Astronomia y Geodesia No. 184}},
    address = {{Madrid}},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Altimetrie,Cross Over Adjustment}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Numerical Behaviour of Covariance Matrices and Their Influence on Iterative Solution Techniques,” in Determination of the Geoid – Present and Future, {Heidelberg}, 1991, p. 432–441.
    title = {Numerical Behaviour of Covariance Matrices and Their Influence on Iterative Solution Techniques},
    booktitle = {Determination of the {{Geoid}} - {{Present}} and {{Future}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Rapp, R. and Sans{\`o}, F.},
    year = {1991},
    series = {{{IAG Proceedings}}},
    volume = {106},
    pages = {432--441},
    publisher = {{Springer}},
    address = {{Heidelberg}},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Kovarianzmatrizen,lokales Geoid,Numerik},
    annotation = {1991}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Numerical Behaviour of Covariance Matrices and Their Influence on Iterative Solution Techniques,” in Determination of the Geoid, R. H. Rapp and F. Sansò, Eds., Springer New York, 1991, vol. 106, p. 432–441.
    title = {Numerical {{Behaviour}} of {{Covariance Matrices}} and {{Their Influence}} on {{Iterative Solution Techniques}}},
    booktitle = {Determination of the {{Geoid}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Rapp, Richard H. and Sans{\`o}, Fernando},
    year = {1991},
    series = {International {{Association}} of {{Geodesy Symposia}}},
    volume = {106},
    pages = {432--441},
    publisher = {{Springer New York}},
    isbn = {978-0-387-97470-5},
    langid = {english},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Algoritmi Numerico-Matematici. Un Contributo Alla Cartografia Digitale,” Bollettino della SIFET, vol. 2, p. 145–157, 1991.
    title = {Algoritmi Numerico-Matematici. {{Un}} Contributo Alla Cartografia Digitale},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1991},
    journal = {Bollettino della SIFET},
    volume = {2},
    pages = {145--157},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Numerik}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Homogenisierung: Verwendung Räumlicher Information Zur “Verbesserung” Der Dateninhalte,” in Grazer Geoinformatik-Tage 91, N. Bartelme, Ed., {Graz}: Mitteilungen der Geodätischen Institute der TU, 1991, p. 99–115.
    title = {Homogenisierung: {{Verwendung}} R{\"a}umlicher {{Information}} Zur ``{{Verbesserung}}'' Der {{Dateninhalte}}},
    booktitle = {Grazer {{Geoinformatik-Tage}} 91},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Bartelme, N.},
    year = {1991},
    pages = {99--115},
    publisher = {{Mitteilungen der Geod{\"a}tischen Institute der TU}},
    address = {{Graz}},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Homogenisierung},
    annotation = {Folge 70}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Non-Conventional Adjustment Techniques,” in Proceedings of the Tutorial on “Mathematical Aspects of Data Analysis”, ISPRS Intercommission Working Group III/VI, Pisa (June 1-2, 1989), 1990, p. 105–140.
    title = {Non-Conventional Adjustment Techniques},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tutorial on ``{{Mathematical Aspects}} of {{Data Analysis}}'', {{ISPRS Intercommission Working Group III}}/{{VI}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1990},
    pages = {105--140},
    publisher = {{Pisa (June 1-2, 1989)}},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {L1-Norm,Lineare Optimierung,Robuste Ausgleichung}


  • W. -D. Schuh and H. Sünkel, “Effects of Planar Approximation in Local Gravity Field Determination,” in Proceedings of the “International Symposium on Instrumentation, Theory and Analysis for Integrated Geodesy”, Sopron, Hungary (May 16-20, 1988), 1989, p. 37–48.
    title = {Effects of Planar Approximation in Local Gravity Field Determination},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the ``{{International Symposium}} on {{Instrumentation}}, {{Theory}} and {{Analysis}} for {{Integrated Geodesy}}''},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and S{\"u}nkel, H.},
    year = {1989},
    pages = {37--48},
    publisher = {{Sopron, Hungary (May 16-20, 1988)}},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Harmonische Funktionen,Lokale Geoidberechnung,Reduktion Ellipsoid Kugel Ebene}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Kollokation – Zu Rechenaufwendig?,” ZAMM, Z. angew. Math. Mech. 69, vol. 4, p. T73-T75, 1989.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {Kollokation - Zu Rechenaufwendig?},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1989},
    journal = {ZAMM, Z. angew. Math. Mech. 69},
    volume = {4},
    pages = {T73-T75},
    url = {},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {finite Kovarianzfunktionen,Kollokation}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Leistungsfähige Numerische Algorithmen Für Geodätisch-Geophysikalische Anwendungen,” in Tagungsbericht Über Das 5. Internationale Alpengravimetrie-Kolloquium Graz 1989, Österreichische Beiträge Zu Meteorologie Und Geophysik, Zentralanstalt Für Meteorologie Und Geodynamik, rmWien, 1989, p. 185–194.
    title = {Leistungsf{\"a}hige Numerische {{Algorithmen}} F{\"u}r Geod{\"a}tisch-Geophysikalische {{Anwendungen}}},
    booktitle = {Tagungsbericht {\"U}ber Das 5. {{Internationale Alpengravimetrie-Kolloquium Graz}} 1989, {{{\"O}sterreichische Beitr{\"a}ge}} Zu {{Meteorologie}} Und {{Geophysik}}, {{Zentralanstalt}} F{\"u}r {{Meteorologie}} Und {{Geodynamik}}, {{rmWien}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Lichtenegger, H. and Steinhauser, P. and S{\"u}nkel, H.},
    year = {1989},
    series = {332, {{Heft}} 2},
    pages = {185--194},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Numerik}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Mathematische Numerische Algorithmen – Ein Beitrag Zur Digitalkartographie,” in “Stato Attuale e Prospettive Future Della Cartografia Numerica per La Grande Scala”, {Meran}: im Rahmen der XXXIV Jahrestagung der SIFET (Società Italiana di Topografia e Fotogrammetria), 1989.
    title = {Mathematische Numerische {{Algorithmen}} - Ein {{Beitrag}} Zur {{Digitalkartographie}}},
    booktitle = {``{{Stato}} Attuale e Prospettive Future Della {{Cartografia Numerica}} per La Grande Scala''},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1989},
    publisher = {{im Rahmen der XXXIV Jahrestagung der SIFET (Societ{\`a} Italiana di Topografia e Fotogrammetria)}},
    address = {{Meran}},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Numerik}


  • F. Sansò and W. -D. Schuh, “Finite Covariance Functions,” Bulletin Géodésique, vol. 61, iss. 4, p. 331–347, 1987. doi:10.1007/BF02520559
    title = {Finite Covariance Functions},
    author = {Sans{\`o}, F. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1987},
    journal = {Bulletin G{\'e}od{\'e}sique},
    volume = {61},
    number = {4},
    pages = {331--347},
    doi = {10.1007/BF02520559},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Kovarianzfunktionen,numerische Methoden,Praediktion},
    annotation = {sanso-schuh\textsubscript{8}7}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Punkttransformation Unter Berücksichtigung Lokaler Klaffungsverhältnisse,” Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, vol. 3, p. 104–121, 1987.
    title = {Punkttransformation Unter {{Ber{\"u}cksichtigung}} Lokaler {{Klaffungsverh{\"a}ltnisse}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1987},
    journal = {{\"O}sterreichische Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Vermessungswesen},
    volume = {3},
    pages = {104--121},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Kataster,Transformation}

  • H. Sünkel, N. Bartelme, H. Fuchs, M. Hanafy, W. -D. Schuh, and M. Wieser, “The Gravity Field in Austria,” in The Gravity Field in Austria, {Graz}, 1987, p. 47–77.
    title = {The Gravity Field in {{Austria}}},
    booktitle = {The {{Gravity Field}} in {{Austria}}},
    author = {S{\"u}nkel, H. and Bartelme, N. and Fuchs, H. and Hanafy, M. and Schuh, W.-D. and Wieser, M.},
    editor = {S{\"u}nkel, H.},
    year = {1987},
    volume = {IV},
    pages = {47--77},
    publisher = {{Geod{\"a}tische Arbeiten {\"O}sterreichs f{\"u}r die Internationale Erdmessung, Neue Folge}},
    address = {{Graz}},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Lokale Geoid Bestimmung}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Quick Computation of Geodetic Networks Using Special Properties of the Eigenvalues,” in Optimization and Design of Geodetic Networks, 1985, p. 185–195. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-70659-2_9
    title = {Quick Computation of Geodetic Networks Using Special Properties of the Eigenvalues},
    booktitle = {Optimization and {{Design}} of {{Geodetic Networks}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Grafarend, E.W. and Sans{\`o}, F.},
    year = {1985},
    pages = {185--195},
    publisher = {{Springer Berlin Heidelberg}},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-70659-2_9},
    owner = {swd}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Transforming the L1-norm Adjustment of a Levelling Network into a Flow Problem,” in Proceedings of the “7th International Symposium on Geodetic Computations”, Cracow, Poland (June 18-21, 1985), 1985, p. 385–409.
    title = {Transforming the {{L1-norm}} Adjustment of a Levelling Network into a Flow Problem},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the ``7th {{International Symposium}} on {{Geodetic Computations}}''},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1985},
    pages = {385--409},
    publisher = {{Cracow, Poland (June 18-21, 1985)}},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Lineare Optimierung,Robuste Schaetzverfahren},
    annotation = {schuh\textsubscript{8}5b}


  • W. -D. Schuh, Analyse Und Konvergenzbeschleunigung Der Methode Der Konjugierten Gradienten Bei Geodätischen Netzen, {Graz}: Mitteilungen der Geodätischen Institute der TU, 1984.
    title = {Analyse Und {{Konvergenzbeschleunigung}} Der {{Methode}} Der Konjugierten {{Gradienten}} Bei Geod{\"a}tischen {{Netzen}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1984},
    publisher = {{Mitteilungen der Geod{\"a}tischen Institute der TU}},
    address = {{Graz}},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Lineare Algebra,Sparse Techniken},
    annotation = {Folge 49}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Rasche Und Einfache Automatische Fehlererkennung Bei Großen Datenmengen,” Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, vol. 4, p. 137–147, 1984.
    title = {Rasche Und Einfache Automatische {{Fehlererkennung}} Bei Gro{\ss}en {{Datenmengen}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1984},
    journal = {{\"O}sterreichische Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Vermessungswesen},
    volume = {4},
    pages = {137--147},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Lineare Optimierung,Robuste Schaetzverfahren}


  • H. Fuchs, B. {Hofmann-Wellenhof}, and W. -D. Schuh, “Adjustment and Gross Error Detection of Levelling Networks,” in Precise Levelling, {Bonn}, 1983, p. 391–409.
    title = {Adjustment and Gross Error Detection of Levelling Networks},
    booktitle = {Precise {{Levelling}}},
    author = {Fuchs, H. and {Hofmann-Wellenhof}, B. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    editor = {Pelzer, H. and Niemeier, W.},
    year = {1983},
    pages = {391--409},
    publisher = {{D{\"u}mmler}},
    address = {{Bonn}},
    owner = {swd},
    keywords = {Lineare Optimierung,Robuste Schaetzverfahren}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Programmierung Rationeller Algorithmen Zur Umordnung, Auflösung Und Inversion Der Normalgleichungen Geodätischer Netze,” Diplomarbeit PhD Thesis, 1981.
    type = {Diplomarbeit},
    title = {Programmierung Rationeller {{Algorithmen}} Zur {{Umordnung}}, {{Aufl{\"o}sung}} Und {{Inversion}} Der {{Normalgleichungen}} Geod{\"a}tischer {{Netze}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1981},
    owner = {swd},
    school = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Graz},
    keywords = {Lineare Algebra,Sparse Techniken}

List of Presentations


  • J. Korte, J. M. Brockmann, and W. Schuh, A Comparison between Successive Estimate of TVAR(1) and TVAR(2) and the Estimate of a TVAR(3) Process{Las Palmas, Gran Canaria}: , 2023.
    type = {Talk at {{ITISE2023}}},
    title = {A {{Comparison}} between {{Successive Estimate}} of {{TVAR}}(1) and {{TVAR}}(2) and the {{Estimate}} of a {{TVAR}}(3) {{Process}}},
    author = {Korte, Johannes and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2023},
    month = dec,
    address = {{Las Palmas, Gran Canaria}}


  • J. M. Brockmann, M. Borlinghaus, C. Neyers, and W. -D. Schuh, Coestimating Long-Term Temporal Signals to Reduce the Aliasing Effect in Parametric Geodetic Mean Dynamic Topography Estimation{Milano, Italy}: , 2022.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    type = {Talk},
    title = {Coestimating Long-Term Temporal Signals to Reduce the Aliasing Effect in Parametric Geodetic Mean Dynamic Topography Estimation},
    author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Borlinghaus, M. and Neyers, C. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2022},
    address = {{Milano, Italy}},
    url = {},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/SBT3CNZS/Brockmann et al. - 2022 - Coestimating long-term temporal signals to reduce .pdf}

  • J. Korte, T. Schubert, J. M. Brockmann, and W. -D. Schuh, Time Variable AR Processes with Linear Root Motion: A Comparison between Successive Estimation of TVAR(1) and TVAR(2) with the Estimation of a TVAR(3) Process{Essen, Germany}: , 2022.
    type = {Talk at {{FROGS}} 2022},
    title = {Time {{Variable AR Processes}} with {{Linear Root Motion}}: {{A Comparison}} between Successive {{Estimation}} of {{TVAR}}(1) and {{TVAR}}(2) with the Estimation of a {{TVAR}}(3) {{Process}}},
    author = {Korte, J. and Schubert, T. and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2022},
    address = {{Essen, Germany}}

  • J. Korte, T. Schubert, J. M. Brockmann, and W. -D. Schuh, On the Estimation of Time Variable AR Processes with Linear Root Motion of the Characteristic Polynomial{Milano, Italy}: , 2022.
    type = {Talk at {{X Hotine-Marussi Symposium}}},
    title = {On the {{Estimation}} of {{Time Variable AR Processes}} with {{Linear Root Motion}} of the {{Characteristic Polynomial}}},
    author = {Korte, J. and Schubert, T. and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2022},
    address = {{Milano, Italy}}

  • C. Neyers, J. M. Brockmann, and W. -D. Schuh, Can We Refine a Local Marine Geoid by Exploiting Sentinel-1 RVL Observations?{Essen, Germany}: , 2022.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    type = {Talk},
    title = {Can We Refine a Local Marine Geoid by Exploiting {{Sentinel-1 RVL}} Observations?},
    author = {Neyers, C. and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2022},
    address = {{Essen, Germany}},
    url = {}

  • W. -D. Schuh, J. Korte, T. Schubert, and J. M. Brockmann, Modeling of Inhomogeneous Spatio-Temporal Signals by Least Squares Collocation{Milano, Italy}: , 2022.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    type = {Talk at the {{X Hotine Marussi Symposium}}},
    title = {Modeling of Inhomogeneous Spatio-Temporal Signals by Least Squares Collocation},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Korte, J. and Schubert, T. and Brockmann, J. M.},
    year = {2022},
    address = {{Milano, Italy}},
    url = {}


  • J. Korte, J. M. Brockmann, and W. -D. Schuh, A Mathematical Investigation of a Continuous Covariance Function Fitting with a Discrete Covariances of AR Processes{online}: , 2021.
    type = {Talk at {{ITISE2021}}},
    title = {A Mathematical Investigation of a Continuous Covariance Function Fitting with a Discrete Covariances of {{AR}} Processes},
    author = {Korte, J. and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2021},
    address = {{online}}


  • J. M. Brockmann, T. Schubert, W. Schuh, A. Kvas, and T. {Mayer-Guerr}, An Improved Global Gravity Field Model of the Earth Derived from Reprocessed GOCE Observations with the Time-Wise Approach{Milano, Italy}: , 2019.
    type = {Talk at {{ESA Living Planet Symposium}}},
    title = {An Improved Global Gravity Field Model of the {{Earth}} Derived from Reprocessed {{GOCE}} Observations with the Time-Wise Approach},
    author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schubert, Till and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter and Kvas, Andreas and {Mayer-Guerr}, Torsten},
    year = {2019},
    address = {{Milano, Italy}}

  • J. M. Brockmann and W. -D. Schuh, SWOT Sea Surface Heights in a Multi-Mission Approach for Joint Estimation of Geoid & Dynamic Ocean Topography{Bonn, Germany}: , 2019.
    type = {Talk},
    title = {{{SWOT}} Sea Surface Heights in a Multi-Mission Approach for Joint Estimation of Geoid \& Dynamic Ocean Topography},
    author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2019},
    address = {{Bonn, Germany}}

  • J. Köhler, C. Esch, K. Gutjahr, and W. Schuh, Eine Nivellement Gestützte Methode Zur Erzeugung Langer DInSAR Zeitreihen Mittels B-Splines{Hannover}: , 2019.
    type = {Talk},
    title = {Eine {{Nivellement}} Gest{\"u}tzte {{Methode}} Zur {{Erzeugung}} Langer {{DInSAR Zeitreihen}} Mittels {{B-Splines}}},
    author = {K{\"o}hler, Jo{\"e}l and Esch, Christina and Gutjahr, Karlheinz and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2019},
    month = mar,
    address = {{Hannover}},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/6XJMVCTZ/Köhler - 2019 - Eine Nivellement gestützte Methode zur Erzeugung l.pdf}


  • J. Brockmann, T. Schubert, W. -D. Schuh, and G. H. Team, Reprocessed GOCE Gravity Gradients for Gravity Field Recovery: First Results with the Time-Wise Approach (Talk){Vienna, Austria}: , 2018.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    type = {Talk at {{EGU2018}}},
    title = {Reprocessed {{GOCE}} Gravity Gradients for Gravity Field Recovery: First Results with the Time-Wise Approach (Talk)},
    author = {Brockmann, Jan-Martin and Schubert, Till and Schuh, W.-D. and GOCE HPF Team},
    year = {2018},
    address = {{Vienna, Austria}},
    url = {}

  • J. M. Brockmann, T. Schubert, W. -D. Schuh, and T. {Mayer-Gürr}, Towards the 6th Release of the Time-Wise GOCE Models: Processing Status and Preliminary Results (Talk){Copenhagen, Denmark}: , 2018.
    type = {Talk at {{GGHS}} 2018},
    title = {Towards the 6th Release of the Time-Wise {{GOCE}} Models: Processing Status and Preliminary Results (Talk)},
    author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Schubert, T. and Schuh, W.-D. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T.},
    year = {2018},
    address = {{Copenhagen, Denmark}},
    howpublished = {Talk},
    owner = {jmb}

  • J. Korte, J. M. Brockmann, and W. -D. Schuh, Least Squares Collocation with Finite and Recursive Defined Covariance Functions Using Function Values and Derivatives{Rome, Italy}: , 2018.
    type = {Talk at the {{IX Hotine Marussi Symposium}}},
    title = {Least {{Squares Collocation}} with Finite and Recursive Defined Covariance Functions Using Function Values and Derivatives},
    author = {Korte, J. and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2018},
    address = {{Rome, Italy}}

  • T. Schubert, J. M. Brockmann, and W. -D. Schuh, Identification of Suspicious Data for Robust Estimation of Stochastic Processes{Rome}: , 2018.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    type = {Talk at the {{IX Hotine Marussi Symposium}}},
    title = {Identification of Suspicious Data for Robust Estimation of Stochastic Processes},
    author = {Schubert, T. and Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2018},
    month = jul,
    address = {{Rome}},
    url = {},
    annotation = {oral presentation}

  • J. M. Brockmann, T. Schubert, and W. -D. Schuh, Reprocessed GOCE Gravity Gradients for Gravity Field Recovery –- First Analysis and Results from the Time-Wise Approach (Talk){Frascati, Italy}: , 2018.
    type = {Talk at {{HPF CCN Progress Meeting}} \#1},
    title = {Reprocessed {{GOCE}} Gravity Gradients for Gravity Field Recovery --- First Analysis and Results from the Time-Wise Approach (Talk)},
    author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schubert, Till and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2018},
    address = {{Frascati, Italy}},
    howpublished = {Talk},
    owner = {jmb}

  • W. -D. Schuh, T. Schubert, I. Loth, J. M. Brockmann, and B. Kargoll, Advanced Time Series Analysis to Estimate Tailored Stochastic Models for the Global Gravity Field Processing (Talk){Copenhagen, Denmark}: , 2018.
    type = {Talk at the {{GGHS}} 2018},
    title = {Advanced Time Series Analysis to Estimate Tailored Stochastic Models for the Global Gravity Field Processing (Talk)},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Schubert, T. and Loth, I. and Brockmann, J. M. and Kargoll, B.},
    year = {2018},
    address = {{Copenhagen, Denmark}},
    howpublished = {Talk},
    owner = {jmb}

  • W. -D. Schuh, J. Franken, J. M. Brockmann, C. Esch, and J. Köhler, Design of Frequency Selective Filters for Non-Equispaced Data{Rome, Italy}: , 2018.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    type = {Talk},
    title = {Design of Frequency Selective Filters for Non-Equispaced Data},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Franken, J. and Brockmann, J.M. and Esch, C. and K{\"o}hler, J.},
    year = {2018},
    address = {{Rome, Italy}},
    url = {},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/5F9KSU4T/Schuh et al. - 2018 - Design of frequency selective filters for non-equi.pdf}


  • J. M. Brockmann, W. -D. Schuh, and WP6000-Team, “Improving the Official GOCE-only Gravity Field Model –- Strategies Inline with the ‘classical’ Time-Wise Processing,” in HPF-Reprocessing Workschop, 2/3 February 2017, {IAPG, Munich}, 2017.
    title = {Improving the Official {{GOCE-only}} Gravity Field Model --- {{Strategies}} Inline with the 'classical' Time-Wise Processing},
    booktitle = {{{HPF-Reprocessing Workschop}}, 2/3 {{February}} 2017},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D. and {WP6000-Team}},
    year = {2017},
    address = {{IAPG, Munich}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {Oral Presentation, 3. Feb. 2017}

  • J. Köhler, C. Esch, K. Gutjahr, and W. -D. Schuh, “Integrated Spatio-temporal Estimation of a Deformation Time-series from a Stack of Unwrapped Differential Interferograms,” in FRINGE 2017, {Helsinki}, 2017.
    title = {Integrated {{Spatio-temporal Estimation}} of a {{Deformation Time-series}} from a {{Stack}} of {{Unwrapped Differential Interferograms}}},
    booktitle = {{{FRINGE}} 2017},
    author = {K{\"o}hler, Jo{\"e}l and Esch, Christina and Gutjahr, Karlheinz and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2017},
    address = {{Helsinki}},
    annotation = {Vortrag, 07.07.2017}

  • J. Köhler, C. Esch, K. Gutjahr, and W. -D. Schuh, “Raum-Zeitliche Signaltrennung in Einem Stapel von Differntiellen SAR-Interferogrammen,” in Geodätische Woche 2017, {Berlin}, 2017.
    title = {Raum-Zeitliche {{Signaltrennung}} in Einem {{Stapel}} von Differntiellen {{SAR-Interferogrammen}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}} 2017},
    author = {K{\"o}hler, Jo{\"e}l and Esch, Christina and Gutjahr, Karlheinz and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2017},
    address = {{Berlin}},
    annotation = {Vortrag, 26.09.2017}


  • J. M. Brockmann and W. -D. Schuh, “Stochastic Modeling of Altimetric Sea Surface Height Measurements – Refined AR Models from Iterative Residual Analysis,” in International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems, IAG Symposium, {Thessaloniki}, 2016.
    title = {Stochastic Modeling of Altimetric Sea Surface Height Measurements - Refined {{AR}} Models from Iterative Residual Analysis},
    booktitle = {International {{Symposium}} on {{Gravity}}, {{Geoid}} and {{Height Systems}}, {{IAG Symposium}}},
    author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D},
    year = {2016},
    address = {{Thessaloniki}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {Oral Presentation, 23.9.2016}

  • {. C. Esch, K. Gutjahr, and W. -D. Schuh, “Lösung Der Phasenmehrdeutigkeiten in Differentiellen SAR-Interferogrammen,” in Geodätische Woche, {Hamburg}, 2016.
    title = {L{\"o}sung Der {{Phasenmehrdeutigkeiten}} in Differentiellen {{SAR-Interferogrammen}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Esch, {\relax Ch}. and Gutjahr, K. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2016},
    address = {{Hamburg}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {Vortrag, 12.10.2016 esch-etal\textsubscript{v}16}

  • W. -D. Schuh and S. Brockmann J. M.and Müller, “Die Vermessung Der Meeresoberfläche Aus Dem Weltraum,” in 10. Bonner Wissenschaftsnacht, 2016.
    title = {Die {{Vermessung}} Der {{Meeresoberfl{\"a}che}} Aus Dem {{Weltraum}}},
    booktitle = {10. {{Bonner Wissenschaftsnacht}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J. M.and M{\"u}ller, S.},
    year = {2016},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {Vortrag, 3.6.2016 schuh-etal\textsubscript{v}16}


  • J. M. Brockmann, N. Zehentner, E. Höck, I. Loth, T. {Mayer-Gürr}, R. Pail, and W. -D. Schuh, “An Improved Version of the GOCE-only Model EGM_TIM_RL05,” in 26\textsuperscriptth IUGG General Assembly 2015, {Prag}, 2015.
    title = {An Improved Version of the {{GOCE-only}} Model {{EGM}}\_{{TIM}}\_{{RL05}}},
    booktitle = {26{\textsuperscript{th}} {{IUGG General Assembly}} 2015},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Zehentner, N. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Loth, I. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2015},
    address = {{Prag}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {30.6.2015}

  • J. M. Brockmann, W. -D. Schuh, and B. Kargoll, “A Case Study on the Potential of Robust Decorrelation Filter Design for a Reprocessing of a Gravity Field Model from GOCE Data,” in EGU General Assembly 2015, {Wien}, 2015. doi:
    title = {A Case Study on the Potential of Robust Decorrelation Filter Design for a Reprocessing of a Gravity Field Model from {{GOCE}} Data},
    booktitle = {{{EGU General Assembly}} 2015},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D. and Kargoll, B.},
    year = {2015},
    address = {{Wien}},
    doi = {},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {Oral Presentation, 14.4.2015}

  • J. M. Brockmann and W. -D. Schuh, “Huge Dimensional Data Analysis in Geodesy –- Computational Concepts for Adjustment Problems,” in Politecnico Di Milano, Dipartimento Di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale, {Milano}, 2015.
    title = {Huge Dimensional Data Analysis in Geodesy --- {{Computational}} Concepts for Adjustment Problems},
    booktitle = {Politecnico Di {{Milano}}, {{Dipartimento}} Di {{Ingegneria Civile}} e {{Ambientale}}},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2015},
    address = {{Milano}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {18.2.2015 (invited)}

  • C. Esch, K. Gutjahr, I. Loth, and W. -D. Schuh, “Differentielle Radarinterferometrie (D-InSAR) Zur Erstellung von Deformationszeitreihen in Der Niederrheinischen Bucht,” in Geodätische Woche, {Stuttgart}, 2015.
    title = {Differentielle {{Radarinterferometrie}} ({{D-InSAR}}) Zur {{Erstellung}} von {{Deformationszeitreihen}} in Der {{Niederrheinischen Bucht}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Esch, C. and Gutjahr, Karlheinz and Loth, I. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2015},
    address = {{Stuttgart}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {Vortrag, 15.9.2015 esch-etal\textsubscript{1}5}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Huge Dimensional Data Analysis in Geodesy –- Methodologigal Background and Tailored Numerical Methods (Lecture Series on Computational Geodesy),” in Politecnico Di Milano, Dipartimento Di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale, {Milano}, 2015.
    title = {Huge Dimensional Data Analysis in Geodesy --- {{Methodologigal}} Background and Tailored Numerical Methods ({{Lecture Series}} on {{Computational Geodesy}})},
    booktitle = {Politecnico Di {{Milano}}, {{Dipartimento}} Di {{Ingegneria Civile}} e {{Ambientale}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2015},
    address = {{Milano}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {18.2.2015 (invited)}

  • W. -D. Schuh, J. M. Brockmann, and B. Kargoll, “Correlation Analysis for Long Time Series by Robustly Estimated Autoregressive Stochastic Processes,” in EGU General Assembly 2015, {Wien}, 2015.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {Correlation Analysis for Long Time Series by Robustly Estimated Autoregressive Stochastic Processes},
    booktitle = {{{EGU General Assembly}} 2015},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M. and Kargoll, B.},
    year = {2015},
    address = {{Wien}},
    url = {},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {oral presentation (solicited), 17.4.2015 schuh-etal\textsubscript{v}15}


  • J. M. Brockmann, E. Höck, N. Zehetner, T. {Mayer-Gürr}, and W. -D. Schuh, “The Release 05 of the Time-Wise Approach,” in HPF Progress Meeting 28, {Munich}, 2014.
    title = {The {{Release}} 05 of the {{Time-Wise Approach}}},
    booktitle = {{{HPF Progress Meeting}} 28},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Zehetner, N. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2014},
    address = {{Munich}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {25.6.2014}

  • J. M. Brockmann, E. Höck, I. Loth, T. {Mayer-Gürr}, R. Pail, W. -D. Schuh, and N. Zehentner, “A Gravity Field Model from the Entire GOCE Mission: EGM_TIM_RL05,” in 5\textsuperscriptth International GOCE User Workshop, {Paris}, 2014.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {A Gravity Field Model from the Entire {{GOCE}} Mission: {{EGM}}\_{{TIM}}\_{{RL05}}},
    booktitle = {5{\textsuperscript{th}} {{International GOCE User Workshop}}},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Loth, I. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D. and Zehentner, N.},
    year = {2014},
    address = {{Paris}},
    url = {},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {25.11.2014}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Das Verfahren von Cholesky – Ein Geodätischer Beitrag Zur Numerischen Mathematik,” in Geodätische Woche, {Berlin}, 2014.
    title = {Das {{Verfahren}} von {{Cholesky}} - Ein Geod{\"a}tischer {{Beitrag}} Zur Numerischen {{Mathematik}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2014},
    address = {{Berlin}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {7.10.2014}

  • W. -D. Schuh, J. M. Brockmann, and I. Loth, “Quality Analysis of the GOCE Gravity Gradients from the Low Orbit Operation Campaign,” in 5\textsuperscriptth International GOCE User Workshop, {Paris}, 2014.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {Quality Analysis of the {{GOCE}} Gravity Gradients from the Low Orbit Operation Campaign},
    booktitle = {5{\textsuperscript{th}} {{International GOCE User Workshop}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J. M. and Loth, I.},
    year = {2014},
    address = {{Paris}},
    url = {},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {27.11.2014}

  • W. -D. Schuh, I. Loth, and B. Kargoll, “Korrelierte Messungen – Was Nun?,” in 129. DVW-Seminar: Zeitabhängige Messgrößen – Ihre Daten Haben (Mehr-)Wert, {Hannover}, 2014.
    title = {Korrelierte {{Messungen}} - Was Nun?},
    booktitle = {129. {{DVW-Seminar}}: {{Zeitabh{\"a}ngige Messgr{\"o}{\ss}en}} - {{Ihre Daten}} Haben ({{Mehr-}}){{Wert}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Loth, I. and Kargoll, B.},
    year = {2014},
    address = {{Hannover}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {26.2.2014 (invited)}

  • W. -D. Schuh, J. M. Brockmann, B. Kargoll, and I. Loth, “Decorrelation Strategies for the Integration of Finite Seqeunces of a Stochastic Process into Gauss-Markov Models,” in EGU General Assembly 2014: G1.1 Recent Developments in Geodetic Theory, {Vienna}, 2014.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {Decorrelation Strategies for the Integration of Finite Seqeunces of a Stochastic Process into {{Gauss-Markov}} Models},
    booktitle = {{{EGU General Assembly}} 2014: {{G1}}.1 {{Recent Developments}} in {{Geodetic Theory}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M. and Kargoll, B. and Loth, I.},
    year = {2014},
    publisher = {{institution}},
    address = {{Vienna}},
    url = {},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {oral presentation, 28.4.2014}

  • W. -D. Schuh, J. M. Brockmann, and I. Loth, “Decorrelation Process Revisited –- Tailored Strategies for GOCE Low Orbit Data,” in HPF Progress Meeting 28, {Munich}, 2014.
    title = {Decorrelation Process Revisited --- Tailored Strategies for {{GOCE}} Low Orbit Data},
    booktitle = {{{HPF Progress Meeting}} 28},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M. and Loth, I.},
    year = {2014},
    address = {{Munich}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {26.6.2014}

  • S. Walzog, I. Loth, L. {Roese-Koerner}, and W. -D. Schuh, “3-D Phase Unwrapping Algorithmen Zur Lösung Der Phasenmehrdeutigkeiten in D-InSAR Stapeln,” in Geodätische Woche, {Berlin}, 2014.
    title = {3-{{D Phase Unwrapping Algorithmen}} Zur {{L{\"o}sung}} Der {{Phasenmehrdeutigkeiten}} in {{D-InSAR Stapeln}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Walzog, S. and Loth, I. and {Roese-Koerner}, L. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2014},
    address = {{Berlin}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {7.10.2014}


  • J. M. Brockmann, E. Höck, I. Krasbutter, T. {Mayer-Gürr}, R. Pail, W. -D. Schuh, and N. Zehentner, “Performance of the Fourth Generation GOCE Time-Wise Earth Gravity Field Model,” in EGU 2013, {Vienna}, 2013.
    title = {Performance of the Fourth Generation {{GOCE}} Time-Wise {{Earth}} Gravity Field Model},
    booktitle = {{{EGU}} 2013},
    author = {Brockmann, J. M. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Krasbutter, I. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D. and Zehentner, N.},
    year = {2013},
    address = {{Vienna}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {12.4.2013}

  • J. M. Brockmann, E. Höck, I. Krasbutter, T. {Mayer-Gürr}, R. Pail, W. -D. Schuh, and N. Zehentner, “Performance and Status of the GOCE Time-Wise Gravity Field Models,” in ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013, {Edinburgh}, 2013.
    title = {Performance and Status of the {{GOCE}} Time-Wise Gravity Field Models},
    booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Symposium}} 2013},
    author = {Brockmann, J. M. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Krasbutter, I. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D. and Zehentner, N.},
    year = {2013},
    address = {{Edinburgh}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {10.9.2013}

  • J. M. Brockmann, N. Zehentner, E. Höck, I. Krasbutter, T. {Mayer-Gürr}, R. Pail, and W. -D. Schuh, “Status of the GOCE Time-Wise Gravity Field Models and First Analysis of the Low Orbit Data,” in IAG Scientific Assembly 2013, {Potsdam}, 2013.
    title = {Status of the {{GOCE}} Time-Wise Gravity Field Models and First Analysis of the Low Orbit Data},
    booktitle = {{{IAG Scientific Assembly}} 2013},
    author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Zehentner, N. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Krasbutter, I. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2013},
    address = {{Potsdam}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {5.9.2013}

  • J. M. Brockmann, S. Becker, and W. -D. Schuh, “Validation of GOCE Time-Wise Gravity Field Models via the Estimation of the Ocean’s Mean Dynamic Topography,” in ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013, {Edinburgh}, 2013.
    title = {Validation of {{GOCE}} Time-Wise {{Gravity Field Models}} via the {{Estimation}} of the {{Ocean}}'s {{Mean Dynamic Topography}}},
    booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Symposium}} 2013},
    author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Becker, S. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2013},
    address = {{Edinburgh}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {10.9.2013}

  • J. M. Brockmann and W. -D. Schuh, “Massive Parallel Concepts for the Estimation of High Degree Spherical Harmonic Gravity Field Models,” in VIII Hotine-Marussi-Symposium, {Rom}, 2013.
    title = {Massive Parallel Concepts for the Estimation of High Degree Spherical Harmonic Gravity Field Models},
    booktitle = {{{VIII Hotine-Marussi-Symposium}}},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2013},
    address = {{Rom}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {21.06.2013}

  • I. Krasbutter, K. Gutjahr, and W. -D. Schuh, “Rigorous Modeling of Spaceborne Radar Interferometry (InSAR) Data and Terrestrial Data in a One-Step Approach,” in VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium, {Rome}, 2013.
    title = {Rigorous Modeling of Spaceborne Radar Interferometry ({{InSAR}}) Data and Terrestrial Data in a One-Step Approach},
    booktitle = {{{VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium}}},
    author = {Krasbutter, I. and Gutjahr, K. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2013},
    address = {{Rome}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {18.06.2013}

  • I. Krasbutter, K. Gutjahr, and W. -D. Schuh, “Strenge Modellierung von Radarinterfreomtrie (InSAR) Daten Zur Detektion von Großräumigen Deformationen Der Erdoberfläche,” in Geodätische Woche, {Essen}, 2013.
    title = {Strenge {{Modellierung}} von {{Radarinterfreomtrie}} ({{InSAR}}) {{Daten}} Zur {{Detektion}} von Gro{\ss}r{\"a}umigen {{Deformationen}} Der {{Erdoberfl{\"a}che}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Krasbutter, I. and Gutjahr, K. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2013},
    address = {{Essen}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {9.10.2013}

  • I. Krasbutter and W. -D. Schuh, “Consistent Assimilation of Spaceborne Radar Interferometry (InSAR) Data into Integrated Terrestrial Systems,” in 1st HPSC TerrSys Meeting, Jülich, 2013.
    title = {Consistent Assimilation of Spaceborne Radar Interferometry ({{InSAR}}) Data into Integrated Terrestrial Systems},
    booktitle = {1st {{HPSC TerrSys Meeting}}, {{J{\"u}lich}}},
    author = {Krasbutter, I. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2013},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {Oral presentation, 23.5.2013}

  • L. {Roese-Koerner} and W. -D. Schuh, “Convex Optimization under Inequality Constraints in Rank-Deficient Systems,” in Geomathematics 2013, St. Martin, 2013.
    title = {Convex Optimization under Inequality Constraints in Rank-Deficient Systems},
    booktitle = {Geomathematics 2013, {{St}}. {{Martin}}},
    author = {{Roese-Koerner}, L. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2013},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {15.4.2013}

  • L. {Roese-Koerner} and W. -D. Schuh, “A Rigorous Solution of Rank-Deficient Systems with Inequality Constraints,” in VIII Hotine-Marussi-Symposium, 2013.
    title = {A Rigorous Solution of Rank-Deficient Systems with Inequality Constraints},
    booktitle = {{{VIII Hotine-Marussi-Symposium}}},
    author = {{Roese-Koerner}, L. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2013},
    owner = {lrk},
    annotation = {21.06.2013}

  • W. -D. Schuh and J. M. Brockmann, “Tailored Numerical Strategies and High Performance Computing in Geodesy,” in VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium, {Rome}, 2013.
    title = {Tailored Numerical Strategies and High Performance Computing in Geodesy},
    booktitle = {{{VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M.},
    year = {2013},
    address = {{Rome}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {21.06.2013 (invited)}


  • S. Becker, W. -D. Schuh, and J. M. Brockmann, “Consistent Combination of Gravity Field, Altimetry and Hydrographic Data,” in DFG-SPP 1257 Final Colloquium ”Mass Transport and Mass Distribution in the Earth System”, {Potsdam}, 2012.
    title = {Consistent Combination of Gravity Field, Altimetry and Hydrographic Data},
    booktitle = {{{DFG-SPP}} 1257 {{Final Colloquium}} ''{{Mass}} Transport and Mass Distribution in the {{Earth}} System''},
    author = {Becker, S. and Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M.},
    year = {2012},
    address = {{Potsdam}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {18.9.2012}

  • J. M. Brockmann, L. {Roese-Koerner}, and W. -D. Schuh, “Use of High Performance Computing for the Rigorous Estimation of Very High Degree Spherical Harmonic Gravity Field Models,” in International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems (GGHS 2012), {Venice}, 2012.
    title = {Use of High Performance Computing for the Rigorous Estimation of Very High Degree Spherical Harmonic Gravity Field Models},
    booktitle = {International {{Symposium}} on {{Gravity}}, {{Geoid}} and {{Height Systems}} ({{GGHS}} 2012)},
    author = {Brockmann, J. M. and {Roese-Koerner}, L. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2012},
    address = {{Venice}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {10.10.2012}

  • I. Krasbutter, O. Baur, J. M. Brockmann, J. Cai, A. Eicker, B. Kargoll, J. Kusche, T. {Mayer-Guerr}, J. Schall, W. -D. Schuh, A. Shabanloui, and N. Sneeuw, “REAL-GOCE Gravity Field Determination from GOCE,” in BMBF Geotechnologien Abschlusssseminar ”Erfassung Des Systems Erde Aus Dem Weltraum III”, {Potsdam}, 2012.
    title = {{{REAL-GOCE Gravity}} Field Determination from {{GOCE}}},
    booktitle = {{{BMBF Geotechnologien Abschlusssseminar}} ''{{Erfassung}} Des {{Systems Erde}} Aus Dem {{Weltraum III}}''},
    author = {Krasbutter, I and Baur, O. and Brockmann, J. M. and Cai, J. and Eicker, A. and Kargoll, B. and Kusche, J. and {Mayer-Guerr}, T. and Schall, J. and Schuh, W.-D. and Shabanloui, A. and Sneeuw, N.},
    year = {2012},
    address = {{Potsdam}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {24.5.2012}

  • I. Krasbutter, J. M. Brockmann, B. Kargoll, W. -D. Schuh, and M. Schumacher, “WP 130: GOCE in-Situ Ausgleichung: Von Kalibrierten Messdaten Zum Erdschwerefeld,” in REAL GOCE 6. Projekttreffen in Bonn, 2012.
    title = {{{WP}} 130: {{GOCE}} in-Situ {{Ausgleichung}}: {{Von}} Kalibrierten {{Messdaten}} Zum {{Erdschwerefeld}}},
    booktitle = {{{REAL GOCE}} 6. {{Projekttreffen}} in {{Bonn}}},
    author = {Krasbutter, I. and Brockmann, J. M. and Kargoll, B. and Schuh, W.-D. and Schumacher, M.},
    year = {2012},
    owner = {ina},
    annotation = {15.03.2012}

  • L. {Roese-Koerner} and W. -D. Schuh, “Singuläre Ausgleichungsaufgaben Mit Ungleichungsrestriktionen,” in Geodätische Woche 2012, {Hannover}, 2012.
    title = {Singul{\"a}re {{Ausgleichungsaufgaben}} Mit {{Ungleichungsrestriktionen}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}} 2012},
    author = {{Roese-Koerner}, L. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2012},
    address = {{Hannover}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {9-10-2012}

  • W. -D. Schuh, J. M. Brockmann, B. Kargoll, and I. Krasbutter, “Constistent Modeling of GOCE Gravity Field Models,” in International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems (GGHS 2012), {Venice}, 2012.
    title = {Constistent Modeling of {{GOCE}} Gravity Field Models},
    booktitle = {International {{Symposium}} on {{Gravity}}, {{Geoid}} and {{Height Systems}} ({{GGHS}} 2012)},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J. M. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I.},
    year = {2012},
    address = {{Venice}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {10.10.2012}

  • W. -D. Schuh and B. Kargoll, “REAL-GOCE Status Report,” in BMBF Geotechnologien Abschlussseminar ”Erfassung Des Systems Erde Aus Dem Weltraum III”, {Potsdam}, 2012.
    title = {{{REAL-GOCE Status Report}}},
    booktitle = {{{BMBF Geotechnologien Abschlussseminar}} ''{{Erfassung}} Des {{Systems Erde}} Aus Dem {{Weltraum III}}''},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Kargoll, B.},
    year = {2012},
    address = {{Potsdam}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {24.5.2012}


  • S. Becker and W. -D. Schuh, “The Impact of a GOCE Gravity Field Model on Estimating the Ocean’s Mean Dynamic Topography,” in 4th International GOCE User Workshop, {Munich}, 2011.
    title = {The Impact of a {{GOCE}} Gravity Field Model on Estimating the Ocean's Mean Dynamic Topography},
    booktitle = {4th {{International GOCE}} User Workshop},
    author = {Becker, S. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{Munich}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {31.4.2011}

  • J. M. Brockmann, W. -D. Schuh, and I. Krasbutter, “WP6000: Gravity Field Determination with the Time-Wise Approach (Tuning-Machine),” in GOCE HPF Project Meeting \#21, {Bonn, Germany}, 2011.
    title = {{{WP6000}}: {{Gravity Field Determination}} with the {{Time-Wise}} Approach ({{Tuning-Machine}})},
    booktitle = {{{GOCE HPF}} Project Meeting \#21},
    author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D. and Krasbutter, I.},
    year = {2011},
    series = {{{GOCE HPF}} Project Meeting \#21},
    address = {{Bonn, Germany}},
    owner = {jmb},
    annotation = {Oral presentation, 10.02.2011}

  • J. M. Brockmann, T. Fecher, E. Höck, B. Kargoll, I. Krasbutter, T. {Mayer-Guerr}, R. Mayrhofer, R. Pail, and W. -D. Schuh, “Gravity Field Determination from GOCE Using the Time-Wise Method – Status of Release GOCE-TIM03,” in Geodätische Woche, {Nürnberg}, 2011.
    title = {Gravity Field Determination from {{GOCE}} Using the Time-Wise Method - {{Status}} of Release {{GOCE-TIM03}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Fecher, T. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I. and {Mayer-Guerr}, T. and Mayrhofer, R. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{N{\"u}rnberg}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {29.9.2011}

  • J. M. Brockmann and W. -D. Schuh, “Charakteristik von Verschiedenen Vorkonditionierern in Der Iterativen Lösung von GOCE Schwerefeld Normalgleichungen,” in Charakteristik von Verschiedenen Vonkonditionierern in Der Iterativen L\dbendsung von GOCE Schwerefeld Normalgleichungen, {Nürnberg}, 2011.
    title = {Charakteristik von Verschiedenen {{Vorkonditionierern}} in Der Iterativen {{L{\"o}sung}} von {{GOCE Schwerefeld Normalgleichungen}}},
    booktitle = {Charakteristik von Verschiedenen {{Vonkonditionierern}} in Der Iterativen {{L}}{\dbend}sung von {{GOCE Schwerefeld Normalgleichungen}}},
    author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{N{\"u}rnberg}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {27.9.2011}

  • A. Ernst and W. -D. Schuh, “Analysis of Temporal Variations of Irregularly Distributed Data in Several Epochs,” in 1st International Workshop on the Quality of Geodetic Observations and Monitoring Systems, {Garching/Munich}, 2011.
    title = {Analysis of {{Temporal Variations}} of {{Irregularly Distributed Data}} in {{Several Epochs}}},
    booktitle = {1st {{International Workshop}} on the {{Quality}} of {{Geodetic Observations}} and {{Monitoring Systems}}},
    author = {Ernst, A. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{Garching/Munich}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {15.4.2011}

  • H. Goiginger, E. Hoeck, D. Rieser, T. {Mayer-Guerr}, A. Maier, S. Krauss, R. Pail, T. Fecher, T. Gruber, J. M. Brockmann, I. Krasbutter, W. -D. Schuh, A. Jaeggi, L. Prange, W. Hausleitner, O. Baur, and J. Kusche, “The Combined Satellite-Only Global Gravity Field Model GOCO02s,” in General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union, {Vienna}, 2011.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {The Combined Satellite-Only Global Gravity Field Model {{GOCO02s}}},
    booktitle = {General {{Assembly}} of the {{European Geosciences Union}}},
    author = {Goiginger, H. and Hoeck, E. and Rieser, D. and {Mayer-Guerr}, T. and Maier, A. and Krauss, S. and Pail, R. and Fecher, T. and Gruber, T. and Brockmann, J. M. and Krasbutter, I. and Schuh, W.-D. and Jaeggi, A. and Prange, L. and Hausleitner, W. and Baur, O. and Kusche, J.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{Vienna}},
    url = {},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {04.04.2011}

  • I. Krasbutter, B. Kargoll, J. M. Brockmann, and W. -D. Schuh, “GOCE In-Situ Ausgleichung: Von Kalibrierten Messdaten Zum Erdschwerefeld,” in REAL GOCE 4. Projekttreffen, {München}, 2011.
    title = {{{GOCE}} In-Situ {{Ausgleichung}}: {{Von}} Kalibrierten {{Messdaten}} Zum {{Erdschwerefeld}}},
    booktitle = {{{REAL GOCE}} 4. {{Projekttreffen}}},
    author = {Krasbutter, I. and Kargoll, B. and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{M{\"u}nchen}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {30.3.2011}

  • I. Krasbutter, B. Kargoll, and W. -D. Schuh, “Das Magische Quadrat Für Stochastische Prozesse,” in Geodätische Woche, {Nürnberg}, 2011.
    title = {Das Magische {{Quadrat}} F{\"u}r Stochastische {{Prozesse}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Krasbutter, I. and Kargoll, B. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{N{\"u}rnberg}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {27.9.2011}

  • I. Krasbutter, J. M. Brockmann, B. Kargoll, and W. -D. Schuh, “GOCE In-Situ Ausgleichung: Von Kalibrierten Messdaten Zum Erdschwerefeld,” in REAL GOCE 5. Projekttreffen, {Stuttgart}, 2011.
    title = {{{GOCE}} In-Situ {{Ausgleichung}}: {{Von}} Kalibrierten {{Messdaten}} Zum {{Erdschwerefeld}}},
    booktitle = {{{REAL GOCE}} 5. {{Projekttreffen}}},
    author = {Krasbutter, I. and Brockmann, J. M. and Kargoll, B. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{Stuttgart}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {10.10.2011}

  • L. {Roese-Koerner}, B. Devaraju, N. Sneeuw, and W. -D. Schuh, “Describing the Quality of Inequality Constrained Estimates,” in 1st International Workshop on the Quality of Geodetic Observations and Monitoring Systems, {Garching/Munich}, 2011.
    title = {Describing the {{Quality}} of {{Inequality Constrained Estimates}}},
    booktitle = {1st {{International Workshop}} on the {{Quality}} of {{Geodetic Observations}} and {{Monitoring Systems}}},
    author = {{Roese-Koerner}, L. and Devaraju, B. and Sneeuw, N. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{Garching/Munich}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {13.4.2011}

  • L. {Roese-Koerner}, S. Becker, A. Ernst, and W. -D. Schuh, “Konvexe Optimierung Zur Schätzung von Kovarianzfunktionen,” in Geodätische Woche, {Nürnberg}, 2011.
    title = {Konvexe {{Optimierung}} Zur {{Sch{\"a}tzung}} von {{Kovarianzfunktionen}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {{Roese-Koerner}, L. and Becker, S. and Ernst, A. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{N{\"u}rnberg}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {27.9.2011}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Verknüpfung Geometrischer Und Gravimetrischer Satellitenverfahren –- Ein Missionsübergreifender Zugang Zur Erdsystemforschung,” in Statusseminar Geotechnologien, {Stuttgart}, 2011.
    title = {Verkn{\"u}pfung Geometrischer Und Gravimetrischer {{Satellitenverfahren}} --- Ein Missions{\"u}bergreifender {{Zugang}} Zur {{Erdsystemforschung}}},
    booktitle = {Statusseminar {{Geotechnologien}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{Stuttgart}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {11.10.2011}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Schwereberechnung – Schwere Berechnung ?,” in Intergeo2011, Erdmessungsforum, {Nürnberg}, 2011.
    title = {Schwereberechnung - Schwere {{Berechnung}} ?},
    booktitle = {Intergeo2011, {{Erdmessungsforum}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{N{\"u}rnberg}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {29.9.2011 (invited)}

  • W. -D. Schuh, B. Kargoll, and I. Krasbutter, “Modelling of Auto- and Cross-Correlations in Data Series,” in 1st International Workshop on the Quality of Geodetic Observations and Monitoring Systems, {Garching/Munich}, 2011.
    title = {Modelling of {{Auto-}} and {{Cross-Correlations}} in {{Data Series}}},
    booktitle = {1st {{International Workshop}} on the {{Quality}} of {{Geodetic Observations}} and {{Monitoring Systems}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{Garching/Munich}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {13.4.2011}

  • W. -D. Schuh, S. Becker, and J. M. Brockmann, “Combination of Band-Limited Data Sets from Multi-Satellite Missions,” in 1st International Workshop on the Quality of Geodetic Observations and Monitoring Systems, {Garching/Munich}, 2011.
    title = {Combination of Band-Limited Data Sets from Multi-Satellite Missions},
    booktitle = {1st {{International Workshop}} on the {{Quality}} of {{Geodetic Observations}} and {{Monitoring Systems}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Becker, S. and Brockmann, J. M.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{Garching/Munich}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {15.4.2011}

  • W. -D. Schuh and B. Kargoll, “REAL-GOCE Statusreport,” in BMBF Geotechnologien Statusseminar, {Stuttgart}, 2011.
    title = {{{REAL-GOCE Statusreport}}},
    booktitle = {{{BMBF Geotechnologien Statusseminar}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Kargoll, B.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{Stuttgart}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {11.10.2011}

  • M. Schumacher, L. {Roese-Koerner}, and W. -D. Schuh, “Modellierung von Korrelationsintervallen Beim Netzdesign,” in Geodätische Woche, {Nürnberg}, 2011.
    title = {Modellierung von {{Korrelationsintervallen}} Beim {{Netzdesign}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Schumacher, M. and {Roese-Koerner}, L. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{N{\"u}rnberg}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {27.9.2011}


  • J. M. Brockmann, B. Kargoll, I. Krasbutter, W. -D. Schuh, R. Pail, H. Goiginger, and E. Höck, “WP6000: First GOCE Gravity Field – Tuning Machine,” in GOCE-HPF: Progress Meeting \#19, {CNES Toulouse}, 2010.
    title = {{{WP6000}}: {{First GOCE}} Gravity Field - {{Tuning Machine}}},
    booktitle = {{{GOCE-HPF}}: {{Progress Meeting}} \#19},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I. and Schuh, W.-D. and Pail, R. and Goiginger, H. and H{\"o}ck, E.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{CNES Toulouse}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {10.-11.6.2010}

  • J. M. Brockmann, O. Baur, J. Cai, A. Eicker, B. Kargoll, I. Krasbutter, J. Kusche, J. Schall, W. -D. Schuh, A. Shabanloui, and N. Sneeuw, “Gravity Field Determination from GOCE,” in BMBF Geotechnologien Statusseminar, 2010.
    title = {Gravity Field Determination from {{GOCE}}},
    booktitle = {{{BMBF Geotechnologien Statusseminar}}},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Baur, O. and Cai, J. and Eicker, A. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I. and Kusche, J. and Schall, J. and Schuh, W.-D. and Shabanloui, A. and Sneeuw, N.},
    year = {2010},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {4.10.2010}

  • J. M. Brockmann, T. Fecher, H. Goiginger, E. Höck, B. Kargoll, I. Krasbutter, R. Mayerhofer, R. Pail, and W. -D. Schuh, “GOCE-only Solution Using the Time-Wise Method,” in Geodätische Woche, {Köln}, 2010.
    title = {{{GOCE-only}} Solution Using the {{Time-Wise}} Method},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Fecher, T. and Goiginger, H. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I. and Mayerhofer, R. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{K{\"o}ln}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {6.10.2010}

  • A. Ernst and W. -D. Schuh, “Analyse von Zeitlichen Variationen Bei Unregelm\dbend\dbendig Vorliegenden R\dbendumlichen Daten,” in Geodätische Woche, {Köln}, 2010.
    title = {Analyse von Zeitlichen {{Variationen}} Bei Unregelm{\dbend}{\dbend}ig Vorliegenden R{\dbend}umlichen {{Daten}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Ernst, A. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{K{\"o}ln}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {7.10.2010}

  • S. Halsig, A. Ernst, and W. -D. Schuh, “Identifikation von Identischen Punkten in Höhennetzen Aus Mehreren Epochen,” in Geodätische Woche, {Köln}, 2010.
    title = {Identifikation von Identischen {{Punkten}} in {{H{\"o}hennetzen}} Aus Mehreren {{Epochen}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Halsig, S. and Ernst, A. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{K{\"o}ln}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {7.10.2010}

  • I. Krasbutter, J. M. Brockmann, W. -D. Schuh, L. {Roese-Koerner}, and B. Kargoll, “WP 130: GOCE in-Situ Ausgleichung: Von Kalibrierten Messdaten Zum Erdschwerefeld,” in REAL GOCE 2. Projekttreffen, {München}, 2010.
    title = {{{WP}} 130: {{GOCE}} in-Situ {{Ausgleichung}}: {{Von}} Kalibrierten {{Messdaten}} Zum {{Erdschwerefeld}}},
    booktitle = {{{REAL GOCE}} 2. {{Projekttreffen}}},
    author = {Krasbutter, I and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D. and {Roese-Koerner}, L. and Kargoll, B.},
    year = {2010},
    series = {2. {{Projekttreffen}}},
    address = {{M{\"u}nchen}},
    owner = {ina},
    annotation = {15.3.2010}

  • I. Krasbutter, J. M. Brockmann, W. -D. Schuh, and B. Kargoll, “WP 130: GOCE in-Situ Ausgleichung: Von Kalibrierten Messdaten Zum Erdschwerefeld,” in REAL GOCE 3. Projekttreffen, {Stuttgart}, 2010.
    title = {{{WP}} 130: {{GOCE}} in-Situ {{Ausgleichung}}: {{Von}} Kalibrierten {{Messdaten}} Zum {{Erdschwerefeld}}},
    booktitle = {{{REAL GOCE}} 3. {{Projekttreffen}}},
    author = {Krasbutter, I and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D. and Kargoll, B.},
    year = {2010},
    series = {3. {{Projekttreffen}}},
    address = {{Stuttgart}},
    owner = {ina},
    annotation = {23.9.2010}

  • I. Krasbutter, W. -D. Schuh, B. Kargoll, and J. M. Brockmann, “Statistische Analyse Der Ersten GOCE Residuen,” in Geodätische Woche, {Köln}, 2010.
    title = {Statistische {{Analyse}} Der Ersten {{GOCE Residuen}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Krasbutter, I. and Schuh, W.-D. and Kargoll, B. and Brockmann, J.M.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{K{\"o}ln}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {6.10.2010}

  • L. {Roese-Koerner}, B. Devaraju, N. Sneeuw, and W. -D. Schuh, “Quality Description of Inequality Constrained Least-Squares Estimates,” in Geodätische Woche, {Köln}, 2010.
    title = {Quality Description of Inequality Constrained Least-Squares Estimates},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {{Roese-Koerner}, L. and Devaraju, B. and Sneeuw, N. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{K{\"o}ln}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {7.10.2010}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Rigorous Data Fusion of Band-Limited Data Sets from Multi-Satellite Missions,” in PaSCo, {Paderborn}, 2010.
    title = {Rigorous Data Fusion of Band-Limited Data Sets from Multi-Satellite Missions},
    booktitle = {{{PaSCo}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{Paderborn}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {23.11.2010 (invited)}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Filtering of Correlated Data – Stochastical Considerations within GOCE Data Processing,” in GOCE -Summerschool, {Herrsching}, 2010.
    title = {Filtering of Correlated Data - Stochastical Considerations within {{GOCE}} Data {{Processing}}},
    booktitle = {{{GOCE}} -{{Summerschool}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{Herrsching}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {3.6.2010}

  • W. -D. Schuh, J. M. Brockmann, B. Kargoll, I. Krasbutter, and R. Pail, “Refinement of the Stochastic Model of GOCE Scientific Data and Its Effect on the In-Situ Gravity Field Solution,” in ESA Living Planet Symposium, {Bergen}, 2010.
    title = {Refinement of the Stochastic Model of {{GOCE}} Scientific Data and Its Effect on the In-Situ Gravity Field Solution},
    booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Symposium}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I. and Pail, R.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{Bergen}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {29.6.2010}

  • W. -D. Schuh, B. Kargoll, and J. M. Brockmann, “Die Satellitenmission GOCE – Status Und Erste Schwerefeldlösungen,” in GeoDarmstadt 2010, {Darmstadt}, 2010.
    title = {Die {{Satellitenmission GOCE}} - {{Status}} Und Erste {{Schwerefeldl{\"o}sungen}}},
    booktitle = {{{GeoDarmstadt}} 2010},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Kargoll, B. and Brockmann, J.M.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{Darmstadt}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {11.10.2010}

  • W. -D. Schuh and B. Kargoll, “REAL-GOCE Statusreport,” in BMBF Geotechnologien Statusseminar, {Bonn}, 2010.
    title = {{{REAL-GOCE Statusreport}}},
    booktitle = {{{BMBF Geotechnologien Statusseminar}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Kargoll, B.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{Bonn}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {4.10.2010}


  • S. Becker and W. -D. Schuh, “Rigorous Fusion of Gravity Field into Stationary Ocean Models (RIFUGIO),” in DFG-SPP 1257 Colloquium ”Mass Transport and Mass Distribution in the Earth System”, {Eitorf}, 2009.
    title = {Rigorous Fusion of Gravity Field into Stationary Ocean Models ({{RIFUGIO}})},
    booktitle = {{{DFG-SPP}} 1257 {{Colloquium}} ''{{Mass}} Transport and Mass Distribution in the {{Earth}} System''},
    author = {Becker, S. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2009},
    address = {{Eitorf}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {30.6.2009}

  • A. Ernst and W. -D. Schuh, “The Effect of Reordering Strategies on Rounding Errors in Large, Sparse Equation Systems,” in VII Hotine-Marussi Symposium, Rome, {Chania}, 2009.
    title = {The Effect of Reordering Strategies on Rounding Errors in Large, Sparse Equation Systems},
    booktitle = {{{VII Hotine-Marussi Symposium}}, {{Rome}}},
    author = {Ernst, A. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2009},
    address = {{Chania}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {8.7.2009}

  • I. Krasbutter, L. {Roese-Koerner}, and W. -D. Schuh, “Filterdesign Mit Quadratischen Programmen Am Beispiel Der GOCE Messreihen,” in Geod\dbendtisches Integrationsseminar, 2009.
    title = {Filterdesign Mit Quadratischen {{Programmen}} Am {{Beispiel}} Der {{GOCE Messreihen}}},
    booktitle = {{{Geod}}{\dbend}tisches {{Integrationsseminar}}},
    author = {Krasbutter, I. and {Roese-Koerner}, L. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2009},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {19.11.2009}

  • L. {Roese-Koerner} and W. -D. Schuh, “Quadratische Programmierung Mit Ungleichungen Als Restriktionen,” in Geodätische Woche, {Karlsruhe}, 2009.
    title = {Quadratische {{Programmierung}} Mit {{Ungleichungen}} Als {{Restriktionen}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {{Roese-Koerner}, L. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2009},
    address = {{Karlsruhe}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {24.09.2009}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “GOCE – Vom Traum Zur Wirklichkeit (GOCE Ist Im Orbit – Die Wissenschaftliche Auswertung Der Messdaten Kann Beginnen),” in Dies Academicus, Universit\dbendt Bonn, 2009.
    title = {{{GOCE}} - {{Vom Traum}} Zur {{Wirklichkeit}} ({{GOCE}} Ist Im {{Orbit}} - {{Die}} Wissenschaftliche {{Auswertung}} Der {{Messdaten}} Kann Beginnen)},
    booktitle = {Dies Academicus, {{Universit}}{\dbend}t {{Bonn}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2009},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {27.5.2009}


  • J. M. Brockmann and W. -D. Schuh, “Integration von Punktweiser Schwereinformation in Globale Erdschwerefeldmodelle,” in Geodätische Woche, {Bremen}, 2008.
    title = {Integration von Punktweiser {{Schwereinformation}} in Globale {{Erdschwerefeldmodelle}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2008},
    address = {{Bremen}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {30.9.2008}

  • W. -D. Schuh and S. Becker, “Consistent Integration of Global Gravity Field Information into Earth Process Models (INTERMOD),” in DFG-SPP 1257 Colloquium ”Mass Transport and Mass Distribution in the Earth System”, {Munich}, 2008.
    title = {Consistent Integration of Global Gravity Field Information into {{Earth}} Process Models ({{INTERMOD}})},
    booktitle = {{{DFG-SPP}} 1257 {{Colloquium}} ''{{Mass}} Transport and Mass Distribution in the {{Earth}} System''},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Becker, S.},
    year = {2008},
    address = {{Munich}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {6.10.2008}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Hochauflösende Globale Erdschwerefeldmodelle – Eine Herausforderung an Das Wissenschaftliche Rechnen,” in Geodätisches Kolloquium, {Leibniz Universität Hannover}, 2008.
    title = {Hochaufl{\"o}sende Globale {{Erdschwerefeldmodelle}} - Eine {{Herausforderung}} an Das Wissenschaftliche {{Rechnen}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tisches {{Kolloquium}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2008},
    address = {{Leibniz Universit{\"a}t Hannover}},
    annotation = {6.5.2008 (invited)}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Spherical Harmonic Analysis with Heterogenous Data Sets – Numerical and Stochastical Considerations within GOCE Data Processing,” in 13\textsuperscriptth SWARM Mission Advisory Group Meeting, {DSU Copenhagen}, 2008.
    title = {Spherical Harmonic Analysis with Heterogenous Data Sets - Numerical and Stochastical Considerations within {{GOCE}} Data Processing},
    booktitle = {13{\textsuperscript{th}} {{SWARM}} Mission {{Advisory Group Meeting}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2008},
    address = {{DSU Copenhagen}},
    annotation = {13.6.2008 (invited)}

  • W. -D. Schuh, S. Becker, and B. Kargoll, “Complete Models and Unbiased Estimable Functions from Satellite-Only Gravity Field Models,” in IAG International Symposium on ”Geodesy, Geoid and Earth Observation”, {Chania}, 2008.
    title = {Complete Models and Unbiased Estimable Functions from Satellite-Only Gravity Field Models},
    booktitle = {{{IAG International Symposium}} on ''{{Geodesy}}, {{Geoid}} and {{Earth Observation}}''},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Becker, S. and Kargoll, B.},
    year = {2008},
    address = {{Chania}},
    annotation = {23.6.2008}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “B\v oskovíc Statt Gau\dbend –- Ein Alternatives Ausgleichungsprinzip Und Seine St\dbendrken,” in F\dbendrderkreis Vermessungstechnisches Museum, {Museum f{\dbend}r Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Dortmund}, 2007.
    title = {B{\v o}skov{\'i}c Statt {{Gau}}{\dbend} --- {{Ein}} Alternatives {{Ausgleichungsprinzip}} Und Seine {{St}}{\dbend}rken},
    booktitle = {{{F}}{\dbend}rderkreis {{Vermessungstechnisches Museum}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2007},
    address = {{Museum f{\dbend}r Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Dortmund}},
    annotation = {12.2.2007 (invited)}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Wissenschaftliches Hochleistungsrechnen Am IGG/Universität Bonn,” in Geodätisches Integrationsseminar, {Universität Bonn}, 2007.
    title = {Wissenschaftliches {{Hochleistungsrechnen}} Am {{IGG}}/{{Universit{\"a}t Bonn}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tisches {{Integrationsseminar}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2007},
    address = {{Universit{\"a}t Bonn}},
    annotation = {26.4.2007}

  • W. -D. Schuh and S. Becker, “Estimable Functions from Gridded Earth Gravity Field Information,” in Joint International GSTM and DFG-SPP Symposium, {GFZ Potsdam}, 2007.
    title = {Estimable {{Functions}} from {{Gridded Earth Gravity Field Information}}},
    booktitle = {Joint {{International GSTM}} and {{DFG-SPP Symposium}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Becker, S.},
    year = {2007},
    address = {{GFZ Potsdam}},
    annotation = {15.10.2007}


  • W. -D. Schuh, H. Alkhatib, C. Boxhammer, B. Kargoll, C. Siemes, O.Baur, and N. Sneeuw, “Numerical Challenges for GOCE Data Analysis,” in Geotechnologien Status-Seminar, {Bonn}, 2006.
    title = {Numerical {{Challenges}} for {{GOCE Data Analysis}}},
    booktitle = {Geotechnologien {{Status-Seminar}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Alkhatib, H. and Boxhammer, Ch and Kargoll, B. and Siemes, Ch and {O.Baur} and Sneeuw, N.},
    year = {2006},
    address = {{Bonn}},
    annotation = {18.9.2006}

  • W. -D. Schuh, C. Boxhammer, and C. Siemes, “Correlations, Variances, Covariances –- from GOCE Signals to GOCE Products,” in 3\textsuperscriptrd GOCE User Workshop, {ESA Frascati}, 2006.
    title = {Correlations, Variances, Covariances --- from {{GOCE}} Signals to {{GOCE}} Products},
    booktitle = {3{\textsuperscript{rd}} {{GOCE}} User Workshop},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Boxhammer, Ch and Siemes, Ch},
    year = {2006},
    address = {{ESA Frascati}},
    annotation = {8.11.2006}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “B\v oskovíc Statt Gauss: Ein Alternatives Ausgleichsprinzip Und Seine St\dbendrken,” in ETH Z\dbendrich, Seminar Geomatik (Invited), {Zürich}, 2006.
    title = {B{\v o}skov{\'i}c Statt {{Gauss}}: {{Ein}} Alternatives {{Ausgleichsprinzip}} Und Seine {{St}}{\dbend}rken},
    booktitle = {{{ETH Z}}{\dbend}rich, {{Seminar Geomatik}} (Invited)},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2006},
    address = {{Z{\"u}rich}},
    annotation = {27.01.2006}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Parametersch\dbendtzung Nach B\v osković,” in Geodätisches Integrationsseminar, {Universität Bonn}, 2006.
    title = {{{Parametersch}}{\dbend}tzung Nach {{B{\v o}skovi{\'c}}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tisches {{Integrationsseminar}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2006},
    address = {{Universit{\"a}t Bonn}},
    annotation = {27.4.2006}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Verallgemeinerter Median Zur Robusten Parameterschätzung,” in Geodätische Woche, {München}, 2006.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    title = {Verallgemeinerter {{Median}} Zur Robusten {{Parametersch{\"a}tzung}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2006},
    address = {{M{\"u}nchen}},
    url = {},
    annotation = {schuh\textsubscript{v}06d}


  • H. Alkhatib and W. -D. Schuh, “Zur Schätzung Der Kovarianzinformation von Iterativ Geschätzten Parametern in Großen Linearen Modellen,” in Geodätische Woche, {Düsseldorf}, 2005.
    title = {Zur {{Sch{\"a}tzung}} Der {{Kovarianzinformation}} von Iterativ Gesch{\"a}tzten {{Parametern}} in Gro{\ss}en Linearen {{Modellen}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Alkhatib, H. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2005},
    address = {{D{\"u}sseldorf}},
    annotation = {5.10.2005}

  • C. Boxhammer, R. Pail, W. -D. Schuh, and M. Wermuth, “WP6000: Gravity Field Determination – Time Wise Approach: Algorithm & Sub-System Test Review,” in GOCE-HPF: ATR2-SSTR1-IPM \#6, {POLIMI Milano}, 2005.
    title = {{{WP6000}}: {{Gravity Field Determination}} - {{Time Wise Approach}}: {{Algorithm}} \& {{Sub-System Test Review}}},
    booktitle = {{{GOCE-HPF}}: {{ATR2-SSTR1-IPM}} \#6},
    author = {Boxhammer, C. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D. and Wermuth, M.},
    year = {2005},
    address = {{POLIMI Milano}},
    annotation = {6.-8.6.2005}

  • W. -D. Schuh, C. Boxhammer, and C. Siemes, “E2E Data Simulations –- SGG-only Solutions,” in GOCE-HPF, Progress Meeting \#4, {CNES, Toulouse}, 2005.
    title = {{{E2E Data Simulations}} --- {{SGG-only}} Solutions},
    booktitle = {{{GOCE-HPF}}, {{Progress Meeting}} \#4},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Boxhammer, Ch and Siemes, Ch},
    year = {2005},
    address = {{CNES, Toulouse}},
    annotation = {22.4.2005}

  • W. -D. Schuh and A. Kunoth, “Retrival, Monitoring, \dbendhnlichkeiten,” in REMO-Projekttreffen (Komplexe Retrieval- Und Monitoringszenarien in Wissenschaft Und Technik), {Universität Bonn}, 2005.
    title = {Retrival, {{Monitoring}}, {\dbend}hnlichkeiten},
    booktitle = {{{REMO-Projekttreffen}} ({{Komplexe Retrieval-}} Und {{Monitoringszenarien}} in {{Wissenschaft}} Und {{Technik}})},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Kunoth, A.},
    year = {2005},
    address = {{Universit{\"a}t Bonn}},
    annotation = {1.3.2005}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Adaptive Optimierung Der GOCE Schwerefeldmodellierung Und Implementierung Der Operationellen Auswertesoftware Pcgma,” in GOCE GRAND II, Kick-Off Meeting, {München}, 2005.
    title = {Adaptive {{Optimierung}} Der {{GOCE Schwerefeldmodellierung}} Und {{Implementierung}} Der Operationellen {{Auswertesoftware}} Pcgma},
    booktitle = {{{GOCE GRAND II}}, {{Kick-Off Meeting}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2005},
    address = {{M{\"u}nchen}},
    annotation = {14.11.2005}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Konsistente Integration Der Erdschwerefeldinformation in Numerische Erdproze\dbendmodelle,” in DFG Rundgespr\dbendche, SPP 1257, {Potsdam}, 2005.
    title = {Konsistente {{Integration}} Der {{Erdschwerefeldinformation}} in Numerische {{Erdproze}}{\dbend}modelle},
    booktitle = {{{DFG Rundgespr}}{\dbend}che, {{SPP}} 1257},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2005},
    address = {{Potsdam}},
    annotation = {28.11.2005}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Hochaufl\dbendsende Kombinierte Erdschwerefeldmodelle,” in DFG Rundgespr\dbendche, SPP 1257, {Potsdam}, 2005.
    title = {{{Hochaufl}}{\dbend}sende Kombinierte {{Erdschwerefeldmodelle}}},
    booktitle = {{{DFG Rundgespr}}{\dbend}che, {{SPP}} 1257},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2005},
    address = {{Potsdam}},
    annotation = {28.11.2005}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Hochaufl\dbendsendes Erdschwerefeld \dbendber Satellitenverfahren –- Eine Herausforderung an Das Wissenschaftliche Rechnen,” in Universität Bonn, Dies Academicus, {Bonn}, 2005.
    title = {{{Hochaufl}}{\dbend}sendes {{Erdschwerefeld}} {\dbend}ber {{Satellitenverfahren}} --- {{Eine Herausforderung}} an Das Wissenschaftliche {{Rechnen}}},
    booktitle = {Universit{\"a}t {{Bonn}}, Dies Academicus},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2005},
    address = {{Bonn}},
    annotation = {7.12.2005}


  • W. -D. Schuh, H. Alkhatib, C. Boxhammer, and B. Kargoll, “Prozessierungskette – GOCE Tuning Machine,” in GOCE-GRAND. 4. Projekttreffen, {Potsdam}, 2004.
    title = {Prozessierungskette - {{GOCE Tuning Machine}}},
    booktitle = {{{GOCE-GRAND}}. 4. {{Projekttreffen}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Alkhatib, H. and Boxhammer, C. and Kargoll, B.},
    year = {2004},
    address = {{Potsdam}},
    annotation = {29.-30.3.2004}

  • W. -D. Schuh and A. Kunoth, “Multiskalenapproximation von Satellitendaten Zur Globalen Erschwerefeldbestimmung,” in REMO-Projektvorstellung (Komplexe Retrieval- Und Monitoringszenarien in Wissenschaft Und Technik), Begutachtungbegehung, {Universität Bonn}, 2004.
    title = {Multiskalenapproximation von {{Satellitendaten}} Zur Globalen {{Erschwerefeldbestimmung}}},
    booktitle = {{{REMO-Projektvorstellung}} ({{Komplexe Retrieval-}} Und {{Monitoringszenarien}} in {{Wissenschaft}} Und {{Technik}}), {{Begutachtungbegehung}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Kunoth, A.},
    year = {2004},
    address = {{Universit{\"a}t Bonn}},
    annotation = {13.7.2004}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Globale Erdschwerefeldbestimmung Aus Satellitendaten –- Maßgeschneiderte, Parallele Techniken Zur Sphärischen, Harmonischen Analyse,” in Geowissenschaftliches Rechnen. Projekttreffen, {Bonn}, 2004.
    title = {Globale {{Erdschwerefeldbestimmung}} Aus {{Satellitendaten}} --- Ma{\ss}geschneiderte, Parallele {{Techniken}} Zur Sph{\"a}rischen, Harmonischen {{Analyse}}},
    booktitle = {Geowissenschaftliches {{Rechnen}}. {{Projekttreffen}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2004},
    address = {{Bonn}},
    annotation = {10.4.2004}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “GOCE Gravity Field Modelling: A Challange to Calculus,” in Statusseminar Geotechnologien, {Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam}, 2004.
    title = {{{GOCE}} Gravity Field Modelling: {{A}} Challange to Calculus},
    booktitle = {Statusseminar {{Geotechnologien}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2004},
    address = {{Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam}},
    annotation = {5.7.2004}


  • W. -D. Schuh and H. Alkhatib, “Varianz-Kovarianz Informationen Des Schwerefeldes: Informationsgehalt Und Darstellungsm\dbendglichkeiten,” in GOCE/CryoSat-Workshop, {Friedrichshafen}, 2003.
    title = {Varianz-{{Kovarianz Informationen}} Des {{Schwerefeldes}}: {{Informationsgehalt}} Und {{Darstellungsm}}{\dbend}glichkeiten},
    booktitle = {{{GOCE}}/{{CryoSat-Workshop}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Alkhatib, H.},
    year = {2003},
    address = {{Friedrichshafen}},
    annotation = {4.-5.11.2003}

  • W. -D. Schuh, H. Alkhatib, C. Boxhammer, and B. Kargoll, “GOCE Schwerefeldanalyse: Tuning Machine,” in Geodätische Woche, {Hamburg}, 2003.
    title = {{{GOCE Schwerefeldanalyse}}: {{Tuning Machine}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Alkhatib, H. and Boxhammer, C. and Kargoll, B.},
    year = {2003},
    address = {{Hamburg}},
    annotation = {16.-19.9.2003}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Auswertung Der Differentiellen Beschleunigungsmessungen Mit Einem Numerischen Ansatz,” in GOCE-GRAND. 2. Projektmeeting. TU München / BMBF, {München}, 2003.
    title = {Auswertung Der Differentiellen {{Beschleunigungsmessungen}} Mit Einem Numerischen {{Ansatz}}},
    booktitle = {{{GOCE-GRAND}}. 2. {{Projektmeeting}}. {{TU M{\"u}nchen}} / {{BMBF}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2003},
    address = {{M{\"u}nchen}},
    annotation = {11.6.2003}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “GOCE: Gravity Field Determination – Simulation Studies,” in Statusseminar Geotechnologien. TU München / BMBF, {München}, 2003.
    title = {{{GOCE}}: {{Gravity Field Determination}} - {{Simulation Studies}}},
    booktitle = {Statusseminar {{Geotechnologien}}. {{TU M{\"u}nchen}} / {{BMBF}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2003},
    address = {{M{\"u}nchen}},
    annotation = {13.6.2003}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “GOCE – Hintergründe Und Entwicklungen Der Ersten Mission Des “Living Planet Program” Der ESA,” in Geodätisches Integrationsseminar, {Universität Bonn}, 2003.
    title = {{{GOCE}} - {{Hintergr{\"u}nde}} Und {{Entwicklungen}} Der Ersten {{Mission}} Des "{{Living Planet Program}}" Der {{ESA}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tisches {{Integrationsseminar}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2003},
    address = {{Universit{\"a}t Bonn}},
    annotation = {26.6.2003}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “… Und Sie Bewegt Sich Doch! Vermessung Des Systems Erde,” in Schnupper-Uni Für Schülerinnen, {Universität Bonn}, 2002.
    title = {... Und Sie Bewegt Sich Doch! {{Vermessung}} Des {{Systems Erde}}},
    booktitle = {Schnupper-{{Uni}} F{\"u}r {{Sch{\"u}lerinnen}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2002},
    address = {{Universit{\"a}t Bonn}},
    annotation = {6.2.2002}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Improved Modeling of SGG-data Sets by Advanced Filter Strategies,” in From Eötvös to mGal+. 3rd Progress Meeting ESA, {Graz}, 2002.
    title = {Improved Modeling of {{SGG-data}} Sets by Advanced Filter Strategies},
    booktitle = {From {{E{\"o}tv{\"o}s}} to {{mGal}}+. 3rd {{Progress Meeting ESA}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2002},
    address = {{Graz}},
    annotation = {8.2.2002}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “The Processing of Band-Limited Measurements; Filter Techniques in the Least Squares Context and in the Presence of Data Gaps,” in ISSI Workshop “` Earth Gravity Field from Space”`. International Space Science Institute (Invited), {Bern}, 2002.
    title = {The Processing of Band-Limited Measurements; Filter Techniques in the Least Squares Context and in the Presence of Data Gaps},
    booktitle = {{{ISSI Workshop}} "` {{Earth Gravity Field}} from {{Space}}"`. {{International Space Science Institute}} (Invited)},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2002},
    address = {{Bern}},
    annotation = {13.3.2002}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Auswertung Der Differentiellen Beschleunigungsmessungen Mit Einem Numerischen Ansatz,” in GOCE-GRAND Kick-Off Meeting. TU München / BMBF, {München}, 2002.
    title = {Auswertung Der Differentiellen {{Beschleunigungsmessungen}} Mit Einem Numerischen {{Ansatz}}},
    booktitle = {{{GOCE-GRAND Kick-Off Meeting}}. {{TU M{\"u}nchen}} / {{BMBF}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2002},
    address = {{M{\"u}nchen}},
    annotation = {12.4.2002}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “The Numerical Treatment of the Downward Continuation Problem for the Gravity Potential,” in V. Hotine-Marussi-Symposium, IAG Section IV (Invited), {Matera, Italien}, 2002.
    title = {The Numerical Treatment of the Downward Continuation Problem for the Gravity Potential},
    booktitle = {V. {{Hotine-Marussi-Symposium}}, {{IAG Section IV}} (Invited)},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2002},
    address = {{Matera, Italien}},
    annotation = {17.6.2002}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Improved Modeling of SGG-data Sets,” in From Eötvös to mGal+. Final Meeting ESA, {Noordwijk}, 2002.
    title = {Improved Modeling of {{SGG-data}} Sets},
    booktitle = {From {{E{\"o}tv{\"o}s}} to {{mGal}}+. {{Final Meeting ESA}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2002},
    address = {{Noordwijk}},
    annotation = {2.10.2002}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Signalverarbeitung Im Zeit- Oder Frequenzbereich?,” in Geodätisches Integrationsseminar, {Universität Bonn}, 2001.
    title = {Signalverarbeitung Im {{Zeit-}} Oder {{Frequenzbereich}}?},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tisches {{Integrationsseminar}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2001},
    address = {{Universit{\"a}t Bonn}},
    annotation = {6.2.2001}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Improved Modeling of SGG-data Sets by Advanced Filter Strategies,” in From Eötvös to MGal+. 2nd Progress Meeting ESA, {Graz}, 2001.
    title = {Improved Modeling of {{SGG-data}} Sets by Advanced Filter Strategies},
    booktitle = {From {{E{\"o}tv{\"o}s}} to {{MGal}}+. 2nd {{Progress Meeting ESA}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2001},
    address = {{Graz}},
    annotation = {25.6.2001}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Rekonstruktion Des Erdschwerefeldes Durch Simulierte GOCE-Daten,” in 1. Deutscher GOCE-Workshop. GOCE-Projektbüro München, {Graz}, 2001.
    title = {Rekonstruktion Des {{Erdschwerefeldes}} Durch Simulierte {{GOCE-Daten}}},
    booktitle = {1. {{Deutscher GOCE-Workshop}}. {{GOCE-Projektb{\"u}ro M{\"u}nchen}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2001},
    address = {{Graz}},
    annotation = {18.9.2001}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Improved Modeling of SGG-data Sets by Advanced Filter Strategies,” in From Eötvös to MGal+. Midterm Meeting ESA, {Graz}, 2001.
    title = {Improved Modeling of {{SGG-data}} Sets by Advanced Filter Strategies},
    booktitle = {From {{E{\"o}tv{\"o}s}} to {{MGal}}+. {{Midterm Meeting ESA}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2001},
    address = {{Graz}},
    annotation = {29.9.2001}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Scientific Data Processing Algorithms,” in From Eötvös to MGal Final Presentation, ESA,ESTEC, {Noordwijk}, 2000.
    title = {Scientific {{Data Processing Algorithms}}},
    booktitle = {From {{E{\"o}tv{\"o}s}} to {{MGal Final Presentation}}, {{ESA}},{{ESTEC}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2000},
    address = {{Noordwijk}},
    annotation = {7.3.2000}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “High-Degree Spherical Harmonic Analysis for Correlated Measurements,” in XXV General Assembly, EGS, {Nice}, 2000.
    title = {High-Degree {{Spherical Harmonic Analysis}} for {{Correlated Measurements}}},
    booktitle = {{{XXV General Assembly}}, {{EGS}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2000},
    address = {{Nice}},
    annotation = {25.4.2000}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Numerical Solution Strategies for Global Gravity Field Determination,” in 8. Alpengravimetrie-Kolloquium, MU Leoben, {Leoben}, 2000.
    title = {Numerical {{Solution Strategies}} for {{Global Gravity Field Determination}}},
    booktitle = {8. {{Alpengravimetrie-Kolloquium}}, {{MU Leoben}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2000},
    address = {{Leoben}},
    annotation = {4.5.2000}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Theoretische Geodäsie – Angewandte Theorie,” in Dies Academicus, Antrittsvorlesung, {Universität Bonn}, 2000.
    title = {Theoretische {{Geod{\"a}sie}} - {{Angewandte Theorie}}},
    booktitle = {Dies {{Academicus}}, {{Antrittsvorlesung}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2000},
    address = {{Universit{\"a}t Bonn}},
    annotation = {6.12.2000}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Improved Modeling of SGG-data Sets by Advanced Filter Strategies,” in From Eötvös to MGal+. 1st Progress Meeting ESA, {Graz}, 2000.
    title = {Improved Modeling of {{SGG-data}} Sets by Advanced Filter Strategies},
    booktitle = {From {{E{\"o}tv{\"o}s}} to {{MGal}}+. 1st {{Progress Meeting ESA}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2000},
    address = {{Graz}},
    annotation = {11.12.2000}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Analytische Geodäsie – Geodätische Analyse,” in Probevorlesung, Uni Bonn, {Bonn}, 1999.
    title = {Analytische {{Geod{\"a}sie}} - {{Geod{\"a}tische Analyse}}},
    booktitle = {Probevorlesung, {{Uni Bonn}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1999},
    address = {{Bonn}},
    annotation = {30.4.1999}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Satellitengeodsie – TU Graz,” in Tag Der Offenen T\dbendr, TU Graz, {Graz}, 1999.
    title = {Satellitengeodsie - {{TU Graz}}},
    booktitle = {Tag Der Offenen {{T}}{\dbend}r, {{TU Graz}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1999},
    address = {{Graz}},
    annotation = {5.7.1999}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Scientific Data Processing Algorithms,” in From Eötvös to MGal Progress Presentation, ESA/ESTEC, {Noordwijk}, 1999.
    title = {Scientific {{Data Processing Algorithms}}},
    booktitle = {From {{E{\"o}tv{\"o}s}} to {{MGal Progress Presentation}}, {{ESA}}/{{ESTEC}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1999},
    address = {{Noordwijk}},
    annotation = {28.9.1999}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Analytische Geodäsie – Geodätische Analyse,” in Probevorlesung, TU Wien, {Wien}, 1998.
    title = {Analytische {{Geod{\"a}sie}} - {{Geod{\"a}tische Analyse}}},
    booktitle = {Probevorlesung, {{TU Wien}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1998},
    address = {{Wien}},
    annotation = {3.6.1998}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Globale Erdmodelle Bei Unregelm\dbend\dbendiger Datenverteilung,” in Geodätische Woche, TU Berlin, {Berlin}, 1997.
    title = {Globale {{Erdmodelle}} Bei Unregelm{\dbend}{\dbend}iger {{Datenverteilung}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}, {{TU Berlin}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1997},
    address = {{Berlin}},
    annotation = {9.10.1997}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Modeling of Bandlimited Observation Series,” in CIGAR IV, Midterm Meeting, Refinement of Iterative Procedures for the Reduction of Gravity Data, ESA, {Graz}, 1996.
    title = {Modeling of {{Bandlimited Observation Series}}},
    booktitle = {{{CIGAR IV}}, {{Midterm Meeting}}, {{Refinement}} of {{Iterative Procedures}} for the {{Reduction}} of {{Gravity Data}}, {{ESA}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1996},
    address = {{Graz}},
    annotation = {15.1.1996}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Computional Concepts of the Iterative Procedures for the Reduction of Gravity Data,” in CIGAR IV, Progress Meeting Refinement of Iterative Procedures for the Reduction of Gravity Data, ESA, {Zürich}, 1996.
    title = {Computional {{Concepts}} of the {{Iterative Procedures}} for the {{Reduction}} of {{Gravity Data}}},
    booktitle = {{{CIGAR IV}}, {{Progress Meeting Refinement}} of {{Iterative Procedures}} for the {{Reduction}} of {{Gravity Data}}, {{ESA}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1996},
    address = {{Z{\"u}rich}},
    annotation = {16.4.1996}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Refinement of Iterative Procedures for the Reduction of Gravimetry Data,” in CIGAR IV, Final Presentation, ESA, ESTEC, {Noordwijk}, 1996.
    title = {Refinement of {{Iterative Procedures}} for the {{Reduction}} of {{Gravimetry Data}}},
    booktitle = {{{CIGAR IV}}, {{Final Presentation}}, {{ESA}}, {{ESTEC}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1996},
    address = {{Noordwijk}},
    annotation = {8.7.1996}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Problemorientierte Numerische L\dbendsungsstrategien Zur Bestimmung Des Globalen Erdschwerefeldes,” in Habilitationskolloquium, Fakultät F\dbendr Bauingenieurwesen, {Graz}, 1996.
    title = {Problemorientierte Numerische {{L}}{\dbend}sungsstrategien Zur {{Bestimmung}} Des Globalen {{Erdschwerefeldes}}},
    booktitle = {Habilitationskolloquium, {{Fakult{\"a}t}} F{\dbend}r {{Bauingenieurwesen}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1996},
    address = {{Graz}},
    annotation = {25.10.1996}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Rigorous Least Squares Adjustment of High Degree Spherical Harmonics,” in Interdisciplinary Inversion Conference, {Aarhus}, 1995.
    title = {Rigorous {{Least Squares Adjustment}} of {{High Degree Spherical Harmonics}}},
    booktitle = {Interdisciplinary {{Inversion Conference}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1995},
    address = {{Aarhus}},
    annotation = {23.5.1995}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Computational Geodesy as a Tool for Solving Problems within Satellite Gravity Field Missions,” in Mathematische Methoden in Der Geodäsie, {Oberwolfach}, 1995.
    title = {Computational {{Geodesy}} as a {{Tool}} for {{Solving Problems}} within {{Satellite Gravity Field Missions}}},
    booktitle = {Mathematische {{Methoden}} in Der {{Geod{\"a}sie}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1995},
    address = {{Oberwolfach}},
    annotation = {4.10.1995}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Spectral Analysis of Satellite Gravity Gradiometry Observation Equations,” in CIGAR IV, First Progress Meeting, Refinement of Iterative Procedures for the Reductionof Gravity Data, ESA, {Delft}, 1995.
    title = {Spectral {{Analysis}} of {{Satellite Gravity Gradiometry Observation Equations}}},
    booktitle = {{{CIGAR IV}}, {{First Progress Meeting}}, {{Refinement}} of {{Iterative Procedures}} for the {{Reductionof Gravity Data}}, {{ESA}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1995},
    address = {{Delft}},
    annotation = {18.10.1995}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Processing of Grid Data,” in Commission I Symposium “`Primary Data Aquisition and Evalutaion”‘, ISPRS, {Como}, 1994.
    title = {Processing of {{Grid Data}}},
    booktitle = {Commission {{I Symposium}} "`{{Primary Data Aquisition}} and {{Evalutaion}}"', {{ISPRS}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1994},
    address = {{Como}},
    annotation = {15.9.1994}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Improvement of Spatial Data,” in Commission I Workshop on Digital Sensors and Systems, ISPRS, {Trento}, 1993.
    title = {Improvement of {{Spatial Data}}},
    booktitle = {Commission {{I Workshop}} on {{Digital Sensors}} and {{Systems}}, {{ISPRS}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1993},
    address = {{Trento}},
    annotation = {22.6.1993}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Practicable Adjustment Techniques – Numerical Treatment,” in Commission I Workshop on Digital Sensors and Systems, ISPRS, {Trento}, 1993.
    title = {Practicable {{Adjustment Techniques}} - {{Numerical Treatment}}},
    booktitle = {Commission {{I Workshop}} on {{Digital Sensors}} and {{Systems}}, {{ISPRS}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1993},
    address = {{Trento}},
    annotation = {25.6.1993}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Programmsystem MATRIX,” in Produktpr\dbendsentation, MGGI, TU Graz, {Graz}, 1992.
    title = {Programmsystem {{MATRIX}}},
    booktitle = {{{Produktpr}}{\dbend}sentation, {{MGGI}}, {{TU Graz}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1992},
    address = {{Graz}},
    annotation = {15.10.1992}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Homogenisierung: Verwendung R\dbendumlicher Information Zur “`Verbesserung”‘der Dateninhalte,” in Grazer Geoinformatik-Tage `91, TU Graz, {Graz}, 1991.
    title = {Homogenisierung: {{Verwendung}} R{\dbend}umlicher {{Information}} Zur "`{{Verbesserung}}"'der {{Dateninhalte}}},
    booktitle = {Grazer {{Geoinformatik-Tage}} `91, {{TU Graz}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1991},
    address = {{Graz}},
    annotation = {25.1.1991}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Anschluss Ans Festpunktfeld,” in Arbeitsausschuss Amtliche Fehlergrenzen, BEV Wien, {Wien}, 1991.
    title = {Anschluss Ans {{Festpunktfeld}}},
    booktitle = {Arbeitsausschuss Amtliche {{Fehlergrenzen}}, {{BEV Wien}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1991},
    address = {{Wien}},
    annotation = {16.5.1991}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Numerical Behaviour of Covariance Matrices and Their Influence on Iterative Solution Techniques,” in 1st International Geoid Commission Symposium, Politecnico Di Milano, {Mailand}, 1990.
    title = {Numerical {{Behaviour}} of {{Covariance Matrices}} and Their {{Influence}} on {{Iterative Solution Techniques}}},
    booktitle = {1st {{International Geoid Commission Symposium}}, {{Politecnico}} Di {{Milano}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1990},
    address = {{Mailand}},
    annotation = {13.6.1990}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Special Topics of Optimization,” in Politecnico Di Milano, {Mailand}, 1989.
    title = {Special {{Topics}} of {{Optimization}}},
    booktitle = {Politecnico Di {{Milano}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1989},
    address = {{Mailand}},
    annotation = {12.1.1989}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Leistungsf\dbendhige Numerische Algorithmen F\dbendr Geod\dbendtisch-Geophysikalische Anwendungen,” in 5. Alpengravimetrie-Kolloquium, TU Graz, {Graz}, 1989.
    title = {{{Leistungsf}}{\dbend}hige Numerische {{Algorithmen}} F{\dbend}r Geod{\dbend}tisch-Geophysikalische {{Anwendungen}}},
    booktitle = {5. {{Alpengravimetrie-Kolloquium}}, {{TU Graz}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1989},
    address = {{Graz}},
    annotation = {6.4.1989}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Non Conventional Adjustment Techniques,” in Mathematical Aspects of Data Analysis, ISPRS, {Pisa}, 1989.
    title = {Non {{Conventional Adjustment Techniques}}},
    booktitle = {Mathematical {{Aspects}} of {{Data Analysis}}, {{ISPRS}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1989},
    address = {{Pisa}},
    annotation = {2.6.1989}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Mathematisch-Numerische Algorithmen – Ein Beitrag Zur Digitalkartographie,” in Stato Attuale e Prospettive Future Della Cartografia Numerica per La Grande Scala, SIFET, {Meran}, 1989.
    title = {Mathematisch-Numerische {{Algorithmen}} - Ein {{Beitrag}} Zur {{Digitalkartographie}}},
    booktitle = {Stato Attuale e Prospettive Future Della {{Cartografia Numerica}} per La Grande Scala, {{SIFET}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1989},
    address = {{Meran}},
    annotation = {27.9.1989}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Kollokation – Zu Rechenaufwendig?,” in GAMM-Tagung 1988, TU Wien, {Wien}, 1988.
    title = {Kollokation - Zu Rechenaufwendig?},
    booktitle = {{{GAMM-Tagung}} 1988, {{TU Wien}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1988},
    address = {{Wien}},
    annotation = {6.4.1988}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Effects of Planar Approximation in Local Gravity Field Determination,” in International Symposium on Instrumentation, Theory and Analyses for Integrated Geodesy, GGRI of Hung. Academy, {Sopron}, 1988.
    title = {Effects of {{Planar Approximation}} in {{Local Gravity Field Determination}}},
    booktitle = {International {{Symposium}} on {{Instrumentation}}, {{Theory}} and {{Analyses}} for {{Integrated Geodesy}}, {{GGRI}} of {{Hung}}. {{Academy}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1988},
    address = {{Sopron}},
    annotation = {17.5.1988}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Pr\dbenddiktion Und Kollokation Aus Praktischer Sicht,” in Ruhr-Universität, {Bochum}, 1986.
    title = {{{Pr}}{\dbend}diktion Und {{Kollokation}} Aus Praktischer {{Sicht}}},
    booktitle = {Ruhr-{{Universit{\"a}t}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1986},
    address = {{Bochum}},
    annotation = {28.11.1986}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Spektralmethoden Bei Beliebigen Ausgleichsproblemen,” in Geodätisches Fachseminar, TU Graz, {Planneralpe}, 1985.
    title = {Spektralmethoden Bei Beliebigen {{Ausgleichsproblemen}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tisches {{Fachseminar}}, {{TU Graz}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1985},
    address = {{Planneralpe}},
    annotation = {25.3.1985}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Transforming the L1-norm Adjustment of a Leveling Network into a Flow Problem,” in 7th International Symposium on Geodetic Computations, University of Cracow, {Krakau}, 1985.
    title = {Transforming the {{L1-norm Adjustment}} of a {{Leveling Network}} into a {{Flow Problem}}},
    booktitle = {7th {{International Symposium}} on {{Geodetic Computations}}, {{University}} of {{Cracow}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1985},
    address = {{Krakau}},
    annotation = {19.6.1985}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Linear Optimization, L1-norm Adjustment, Gross Error Detection,” in Politecnico Di Milano, {Mailand}, 1985.
    title = {Linear {{Optimization}}, {{L1-norm Adjustment}}, {{Gross Error Detection}}},
    booktitle = {Politecnico Di {{Milano}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1985},
    address = {{Mailand}},
    annotation = {16.10.1985}


  • W. -D. Schuh, “Automatische Bearbeitung Großer Beobachtungsmengen,” in Geodätisches Fachseminar, TU Graz, {Planneralpe}, 1984.
    title = {Automatische {{Bearbeitung}} Gro{\ss}er {{Beobachtungsmengen}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tisches {{Fachseminar}}, {{TU Graz}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1984},
    address = {{Planneralpe}},
    annotation = {14.3.1984}

  • W. -D. Schuh, “Quick Computation of Geodetic Networks Using Special Properties of the Eigenvalues,” in International School of Geodesy “`Optimisation and Design of Geodetic Networks”‘, Politecnico Di Milano, {Erice}, 1984.
    title = {Quick {{Computation}} of {{Geodetic Networks}} Using Special {{Properties}} of the {{Eigenvalues}}},
    booktitle = {International {{School}} of {{Geodesy}} "`{{Optimisation}} and {{Design}} of {{Geodetic Networks}}"', {{Politecnico}} Di {{Milano}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {1984},
    address = {{Erice}},
    annotation = {7.5.1984}

List of Posters


  • J. M. Brockmann, M. Borlinghaus, C. Neyers, and W. -D. Schuh, On the Use of Surface Current Observations for the Joint Estimation of Geodetic Mean Dynamic Topography Models and the Geoid{Frascati, Italy}: , 2022.
    [BibTeX] [Download PDF]
    type = {Poster},
    title = {On the Use of Surface Current Observations for the Joint Estimation of Geodetic Mean Dynamic Topography Models and the Geoid},
    author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Borlinghaus, M. and Neyers, C. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2022},
    address = {{Frascati, Italy}},
    url = {},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/5UTAJ72F/Brockmann et al. - 2022 - On the use of surface current observations for the.pdf}


  • J. M. Brockmann, C. Neyers, and W. -D. Schuh, A Parametric Representation to Integrate Current Observations into the Estimation of the Mean Dynamic Topography (Poster){Frascati, Italy}: , 2019.
    type = {Poster},
    title = {A {{Parametric Representation}} to {{Integrate Current Observations}} into the {{Estimation}} of the {{Mean Dynamic Topography}} (Poster)},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Neyers, C. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2019},
    address = {{Frascati, Italy}},
    howpublished = {Poster},
    owner = {jmb},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/J4CG65X6/Brockmann - 2016 - A Parametric Representation to Integrate Current O.pdf}

  • C. Neyers, J. M. Brockmann, and W. Schuh, Parametric Finite Element Based Models to Represent the Mean Dynamic Ocean Topography{Milano, Italy}: , 2019.
    type = {Poster},
    title = {Parametric Finite Element Based Models to Represent the {{Mean Dynamic Ocean Topography}}},
    author = {Neyers, Christian and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
    year = {2019},
    address = {{Milano, Italy}},
    file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/67PGM5MC/Neyers et al. - 2019 - Parametric finite element based models to represen.pdf}


  • C. Esch, J. Köhler, K. Gutjahr, and W. -D. Schuh, “Global Approach to Solve the L1-Norm Phase Unwrapping Problem in Differential Radar Interferometry (D-InSAR) Analysis,” in FRINGE, {Helsinki}, 2017.
    title = {Global {{Approach}} to {{Solve}} the {{L1-Norm Phase Unwrapping Problem}} in {{Differential Radar Interferometry}} ({{D-InSAR}}) {{Analysis}}},
    booktitle = {{{FRINGE}}},
    author = {Esch, Christina and K{\"o}hler, Jo{\"e}l and Gutjahr, Karlheinz and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2017},
    address = {{Helsinki}},
    annotation = {Poster, 08.06.2017}


  • J. M. Brockmann, S. Müller, and W. -D. Schuh, “Analysis and Refinement for an Integrated Approach Estimating the Ocean’s Mean Dynamic Topography from Altimetry and GOCE,” in ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016, {Prag}, 2016.
    title = {Analysis and Refinement for an Integrated Approach Estimating the Ocean's Mean Dynamic Topography from Altimetry and {{GOCE}}},
    booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Symposium}} 2016},
    author = {Brockmann, J. M. and M{\"u}ller, S. and Schuh, W.-D},
    year = {2016},
    address = {{Prag}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {Poster, 10.5.2016 brockmann-etal\textsubscript{p}16}

  • J. M. Brockmann and W. -D. Schuh, “Computational Aspects of High-Resolution Global Gravity Field Determination,” in NIC Symposium, Jülich, {Jülich}, 2016.
    title = {Computational Aspects of High-Resolution Global Gravity Field Determination},
    booktitle = {{{NIC Symposium}}, {{J{\"u}lich}}},
    author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2016},
    address = {{J{\"u}lich}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 12.2.2016 brockmann-schuh\textsubscript{p}16}

  • {. C. Esch, K. Gutjahr, and W. -D. Schuh, “Phase Unwrapping Problem in Differential Radar Interferometry (D-InSAR) Analysis Based on the Lower-Rhine-Embayment,” in ESA Living Planet Symposium, {Prag}, 2016.
    title = {Phase Unwrapping Problem in Differential Radar Interferometry ({{D-InSAR}}) Analysis Based on the {{Lower-Rhine-Embayment}}},
    booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Symposium}}},
    author = {Esch, {\relax Ch}. and Gutjahr, Karlheinz and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2016},
    address = {{Prag}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {Poster 1970, 10.-12.5.2016 esch-etal\textsubscript{p}16}

  • W. -D. Schuh and J. M. Brockmann, “Refinement of the Stochastic Model for GOCE Gravity Gradients by Non-Stationary Decorrelation Filters,” in ESALiving Planet Symposium 2016, {Prag}, 2016.
    title = {Refinement of the Stochastic Model for {{GOCE}} Gravity Gradients by Non-Stationary Decorrelation Filters},
    booktitle = {{{ESALiving Planet Symposium}} 2016},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D and Brockmann, J. M.},
    year = {2016},
    address = {{Prag}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {Poster 2382, 10.05.2016 schuh-brockmann\textsubscript{p}16}


  • J. M. Brockmann, E. Höck, I. Loth, T. {Mayer-Gürr}, R. Pail, W. -D. Schuh, and N. Zehentner, “GOCE Gravity Field Models Following the Time-Wise Approach,” in EGU General Assembly 2015, {Wien}, 2015. doi:
    title = {{{GOCE}} Gravity Field Models Following the Time-Wise Approach},
    booktitle = {{{EGU General Assembly}} 2015},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Loth, I. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D. and Zehentner, N.},
    year = {2015},
    address = {{Wien}},
    doi = {},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {Poster, 14.4.2015}

  • S. Müller, J. M. Brockmann, and W. -D. Schuh, “Integrated Approach to Estimate the Ocean’s Time Variable Dynamic Topography Including Its Covariance Matrix,” in EGU General Assembly 2015, {Wien}, 2015. doi:
    title = {Integrated Approach to Estimate the Ocean's Time Variable Dynamic Topography Including Its Covariance Matrix},
    booktitle = {{{EGU General Assembly}} 2015},
    author = {M{\"u}ller, S. and Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2015},
    address = {{Wien}},
    doi = {},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {Poster, 15.4.2015}


  • S. Becker, J. M. Brockmann, and W. -D. Schuh, “Integrated Approach to Estimate the Ocean’s Time Variable Dynamic Topography Including Its Covariance Matrix,” in EGU General Assembly: G3.2 Determination of Mass Transport and Distribution in the Earth System, {Vienna}, 2014.
    title = {Integrated Approach to Estimate the Ocean's Time Variable Dynamic Topography Including Its Covariance Matrix},
    booktitle = {{{EGU General Assembly}}: {{G3}}.2 {{Determination}} of {{Mass}} Transport and {{Distribution}} in the {{Earth System}}},
    author = {Becker, S. and Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2014},
    address = {{Vienna}},
    owner = {swd},
    annotation = {Poster, 28.4.2014}


  • S. Becker, J. M. Brockmann, and W. -D. Schuh, “Validation of the GOCE Time-Wise Gravity Field Models via the Estion of the Ocean’s Mean Dynamic Topography,” in IAG Scientific Assembly, {Potsdam}, 2013.
    title = {Validation of the {{GOCE}} Time-Wise Gravity Field Models via the Estion of the Ocean's Mean Dynamic Topography},
    booktitle = {{{IAG Scientific Assembly}}},
    author = {Becker, S. and Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2013},
    address = {{Potsdam}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 4-5.9.2013}

  • S. Becker, J. M. Brockmann, and W. -D. Schuh, “Integrated Approach to Estimate the Ocean’s Dynamic Topography,” in ESA Living Planet Sympisium, {Edinburgh}, 2013.
    title = {Integrated Approach to Estimate the Ocean's Dynamic Topography},
    booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Sympisium}}},
    author = {Becker, S. and Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2013},
    address = {{Edinburgh}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 11.9.2013}

  • J. M. Brockmann, L. {Roese-Koerner}, and W. -D. Schuh, “A Concept for the Estimation of High-Degree Gravity Field Models in a High Performance Computing Environment,” in Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-8934-1, {Vienna}, 2013.
    title = {A Concept for the Estimation of High-Degree Gravity Field Models in a High Performance Computing Environment},
    booktitle = {Geophysical {{Research Abstracts Vol}}. 15, {{EGU2013-8934-1}}},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and {Roese-Koerner}, L. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2013},
    address = {{Vienna}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 8.4.2013}

  • W. -D. et al. Schuh, “Arbeitsschwerpunkte Der Theoretische Geodäsie in Bonn (IGG-TG),” in Intergeo2013, {Essen}, 2013.
    title = {Arbeitsschwerpunkte Der {{Theoretische Geod{\"a}sie}} in {{Bonn}} ({{IGG-TG}})},
    booktitle = {Intergeo2013},
    author = {et al. Schuh, W.-D},
    year = {2013},
    address = {{Essen}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 8.-10.10.2013}


  • S. Becker, G. Freiwald, W. -D. Schuh, and M. Losch, “Rigorus Fusion of Gravity Field into Stationary Ocean Models (RIFUGIO),” in DFG-SPP 1257 Final Colloquium ”Mass Transport and Mass Distribution in the Earth System”, {Potsdam}, 2012.
    title = {Rigorus {{Fusion}} of {{Gravity Field}} into Stationary Ocean Models ({{RIFUGIO}})},
    booktitle = {{{DFG-SPP}} 1257 {{Final Colloquium}} ''{{Mass}} Transport and Mass Distribution in the {{Earth}} System''},
    author = {Becker, S. and Freiwald, G. and Schuh, W.-D. and Losch, M.},
    year = {2012},
    address = {{Potsdam}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 19.9.2012}

  • S. Becker, W. -D. Schuh, and J. M. Brockmann, “Consistent Combination of Gravity Field, Altimetry and Hydrographic Data,” in International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems (GGHS 2012), Venice, {Venice}, 2012.
    title = {Consistent Combination of Gravity Field, Altimetry and Hydrographic Data},
    booktitle = {International {{Symposium}} on {{Gravity}}, {{Geoid}} and {{Height Systems}} ({{GGHS}} 2012), {{Venice}}},
    author = {Becker, S. and Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M.},
    year = {2012},
    address = {{Venice}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 9.-12.10.2012}

  • G. Freiwald, M. Losch, W. -D. Schuh, and S. Becker, “Weighting of Satellite Mean Dynamic Topography Data in Inverse Ocean Models,” in IUGG –- Rationalising Models with Observations, {Edinburgh}, 2012.
    title = {Weighting of Satellite Mean Dynamic Topography Data in Inverse Ocean Models},
    booktitle = {{{IUGG}} --- {{Rationalising}} Models with Observations},
    author = {Freiwald, G. and Losch, M. and Schuh, W.-D. and Becker, S.},
    year = {2012},
    address = {{Edinburgh}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 2012}

  • G. Freiwald, M. Losch, W. -D. Schuh, and S. Becker, “Error Covariance of Mean Dynamic Topography in Inverse Ocean Models,” in 20 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry, ESA Meeting, {Venice}, 2012.
    title = {Error Covariance of Mean Dynamic Topography in Inverse Ocean Models},
    booktitle = {20 {{Years}} of {{Progress}} in Radar Altimetry, {{ESA Meeting}}},
    author = {Freiwald, G. and Losch, M. and Schuh, W.-D. and Becker, S.},
    year = {2012},
    address = {{Venice}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 2012}

  • I. Krasbutter, J. M. Brockmann, B. Kargoll, and W. -D. Schuh, “GOCE In-Situ Adjustement: From Calibrated Measurements to the Earths Gravity Field,” in BMBF Geotechnologien Abschlussseminar ”Erfassung Des Systems Erde Aus Dem Weltraum III”, {Potsdam}, 2012.
    title = {{{GOCE In-Situ Adjustement}}: {{From}} Calibrated Measurements to the {{Earths}} Gravity Field},
    booktitle = {{{BMBF Geotechnologien Abschlussseminar}} ''{{Erfassung}} Des {{Systems Erde}} Aus Dem {{Weltraum III}}''},
    author = {Krasbutter, I. and Brockmann, J.M. and Kargoll, B. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2012},
    address = {{Potsdam}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 24.5.2012}


  • S. Becker, J. M. Brockmann, and W. -D. Schuh, “The Impact of a GOCE Gravity Field Model on Estimationg the Ocean’s Mean Dynamic Topography,” in 4th International GOCE User Workshop, {Vienna}, 2011.
    title = {The Impact of a {{GOCE}} Gravity Field Model on Estimationg the Ocean's Mean Dynamic Topography},
    booktitle = {4th {{International GOCE User Workshop}}},
    author = {Becker, S. and Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{Vienna}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 31.3.2011}

  • S. Becker, W. -D. Schuh, M. Losch, and G. Freiwald, “Rigorous Fusion of Gravity Field, Altimetry and Stationary Ocean Models,” in EGU General Assembly 2011, Session 5.3, Vienna, {Vienna}, 2011.
    title = {Rigorous {{Fusion}} of {{Gravity Field}}, {{Altimetry}} and {{Stationary Ocean Models}}},
    booktitle = {{{EGU General Assembly}} 2011, {{Session}} 5.3, {{Vienna}}},
    author = {Becker, Silvia and Schuh, W.-D. and Losch, Martin and Freiwald, Grit},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{Vienna}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 8.4.2011}

  • S. Becker, J. M. Brockmann, and W. -D. Schuh, “The Impact of a GOCE Gravity Field Model on Estimationg the Ocean’s Mean Dynamic Topography,” in Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 13, EGU2011-11396, {Vienna}, 2011.
    title = {The Impact of a {{GOCE}} Gravity Field Model on Estimationg the Ocean's Mean Dynamic Topography},
    booktitle = {Geophysical {{Research Abstracts Vol}}. 13, {{EGU2011-11396}}},
    author = {Becker, S. and Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{Vienna}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 4.4.2011}

  • J. M. Brockmann and W. -D. Schuh, “Use of Massive Parallel Computing Libraries in the Context of Global Gravity Field Determination,” in 4th International GOCE User Workshop, {Munich}, 2011.
    title = {Use of Massive Parallel Computing Libraries in the Context of Global Gravity Field Determination},
    booktitle = {4th {{International GOCE}} User Workshop},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{Munich}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 31.3.---1.4.2011}

  • J. M. Brockmann and W. -D. Schuh, “Use of Massive Parallel Computing Libraries in the Context of Global Gravity Field Determination,” in Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 13, EGU2011-12084, {Vienna}, 2011.
    title = {Use of Massive Parallel Computing Libraries in the Context of Global Gravity Field Determination},
    booktitle = {Geophysical {{Research Abstracts Vol}}. 13, {{EGU2011-12084}}},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{Vienna}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 4.4.2011}

  • I. Krasbutter, J. M. Brockmann, H. Goiginger, B. Kargoll, R. Pail, and W. -D. Schuh, “Refinement of the Stochastic Model of GOCE Scientific Data in a Long Time Series,” in 4th International GOCE User Workshop, {Munich}, 2011.
    title = {Refinement of the Stochastic Model of {{GOCE}} Scientific Data in a Long Time Series},
    booktitle = {4th {{International GOCE}} User Workshop},
    author = {Krasbutter, I. and Brockmann, J.M. and Goiginger, H. and Kargoll, B. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{Munich}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 31.3.--1.4.2011}

  • I. Krasbutter, J. M. Brockmann, B. Kargoll, and W. -D. Schuh, “GOCE Gravity Field Determination Using the In-Situ Adjustment Approach: First Three Releases,” in BMBF Geotechnologien Statusseminar, {Stuttgart}, 2011.
    title = {{{GOCE}} Gravity Field Determination Using the In-Situ Adjustment Approach: First Three Releases},
    booktitle = {{{BMBF Geotechnologien Statusseminar}}},
    author = {Krasbutter, I. and Brockmann, J.M. and Kargoll, B. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{Stuttgart}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 11.10.2011}

  • A. Maier, O. Baur, W. Hausleitner, E. Höck, S. Krauss, H. Goiginger, D. Rieser, T. {Mayer-Gürr}, R. Pail, T. Gruber, T. Fecher, A. Albertella, A. Jäggi, U. Meyer, W. -D. Schuh, J. M. Brockmann, J. Kusche, and A. Eicker, “Low-Degree Gravity Field Coefficients from SLR Data for the New Combined Gravity Field Model GOCO02S,” in Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 13, EGU2011-9977, {Vienna}, 2011.
    title = {Low-Degree Gravity Field Coefficients from {{SLR}} Data for the New Combined Gravity Field Model {{GOCO02S}}},
    booktitle = {Geophysical {{Research Abstracts Vol}}. 13, {{EGU2011-9977}}},
    author = {Maier, A. and Baur, O. and Hausleitner, W. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Krauss, S. and Goiginger, H. and Rieser, D. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Pail, R. and Gruber, T. and Fecher, T. and Albertella, A. and J{\"a}ggi, A. and Meyer, U. and Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M. and Kusche, J. and Eicker, A.},
    year = {2011},
    address = {{Vienna}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 4.4.2011}

  • R. Pail, J. M. Brockmann, T. {Mayer-Gürr}, T. Fecher, W. -D. Schuh, D. Rieser, E. Höck, I. Krasbutter, A. Jäggi, L. Prange, A. Maier, S. Krauss, T. Gruber, and J. Kusche, “Kombinierte Globale Schwerefeldmodelle Der GOCO-Reihe,” in Geodätische Woche, 2011.
    title = {Kombinierte Globale {{Schwerefeldmodelle}} Der {{GOCO-Reihe}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Pail, R. and Brockmann, J.M. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Fecher, T. and Schuh, W.-D. and Rieser, D. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Krasbutter, I. and J{\"a}ggi, A. and Prange, L. and Maier, A. and Krauss, S. and Gruber, T. and Kusche, J.},
    year = {2011},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 28.9.2011}

  • W. -D. Schuh and B. Kargoll, “On the Current Status of the Cooperative Research Project Real Data Analysis GOCE (REAL GOCE),” in 4th International GOCE User Workshop, 2011.
    title = {On the Current Status of the Cooperative Research Project {{Real Data Analysis GOCE}} ({{REAL GOCE}})},
    booktitle = {4th {{International GOCE}} User Workshop},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Kargoll, B.},
    year = {2011},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 31.3.--1.4.2011}


  • S. Becker, W. -D. Schuh, M. Losch, and G. Freiwald, “Estimating the Mean Dynamic Sea Topography by Combinig So-Called Complete Gravity Field Models and Altimetry,” in EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, {Vienna}, 2010.
    title = {Estimating the Mean Dynamic Sea Topography by Combinig So-Called Complete Gravity Field Models and Altimetry},
    booktitle = {{{EGU General Assembly}} 2010, {{Vienna}}},
    author = {Becker, Silvia and Schuh, W.-D. and Losch, Martin and Freiwald, Grit},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{Vienna}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 2.-6.5.2010}

  • J. M. Brockmann, B. Kargoll, I. Krasbutter, and W. -D. Schuh, “Stochastic Model Refinements for GOCE Gradiometry Data.,” in BMBF Geotechnologien Statusseminar, {Bonn}, 2010.
    title = {Stochastic Model Refinements for {{GOCE}} Gradiometry Data.},
    booktitle = {{{BMBF Geotechnologien Statusseminar}}},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{Bonn}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 4.10.2010}

  • G. Freiwald, M. Losch, W. -D. Schuh, and S. Becker, “Can We Use Current Geoid Models for Improving Ocean State Estimation?,” in EGU General Assembly, {Vienna}, 2010.
    title = {Can We Use Current Geoid Models for Improving Ocean State Estimation?},
    booktitle = {{{EGU General Assembly}}},
    author = {Freiwald, G. and Losch, M. and Schuh, W.-D. and Becker, S.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{Vienna}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 2010}

  • G. Freiwald, M. Losch, W. -D. Schuh, and S. Becker, “RIFUGIO – Rigorous Fusion of Gravity Field into Stationary Ocean Models,” in ESA Living Planet Symposium 2010, Bergen, {Bergen}, 2010.
    title = {{{RIFUGIO}} - {{Rigorous}} Fusion of Gravity Field into Stationary Ocean Models},
    booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Symposium}} 2010, {{Bergen}}},
    author = {Freiwald, G. and Losch, M. and Schuh, W.-D. and Becker, S.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{Bergen}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 30.6.2010}

  • H. Goiginger, W. Hausleitner, E. Höck, S. Krauss, A. Maier, R. Pail, T. Gruber, T. Fecher, A. Jäggi, U. Meyer, W. -D. Schuh, J. M. Brockmann, J. Kusche, and A. Eicker, “The Impact on a Combined Global Gravity Model Using Simulated GOCE Data,” in EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, {Vienna}, 2010.
    title = {The Impact on a Combined Global Gravity Model Using Simulated {{GOCE}} Data},
    booktitle = {{{EGU General Assembly}} 2010, {{Vienna}}},
    author = {Goiginger, H. and Hausleitner, W. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Krauss, S. and Maier, A. and Pail, R. and Gruber, T. and Fecher, T. and J{\"a}ggi, A. and Meyer, U. and Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J. M. and Kusche, J. and Eicker, A.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{Vienna}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 2.-6.5.2010}

  • H. Goiginger, W. Hausleitner, E. Höck, S. Krauss, A. Maier, R. Pail, T. Gruber, T. Fecher, A. Jäggi, U. Meyer, W. -D. Schuh, J. M. Brockmann, J. Kusche, and A. Eicker, “Combined Global Gravity Field Models from GOCE Data and Complementary Data Types,” in ESA Living Planet Symposium 2010, Bergen, {Vienna}, 2010.
    title = {Combined Global Gravity Field Models from {{GOCE}} Data and Complementary Data Types},
    booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Symposium}} 2010, {{Bergen}}},
    author = {Goiginger, H. and Hausleitner, W. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Krauss, S. and Maier, A. and Pail, R. and Gruber, T. and Fecher, T. and J{\"a}ggi, A. and Meyer, U. and Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J. M. and Kusche, J. and Eicker, A.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{Vienna}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 30.6.2010}

  • W. -D. Schuh, J. M. Brockmann, B. Kargoll, and I. Krasbutter, “Adaptive Optimization of GOCE Gravity Field Modeling,” in NIC Symposium, Jülich, {Jülich}, 2010.
    title = {Adaptive {{Optimization}} of {{GOCE Gravity Field Modeling}}},
    booktitle = {{{NIC Symposium}}, {{J{\"u}lich}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Kargoll, Boris and Krasbutter, Ina},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{J{\"u}lich}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 24.2.2010}

  • W. -D. Schuh, J. M. Brockmann, B. Kargoll, and I. Krasbutter, “Adaptive Optimization of GOCE Gravity Filed Modeling,” in GeoDarmstadt, {Darmstadt}, 2010.
    title = {Adaptive {{Optimization}} of {{GOCE Gravity Filed Modeling}}},
    booktitle = {{{GeoDarmstadt}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{Darmstadt}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 12.10.2010}

  • W. -D. Schuh, M. Losch, S. Becker, and G. Freiwald, “Rigorous Fusion of Gravity Field into Stationary Ocean Models RIFUGIO (Previous Work),” in Begutachtung SPP1257, {Potsdam}, 2010.
    title = {Rigorous {{Fusion}} of {{Gravity Field}} into {{Stationary Ocean Models RIFUGIO}} (Previous Work)},
    booktitle = {Begutachtung {{SPP1257}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Losch, M. and Becker, S. and Freiwald, G.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{Potsdam}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 14.10.2010}

  • W. -D. Schuh, M. Losch, S. Becker, and G. Freiwald, “Rigorous Fusion of Gravity Field into Stationary Ocean Models RIFUGIO (Proposed Work),” in Begutachtung SPP1257, {Potsdam}, 2010.
    title = {Rigorous {{Fusion}} of {{Gravity Field}} into {{Stationary Ocean Models RIFUGIO}} (Proposed Work)},
    booktitle = {Begutachtung {{SPP1257}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Losch, M. and Becker, S. and Freiwald, G.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{Potsdam}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 14.10.2010}

  • W. -D. Schuh and B. Kargoll, “REaldatenAnalyse GOCE,” in GeoDarmstadt, {Darmstadt}, 2010.
    title = {{{REaldatenAnalyse GOCE}}},
    booktitle = {{{GeoDarmstadt}}},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Kargoll, B.},
    year = {2010},
    address = {{Darmstadt}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 12.10.2010}


  • J. M. Brockmann, R. Pail, E. Höck, I. Krasbutter, T. {Mayer-Gürr}, R. Mayrhofer, W. -D. Schuh, and T. Fecher, “Release 3 of the GOCE-only Gravity Field Model Applying the Time-Wise Method,” in AGU Fall Meeting, {San Francisco}, 2009.
    title = {Release 3 of the {{GOCE-only}} Gravity Field Model Applying the Time-Wise Method},
    booktitle = {{{AGU Fall Meeting}}},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Pail, R. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Krasbutter, I. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Mayrhofer, R. and Schuh, W.-D. and Fecher, T.},
    year = {2009},
    address = {{San Francisco}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 8.12.2011}

  • L. {Roese-Koerner}, I. Krasbutter, and W. -D. Schuh, “Constrained Quadratic Programming Techniques for Data-Adaptive Design of Decorrelation Filters,” in VII Hotine-Marussi-Symposium, {Rome}, 2009.
    title = {Constrained Quadratic Programming Techniques for Data-Adaptive Design of Decorrelation Filters},
    booktitle = {{{VII Hotine-Marussi-Symposium}}},
    author = {{Roese-Koerner}, L. and Krasbutter, I. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2009},
    address = {{Rome}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 7.7.2009}

  • W. -D. et al. Schuh, “REaldatenAnaLyse GOCE (REAL GOCE),” in Geodätische Woche, {Hamburg}, 2009.
    title = {{{REaldatenAnaLyse GOCE}} ({{REAL GOCE}})},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {et al. Schuh, W.-D},
    year = {2009},
    address = {{Hamburg}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 22.-24.9.2009}


  • J. M. Brockmann and W. -D. Schuh, “Fast Variance Component Estimation in GOCE Data Processing,” in IAG International Symposium on ”Geodesy, Geoid and Earth Observation”, {Chania}, 2008.
    title = {Fast {{Variance Component Estimation}} in {{GOCE Data Processing}}},
    booktitle = {{{IAG International Symposium}} on ''{{Geodesy}}, {{Geoid}} and {{Earth Observation}}''},
    author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2008},
    address = {{Chania}},
    annotation = {Poster, 23.6.2008}

  • W. -D. Schuh and S. Becker, “Consistent Integration of Global Gravity Field Information into Earth Process Models (INTERMOD),” in DFG-SPP 1257 Colloquium ”Mass Transport and Mass Distribution in the Earth System”, {Munich}, 2008.
    title = {Consistent Integration of Global Gravity Field Information into {{Earth}} Process Models ({{INTERMOD}})},
    booktitle = {{{DFG-SPP}} 1257 {{Colloquium}} ''{{Mass}} Transport and Mass Distribution in the {{Earth}} System''},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Becker, S.},
    year = {2008},
    address = {{Munich}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 7.10.2008}

  • W. -D. Schuh, M. Losch, and S. Becker, “Rigorous Fusion of Gravity Field into Sationary Ocean Models (RIFUGIO),” in DFG-SPP 1257 Colloquium ”Mass Transport and Mass Distribution in the Earth System”, {Munich}, 2008.
    title = {Rigorous Fusion of Gravity Field into Sationary Ocean Models ({{RIFUGIO}})},
    booktitle = {{{DFG-SPP}} 1257 {{Colloquium}} ''{{Mass}} Transport and Mass Distribution in the {{Earth}} System''},
    author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Losch, M. and Becker, S.},
    year = {2008},
    address = {{Munich}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 7.10.2008}


  • S. Becker and W. -D. Schuh, “Complete Variance/Covariance Information of Gridded Data Sets from Both Gravity Field Models and Altimetry: Processing Strategies,” in Joint International GSTM and DFG-SPP Symposium, {Potsdam}, 2007.
    title = {Complete Variance/Covariance Information of Gridded Data Sets from Both Gravity Field Models and Altimetry: Processing Strategies},
    booktitle = {Joint {{International GSTM}} and {{DFG-SPP Symposium}}},
    author = {Becker, S. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2007},
    address = {{Potsdam}},
    annotation = {Poster, 15.10.2007}


  • H. Alkhatib and W. -D. Schuh, “On the Use of Monte Carlo Algorithms for Estimating Large Scale Matrix Inverses with Application to the GOCE Mission,” in IAG Symposium ”Gravity Field of the Earth”, {Istanbul}, 2006.
    title = {On the Use of {{Monte Carlo Algorithms}} for Estimating Large Scale Matrix Inverses with Application to the {{GOCE}} Mission},
    booktitle = {{{IAG Symposium}} ''{{Gravity Field}} of the {{Earth}}''},
    author = {Alkhatib, H. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2006},
    address = {{Istanbul}},
    annotation = {Poster, 28.8.2006}

  • R. Pail, B. Metzler, E. Höck, W. -D. Schuh, and M. Wermuth, “GOCE Gravity Filed Analysis in the Framework of HPF: Software Architecture, Data Flow and Products,” in IAG Symposium ”Gravity Field of the Earth”, {Istanbul, Turkey}, 2006.
    title = {{{GOCE Gravity Filed Analysis}} in the {{Framework}} of {{HPF}}: {{Software Architecture}}, {{Data Flow}} and {{Products}}},
    booktitle = {{{IAG Symposium}} ''{{Gravity Field}} of the {{Earth}}"},
    author = {Pail, R. and Metzler, B. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Schuh, W.-D. and Wermuth, M.},
    year = {2006},
    address = {{Istanbul, Turkey}},
    annotation = {Poster, 28.8.2006}


  • C. Siemes and W. -D. Schuh, “Joint Estimation of Gross Errors and Stochastic Signals of GOCE Mission Data,” in IAG Symposium ”Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions”, {Porto}, 2004.
    title = {Joint Estimation of Gross Errors and Stochastic Signals of {{GOCE}} Mission Data},
    booktitle = {{{IAG Symposium}} ''{{Gravity}}, {{Geoid}} and {{Space Missions}}''},
    author = {Siemes, C. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2004},
    address = {{Porto}},
    annotation = {Poster, 30.8.-3.9.2004}


  • H. Alkhatib and W. -D. Schuh, “Numerische Analysen Der GOCE Normalgleichungen Mit Dem GOCE-Numeric-Analyser,” in BMBF Geotechnologien Statusseminar, {München}, 2003.
    title = {Numerische {{Analysen}} Der {{GOCE Normalgleichungen}} Mit Dem {{GOCE-Numeric-Analyser}}},
    booktitle = {{{BMBF Geotechnologien Statusseminar}}},
    author = {Alkhatib, H. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2003},
    address = {{M{\"u}nchen}},
    annotation = {Poster, 13.6.2003}

  • H. Alkhatib and W. -D. Schuh, “Regularisierung Und Optimale Gewichtung Der GOCE Normalgleichungen Anhand Des GOCE-Numeric Analyser,” in Geodätische Woche, {Hamburg}, 2003.
    title = {Regularisierung Und Optimale {{Gewichtung}} Der {{GOCE Normalgleichungen}} Anhand Des {{GOCE-Numeric Analyser}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Alkhatib, H. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2003},
    address = {{Hamburg}},
    owner = {schuh},
    annotation = {Poster, 16.-19.9.2003}

  • B. Kargoll and W. -D. Schuh, “Analyse von GOCE-Schwerefeldresiduen Hinsichtlich Stochastischer Systematik,” in Geodätische Woche, {Hamburg}, 2003.
    title = {Analyse von {{GOCE-Schwerefeldresiduen}} Hinsichtlich Stochastischer {{Systematik}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Kargoll, B. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2003},
    address = {{Hamburg}},
    annotation = {Poster, 16.-19.9.2003}

  • B. Kargoll and W. -D. Schuh, “Implementierung Und Validierung Des Stochastischen Modells von GOCE SGG-Daten,” in BMBF Geotechnologien Statusseminar, {München}, 2003.
    title = {Implementierung Und {{Validierung}} Des Stochastischen {{Modells}} von {{GOCE SGG-Daten}}},
    booktitle = {{{BMBF Geotechnologien Statusseminar}}},
    author = {Kargoll, B. and Schuh, W.-D.},
    year = {2003},
    address = {{M{\"u}nchen}},
    annotation = {Poster, 13.6.2003}

  • R. Pail, W. -D. Schuh, and M. Wermuth, “GOCE-Schwerefeldanalyse: Auswertestrategie Des Teams Graz – München – Bonn,” in Geodätische Woche, {Hamburg}, 2003.
    title = {{{GOCE-Schwerefeldanalyse}}: {{Auswertestrategie}} Des {{Teams Graz}} - {{M{\"u}nchen}} - {{Bonn}}},
    booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
    author = {Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D. and Wermuth, M.},
    year = {2003},
    address = {{Hamburg}},
    annotation = {Poster, 16.-19.9.2003}