Postdoctoral researcher
Tel: +49 – 228 – 73 – 7423
Fax: +49 – 228 – 73 – 6486
Office: Nussallee 17, 2. OG, room 2.017
University of Bonn
Theoretical Geodesy, IGG
Nussallee 17
53115 Bonn
- Web of Science ResearcherID: H-8876-2019
- IGG Gitlab Server
- Current teaching (Basis)
- Download CV
Research interests
- High performance computing
- Computational Geodesy
- Gravity field determination
- Data combination
- Numerical solution techniques
- Joint estimation of gravity field and dynamic ocean topography
Short CV
Jan Martin Brockmann started to work in the Theoretical Geodesy Group already as a student assistant in 2007. After the finalization of the diploma degree course “Vermessungswesen” and his diploma thesis in the Theoretical Geodesy group he received the degree Dipl.-Ing in 2008.
2008 he started in the Theoretical Geodesy group as a PhD candidate and worked in the context of gravity field recovery from observations collected by the satellite mission GOCE. As a member of the EGG-C and the ESA HPF Team he was involved in the official processing of the observations and contributed significantly to the generation of the gravity field models computed with the so called time-wise approach. The computational requirements brought lead towards the field of high performance computing. He defended his PhD thesis “On High Performance Computing in Geodesy — Applications in Global Gravity Field Determination” in that context in 2014.
Since 2014 he is working as postdoctoral researcher in the group, still working in the context of high performance computing and global gravity field determination. Currently the focus is on the joint estimation and separation of gravity field and geodetic dynamic ocean topography models from altimetry observations. Here again high performance computing plays an important role.
- PI
- PARASURV: PArametric determination of the dynamic ocean topography from geoid, altimetric sea surface heights and SAR derived RAdial SURface Velocities (DFG, www)
- Development of Continuous Spatio-Temporal Finite Element Based Models for Sea Surface Approximation (Uni Bonn, TRA Modelling)
- MAssive Parallel Approximation of Static and Time-VariablE Reference Surfaces with C 1-smooth Finite Element Model Functions, computing time on supercomputers at FZ Jülich
- Adaptive Optimization of Global Gravity field modeling and the Ocean’s Dynamic Topography, computing time on supercomputers at FZ Jülich
- Contributor/Member
Teaching activities
- Lectures and practicals “Numerik in C++/Numerics in C++”, yearly since WS2009/2010
- Lectures and lab “Paralleles Wissenschaftliches Rechnen in C++”, WS2013/2014-WS2015/2016
- Lecture “Geodätische Optimierung – Numerische Methoden”, WS2016/2017, WS2018/2019, WS2020/2021
- Lecture “Geodätische Optimierung – Robuste Parameterschätzung”, WS2017/2018, WS2019/2020, WS2021/2022
- Lecture “Statistics and Adjustment Theory”, yearly since WS2017/2018
- Practicals “Geodätische Optimierung – Numerische Methoden”, WS2008/2009, WS2014/2015, WS2016/2017
- Practicals “Stochastische Prozesse”, WS2015/2016
- Masterprojekt “Space Geodesy Simulator Bonn”, since 2012
- Seminar “Ausgewählte Kapitel der Numerik”, since WS2016/2017
- Supervision of different diploma, M.Sc., B.Sc and M.Sc. thesis, since 2009
- Ernst, A. „Implementierung effizienter Algorithmen zur Umordnung, Auflösung und Inversion von dünn besetzten Normalgleichungen mit geodätischen Anwendungen“. Diploma Thesis, Universität Bonn, 2009.
- Pappke, F. „Effiziente Approximation der Meeresoberfläche mit Finite Elementen“. B.Sc. Thesis, Universität Bonn, 2009.
- Knauf, C. „Robuste Berechnung der Prozessparameter eines Auto-Regressiven Prozesses“. B.Sc. Thesis, Universität Bonn, 2016.
- Dreier, A. „Berechnung von Gradienten-Feldern und deren Unsicherheiten aus einer vorgegebenen Oberfächenapproximation mit lokalen Basisfunktionen“. B.Sc. Thesis, Universität Bonn, 2016.
Neyers, C. “Integration von Radialen SAR Doppler Ozeanoberflächengeschwindigkeitsmessungen in die Berechnung der Dynamischen Ozeantopographie.” M.Sc. Thesis, Universität Bonn, 2017.
Wiesmann, L. “Flächenapproximation über Kollokation aus punktweise gemessenen Funktionswerten und Steigungen.” B.Sc. Thesis, Universität Bonn, 2017.
- 2022 Winner of the teaching award (Lehrpreis 2022 der Landwirtschaftlichen Fakultät, Universität Bonn)
- 2016 Winner of the “Wissenschaftspreis Geodäsie” of the DGK (German Geodetic Comission) for outstanding achievements in the field „Computational Geodesy“
- 2015 Faculty Award in Geodesy for an outstanding publication during PhD studies
- 2011 EGU Outstanding student poster (OSP) award
- 2008 Winner of the DVW-Turbo Preis for fast and good studies
Further activities
- Review activities for various Journals, see my Publons profile
- Contributions to the projects GOCE HPF (ESA), REAL-GOCE (BMBF), GO2000 (DFG), GOCO
- Member of the European GOCE Gravity Consortium (EGG-C)
- Member of the scientific committee “ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016”
- Member of the IGG Institutsvorstand, Member of the Studienkommision Geodäsie und Geoinformation (occasionally)
Data sets
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {The {{Earth}}'s Gravity Field as Seen by the {{GOCE}} Satellite - an Improved Sixth Release Derived with the Time-Wise Approach ({{GO}}\_{{CONS}}\_{{GCF}}\_2\_{{TIM}}\_{{R6}})},
author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schubert, Till and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, Torsten and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
year = {2019},
publisher = {{GFZ Data Services}},
doi = {10.5880/icgem.2019.003},
url = {},
urldate = {2019-08-12},
collaborator = {Ince, Elmas Sinem and Rei{\ss}land, Sven},
copyright = {CC BY 4.0},
langid = {english},
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {The Satellite-Only Gravity Field Model {{GOCO06s}}},
author = {Kvas, Andreas and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, Torsten and Krauss, Sandro and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schubert, Till and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter and Pail, Roland and Gruber, Thomas and J{\"a}ggi, Adrian and Meyer, Ulrich},
year = {2019},
publisher = {{GFZ Data Services}},
doi = {10.5880/icgem.2019.002},
url = {},
urldate = {2019-08-12},
collaborator = {Ince, Elmas Sinem and Rei{\ss}land, Sven and Technical University Of Munich, Institute Of Astronomical and University Of Bonn, Institute Of Geodesy and Graz University Of Technology, Institute Of Geodesy and Austrian Academy Of Sciences, Space Research Institute and University Of Bern, Astronomical Institute},
copyright = {CC BY 4.0},
langid = {english},
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {The Polar Extended Gravity Field Model {{TIM}}\_{{R6e}}},
author = {Zingerle, Philipp and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Pail, Roland and Gruber, Thomas and Willberg, Martin},
year = {2019},
publisher = {{GFZ Data Services}},
doi = {10.5880/ICGEM.2019.005},
url = {},
urldate = {2020-01-07},
collaborator = {Ince, Elmas Sinem and Rei{\ss}land, Sven},
copyright = {CC BY 4.0},
langid = {english},
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {The {{Combined Gravity Model GOCO05c}}},
author = {Pail, Roland and Gruber, Thomas and Fecher, Thomas and GOCO Project Team},
year = {2016},
publisher = {{GFZ Data Services}},
doi = {10.5880/icgem.2016.003},
url = {},
urldate = {2019-07-01},
collaborator = {Pail, Roland and Pail, Roland and Gruber, Thomas and Baur, Oliver and Becker, Silvia and Brockmann, Jan-Martin and Eicker, Annette and Hausleitner, Walter and H{\"o}ck, Eduard and J{\"a}ggi, Adrian and Krasbutter, Ina and Krauss, Sandro and Kusche, J{\"u}rgen and Maier, Andrea and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, Thorsten and Meyer, Ulrich and Prange, Lars and Rexer, Moritz and Rieser, Daniel and Schall, Judith and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter and Zehentner, Norbert and TU Muenchen, Institute Of Astronomical and Univ. Bonn, Institute Of Geodesy and Univ. Bonn, Institute Of Geodesy and TU Graz, Institute Of Theoretical and Austrian Academy Of Sciences, Space Research Institute},
copyright = {CC BY 4.0},
langid = {english},
keywords = {Geodesy,global gravitational model,GOCE,GOCO,ICGEM}
Paper and Presentations
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {Development of a Continuous Spatiotemporal Finite Element-Based Representation of the Mean Sea Surface},
author = {Borlinghaus, Moritz and Neyers, Christian and Brockmann, Jan Martin},
year = {2023},
month = feb,
journal = {Journal of Geodesy},
volume = {97},
number = {2},
pages = {16},
issn = {1432-1394},
doi = {10.1007/s00190-023-01709-1},
url = {},
urldate = {2023-02-22},
langid = {english},
keywords = {{\textbackslash}(C\^1{\textbackslash})-smoothness,Finite elements,Mean sea surface,Ocean variability,Satellite altimetry,Sea-level variations},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/II4KRV4H/Borlinghaus et al. - 2023 - Development of a continuous spatiotemporal finite .pdf}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {Refinement of {{Spatio-Temporal Finite Element Spaces}} for {{Mean Sea Surface}} and {{Sea Level Anomaly Estimation}}},
author = {Borlinghaus, Moritz and Neyers, Christian and Brockmann, Jan Martin},
year = {2023},
series = {International {{Association}} of {{Geodesy Symposia}}},
pages = {1--10},
publisher = {{Springer}},
address = {{Berlin, Heidelberg}},
doi = {10.1007/1345_2023_205},
url = {},
urldate = {2023-08-11},
langid = {english},
keywords = {Finite elements,Mean sea surface,Mesh refinement,Sea level anomalies}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {On the {{Coestimation}} of {{Long-Term Spatio-Temporal Signals}} to {{Reduce}} the {{Aliasing Effect}} in {{Parametric Geodetic Mean Dynamic Topography Estimation}}},
author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin and Borlinghaus, Moritz and Neyers, Christian and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
year = {2023},
series = {International {{Association}} of {{Geodesy Symposia}}},
pages = {1--9},
publisher = {{Springer}},
address = {{Berlin, Heidelberg}},
doi = {10.1007/1345_2023_224},
url = {},
urldate = {2023-09-18},
langid = {english},
keywords = {Finite elements,Geoid,Mean dynamic topography,Sea surface height,Signal separation,Spatio-temporal modelling}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {On the {{Estimation}} of {{Time Varying AR Processes}}},
author = {Korte, Johannes and Schubert, Till and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
year = {2023},
series = {International {{Association}} of {{Geodesy Symposia}}},
pages = {1--6},
publisher = {{Springer}},
address = {{Berlin, Heidelberg}},
doi = {10.1007/1345_2023_188},
url = {},
urldate = {2023-05-02},
langid = {english},
keywords = {AR process,Motions of the roots,Non-stationarity,Time varying AR coefficients},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/P2ZJGUZZ/Korte et al. - On the Estimation of Time Varying AR Processes.pdf}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {A {{Comparison}} between {{Successive Estimate}} of {{TVAR}}(1) and {{TVAR}}(2) and the {{Estimate}} of a {{TVAR}}(3) {{Process}}},
author = {Korte, Johannes and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
year = {2023},
journal = {Engineering Proceedings},
volume = {39},
number = {1},
pages = {90},
publisher = {{Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}},
issn = {2673-4591},
doi = {10.3390/engproc2023039090},
url = {},
urldate = {2023-07-18},
copyright = {},
langid = {english},
keywords = {AR process of order 3,non-stationarity,time-variable roots from polynomials,time-varying AR coefficients}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {Modeling of {{Inhomogeneous Spatio-Temporal Signals}} by {{Least Squares Collocation}}},
author = {Schuh, Wolf-Dieter and Korte, Johannes and Schubert, Till and Brockmann, Jan Martin},
year = {2023},
publisher = {{Springer Berlin Heidelberg}},
address = {{Berlin, Heidelberg}},
doi = {10.1007/1345_2023_202},
url = {},
urldate = {2023-07-11},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/2KJFSUV4/Schuh et al. - 2023 - Modeling of Inhomogeneous Spatio-Temporal Signals .pdf}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Technical {{Report}}},
title = {Towards the {{Development}} of a {{Continuous Spatio-Temporal Finite Element Based Representation}} of the {{Mean Sea Surface}}},
author = {Borlinghaus, M. and Neyers, C. and Brockmann, J.M.},
year = {2022},
number = {IGG-TG-2022-01},
address = {{Bonn, Germany}},
institution = {{University of Bonn, Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation}},
url = {},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/QWN2HFEB/Borlinghaus and Neyers - .pdf}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {An {{Improved Model}} of the {{Earth}}'s {{Static Gravity Field Solely Derived}} from {{Reprocessed GOCE Data}}},
author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schubert, Till and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
year = {2021},
month = jan,
journal = {Surveys in Geophysics},
issn = {1573-0956},
doi = {10.1007/s10712-020-09626-0},
url = {},
urldate = {2021-01-20},
langid = {english},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/26BVIN27/Brockmann et al. - 2021 - An Improved Model of the Earth’s Static Gravity Fi.pdf}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {A {{Mathematical Investigation}} of a {{Continuous Covariance Function Fitting}} with {{Discrete Covariances}} of an {{AR Process}}},
author = {Korte, Johannes and Schubert, Till and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
year = {2021},
journal = {International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting (ITISE 2021), Engineering Proceedings},
volume = {5},
number = {1},
pages = {18},
publisher = {{Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}},
doi = {10.3390/engproc2021005018},
url = {},
urldate = {2021-07-22},
copyright = {},
langid = {english},
keywords = {AR process,continuous covariance function,Fourier transform,positive definiteness,power spectral density,signal prediction},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/JUUI5UGW/Korte et al. - 2021 - A Mathematical Investigation of a Continuous Covar.pdf}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {{{GOCO06s}} {\textendash} a Satellite-Only Global Gravity Field Model},
author = {Kvas, Andreas and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Krauss, Sandro and Schubert, Till and Gruber, Thomas and Meyer, Ulrich and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, Torsten and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter and J{\"a}ggi, Adrian and Pail, Roland},
year = {2021},
month = jan,
journal = {Earth System Science Data},
volume = {13},
number = {1},
pages = {99--118},
publisher = {{Copernicus GmbH}},
issn = {1866-3508},
doi = {10.5194/essd-13-99-2021},
url = {},
urldate = {2021-01-27},
langid = {english},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/SFR4IICG/Kvas et al. - 2021 - GOCO06s – a satellite-only global gravity field mo.pdf}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {On the {{Family}} of {{Covariance Functions Based}} on {{ARMA Models}}},
author = {Schubert, Till and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Korte, Johannes and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
year = {2021},
journal = {Proceedings of The 7th International conference on Time Series and Forecasting (ITISE 2021), Engineering Proceedings},
volume = {5},
number = {1},
pages = {37},
publisher = {{Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}},
doi = {10.3390/engproc2021005037},
url = {},
urldate = {2021-07-05},
copyright = {},
langid = {english},
keywords = {ARMA processes,covariance function,Mat{\'e}rn covariance function,positive definiteness,stochastic modeling,time series analysis},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/Q9GQACHG/Schubert et al. - 2021 - On the Family of Covariance Functions Based on ARM.pdf}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {Identification of {{Suspicious Data}} for {{Robust Estimation}} of {{Stochastic Processes}}},
booktitle = {{{IX Hotine-Marussi Symposium}} on {{Mathematical Geodesy}}},
author = {Schubert, Till and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
editor = {Nov{\'a}k, Pavel and Crespi, Mattia and Sneeuw, Nico and Sans{\`o}, Fernando},
year = {2021},
series = {International {{Association}} of {{Geodesy Symposia}}},
pages = {199--207},
publisher = {{Springer International Publishing}},
address = {{Cham}},
doi = {10.1007/1345_2019_80},
url = {},
isbn = {978-3-030-54267-2},
langid = {english},
keywords = {AR-processes,Hypothesis tests,Outlier detection,Residual time series,Stochastic modeling,Time series},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/HG354NA2/Schubert et al. - 2021 - Identification of Suspicious Data for Robust Estim.pdf}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {A {{Generic Approach}} to {{Covariance Function Estimation Using ARMA-Models}}},
author = {Schubert, Till and Korte, Johannes and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
year = {2020},
month = apr,
journal = {Mathematics, Special Issue "Stochastic Models for Geodesy and Geoinformation Science"},
volume = {8},
number = {4},
pages = {591},
publisher = {{Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}},
doi = {10.3390/math8040591},
url = {},
urldate = {2021-03-19},
copyright = {},
langid = {english},
keywords = {ARMA-process,autoregressive processes,colored noise,continuous process,covariance function,stochastic modeling,time series},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/S4EYNEV3/Schubert et al. - 2020 - A Generic Approach to Covariance Function Estimati.pdf}
title = {The Numerical Treatment of Covariance Stationary Processes in Least Squares Collocation},
booktitle = {Handbuch Der {{Geod{\"a}sie}}},
author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M.},
editor = {Freeden, W.},
year = {2018},
series = {Springer {{Reference Naturwissenschaften}}},
volume = {Mathematical Geodesy},
publisher = {{Springer Berlin Heidelberg}},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-46900-2_95-1},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {(in print) schuh-brockmann{$_1$}8}
title = {Studies on the Potential of Reprocessing Campaign of the {{GOCE}} Observations Inline with the Time-Wise Method},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Zehentner, N. and Schuh, W.-D. and {Mayer-Guerr}, T.},
year = {2017},
institution = {{Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Department of Theoretical Geodesy, University Bonn}},
owner = {swd}
title = {Computational Aspects of High-Resolution Global Gravity Dield Determination - Numbering Schemes and Reodering},
booktitle = {{{NIC Symposium}}, {{Proceedings}}},
author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, W.-D.},
editor = {M{\"u}nster, G. and Wolf, D. and Kremer, M.},
year = {2016},
series = {{{IAS Series}}},
pages = {309--317},
publisher = {{Schriftenreihe des Forschungszentrums J{\"u}lich}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {brockmann-schuh\textsubscript{1}6}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {Systematic {{Effects}} in {{Laser Scanning}} and {{Visualization}} by {{Confidence Regions}}},
author = {Koch, Karl-Rudolf and Brockmann, Jan Martin},
year = {2016},
journal = {Journal of Applied Geodesy},
volume = {10},
number = {4},
pages = {247--257},
issn = {1862-9016},
doi = {10.1515/jag-2016-0012},
url = {},
urldate = {2017-01-09},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/NDTAWDU3/[Journal of Applied Geodesy] Systematic Effects in Laser Scanning and Visualization by Confidence Regions.pdf}
title = {Completion of Band-Limited Data Sets on the Sphere},
booktitle = {The 1st {{International Workshop}} on the {{Quality}} of {{Geodetic Observations}} and {{Monitoring Systems}} ({{QuGOMS}}'11), {{IAG Symposia}}},
author = {Schuh, W.-D. and M{\"u}ller, S. and Brockmann, J. M.},
editor = {Kutterer, H and Seitz, F and Alkhatib, H and Schmidt, M},
year = {2015},
series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Earth Science}}},
volume = {140},
pages = {171--178},
publisher = {{Springer}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {schuh-etal\textsubscript{1}5a}
title = {A Tailored Computation of the Mean Dynamic Topography for a Consistent Integration into Ocean Circulation Models},
author = {Becker, S. and Losch, M. and Brockmann, J. M. and Freiwald, G. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2014},
journal = {Surveys in Geophysics},
volume = {35},
number = {6},
pages = {1507--1525},
doi = {10.1007/s10712-013-9272-9},
owner = {swd},
keywords = {Altimetry,consistent combination,gravity field,mean dynamic topography,Ocean circulation},
annotation = {becker-etal\textsubscript{1}4a}
title = {Mean Dynamic Topography Estimates Purely Based on {{GOCE}} Gravity Field Models and Altimetry},
author = {Becker, S. and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2014},
journal = {Geophysical Research Letters},
volume = {41},
number = {6},
pages = {2063--2069},
issn = {1944-8007},
doi = {10.1002/2014GL059510},
owner = {swd},
keywords = {consistent combination,GOCE,gravity field,mean dynamic topography},
annotation = {becker-etal\textsubscript{1}4b}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {On {{High Performance Computing}} in {{Geodesy}} -- {{Applications}} in {{Global Gravity Field Determination}}},
author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin},
year = {2014},
address = {{Bonn, Germany}},
url = {},
owner = {jmb},
school = {Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit{\"a}t Bonn},
annotation = {brockmann\textsubscript{1}4}
title = {A Concept for the Estimation of High-Degree Gravity Field Models in a High Performance Computing Environment},
author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin and {Roese-Koerner}, Lutz and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2014},
journal = {Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica},
volume = {58},
number = {4},
pages = {571--594},
issn = {0039-3169},
doi = {10.1007/s11200-013-1246-3},
langid = {english},
owner = {swd},
keywords = {global gravity field recovery,high performance computing,high-degree spherical harmonics,iterative solvers},
annotation = {brockmann-etal\textsubscript{1}4}
title = {Use of {{High Performance Computing}} for the {{Rigorous Estimation}} of {{Very High Degree Spherical Harmonic Gravity Field Models}}},
booktitle = {Gravity, {{Geoid}} and {{Height Systems}} ({{GGHS}} 2012), {{IAG Symposia}}},
author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin and {Roese-Koerner}, Lutz and Schuh, W.-D.},
editor = {Marti, U.},
year = {2014},
series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Earth Science}}},
volume = {141},
pages = {27--33},
publisher = {{Springer}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {brockmann-etal\textsubscript{1}4b}
title = {{{EGM}}\_{{TIM}}\_{{RL05}}: {{An Independent Geoid}} with {{Centimeter Accuracy Purely Based}} on the {{GOCE Mission}}},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Zehentner, N. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Pail, R. and Loth, I. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2014},
journal = {Geophysical Research Letters},
volume = {41},
number = {22},
pages = {8089--8099},
doi = {10.1002/2014GL061904},
owner = {swd},
keywords = {Earth's gravity field determination,GOCE,spherical harmonic model},
annotation = {brockmann-etal\textsubscript{1}4c},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/GS2C274E/brockmann_etal_2014a.pdf}
title = {Adjustment of Digital Filters for Decorrelation of {{GOCE SGG}} Data},
booktitle = {Observation of the {{System Earth}} from {{Space}} - {{CHAMP}}, {{GRACE}}, {{GOCE}} and Future Missions.},
author = {Krasbutter, I. and Brockmann, J. M. and Kargoll, B. and Schuh, W.-D.},
editor = {Flechtner, F. and Sneeuw, N. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2014},
series = {Advanced {{Technologies}} in {{Earth Sciences}}, {{GEOTECHNOLOGIEN Science Report}}},
volume = {20},
pages = {109--114},
publisher = {{Springer}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {krasbutter-etal\textsubscript{1}4}
title = {Consistent {{Combination}} of {{Gravity Field}}, {{Altimetry}} and {{Hydrographic Data}}},
booktitle = {Gravity, {{Geoid}} and {{Height Systems}} ({{GGHS}} 2012), {{IAG Symposia}}},
author = {M{\"u}ller, Silvia and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, W.-D.},
editor = {Marti, U.},
year = {2014},
series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Earth Sciences}}},
volume = {141},
pages = {267--273},
publisher = {{Springer}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {mueller-etal\textsubscript{1}4}
title = {Satellite {{Gravity Models}} and {{Their Use}} for {{Estimating Mean Ocean Circulation}}},
booktitle = {Earth on the {{Edge}}: {{Science}} for a {{Sustainable Planet}}, {{IAG Symposia}}},
author = {Pail, Roland and Albertella, Alberta and Rieser, Daniel and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, W.-D. and Savcenko, Roman},
editor = {Rizos, Chris and Willis, Pascal},
year = {2014},
series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Earth Science}}},
volume = {139},
pages = {275--281},
publisher = {{Springer}},
langid = {english},
owner = {swd},
keywords = {Global gravity model,GOCE,mean dynamic topography,Ocean currents,Spherical harmonics},
annotation = {pail-etal\textsubscript{1}4}
title = {Uncertainty Assessment of Some Data-Adaptive {{M-estimators}}},
booktitle = {{{VII}}. {{Hotine-Marussi-Symposium}}, {{IAG Symposia}}},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Kargoll, B.},
editor = {Sneeuw, Nico and Nov{\'a}k, Pavel and Crespi, Mattia and Sans{\`o}, Fernando},
year = {2012},
series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Earth Science}}},
volume = {137},
pages = {87--92},
publisher = {{Springer}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {2012}
title = {Optimal Regularization for Geopotential Model {{GOCO02S}} by {{Monte Carlo}} Methods and Multi-Scale Representation of Density Anomalies},
author = {Koch, K.R. and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2012},
journal = {Journal of Geodesy},
volume = {86},
pages = {647--660},
doi = {10.1007/s00190-012-0546-7},
owner = {swd}
title = {Use of {{Massive Parallel Computing Libraries}} in the {{Context}} of {{Global Gravity Field Determination}} from {{Satellite Data}}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International {{GOCE User Workshop}}},
author = {Brockmann, J. and Schuh, W.-D.},
editor = {Ouwehand, L.},
year = {2011},
publisher = {{ESA Publication SP-696, ESA/ESTEC, ISBN (Online) 978-92-9092-260-5, ISSN 1609-042X}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {brockmann-schuh\textsubscript{1}1}
title = {Refinement of the Stochastic Model of {{GOCE}} Scientific Data in along Time Series},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International {{GOCE User Workshop}}},
author = {Krasbutter, I. and Brockmann, J. M. and Goiginger, H. and Kargoll, B. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D.},
editor = {Ouwehand, L.},
year = {2011},
publisher = {{ESA Publication SP-696, ESA/ESTEC, ISBN (Online) 978-92-9092-260-5, ISSN 1609-042X}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {krasbutter-etal\textsubscript{1}1}
title = {First {{GOCE}} Gravity Field Models Derived by Three Different Approaches},
author = {Pail, R. and Bruinsma, S. and Miggliaccio, F. and F{\"o}rste, C. and Goiginger, H. and Schuh, W.-D. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Reguzzoni, M. and Brockmann, J. and Abrikosov, O. and Veicherts, M. and Fecher, T. and Mayrhofer, R. and Krasbutter, I. and Sans{\'o}, F. and Tscherning, C. C.},
year = {2011},
journal = {J Geodesy},
volume = {85},
number = {11},
pages = {819--843},
doi = {10.1007/s00190-011-0467-x},
owner = {swd}
title = {Combination of {{GOCE}} Data with Complementary Gravity Field Information},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International {{GOCE User Workshop}}},
author = {Pail, R. and Goiginger, H. and Schuh, W.-D. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Brockmann, J. M. and Fecher, T. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Kusche, J. and J{\"a}ggi, A. and Rieser, D. and Hausleitner, W. and Maier, A. and Krauss, S. and Baur, O. and Krasbutter, I. and Gruber, T.},
editor = {L, Ouwehand},
year = {2011},
publisher = {{ESA Publication SP-696, ESA/ESTEC, ISBN (Online) 978-92-9092-260-5, ISSN 1609-042X}},
owner = {swd}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {{{GOCE-only}} Gravity Field Models Derived from 8 Months of {{GOCE}} Data},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International {{GOCE User Workshop}}},
author = {Pail, R. and Goiginger, H. and Schuh, W.-D. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Brockmann, J. M. and Fecher, T. and Mayrhofer, R. and Krasbutter, I. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T.},
editor = {L, Ouwehand},
year = {2011},
publisher = {{ESA Publication SP-696, ESA/ESTEC, ISBN (Online) 978-92-9092-260-5, ISSN 1609-042X}},
url = {},
owner = {swd}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {{{GOCE Data Analysis}}: {{From Calibrated Measurements}} to the {{Global Earth Gravity Field}}},
booktitle = {System {{Earth}} via {{Geodetic-Geophysical Space Techniques}}},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I. and Schuh, W.-D. and Wermuth, M.},
editor = {Flechtner, F. and Mandea, M. and Gruber, T. and Rothacher, M. and Wickert, J. and G{\"u}ntner, A.},
year = {2010},
pages = {213--229},
publisher = {{Springer}},
address = {{Berlin}},
url = {},
owner = {swd}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {Fast {{Variance Component Estimation}} in {{GOCE Data Processing}}},
booktitle = {Gravity, {{Geoid}} and {{Earth Observation}}},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
editor = {Mertikas, Stelios P.},
year = {2010},
series = {International {{Association}} of {{Geodesy Symposia}}},
number = {135},
pages = {185--193},
publisher = {{Springer Berlin Heidelberg}},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-10634-7_25},
url = {},
urldate = {2017-01-03},
copyright = {{\textcopyright}2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg},
isbn = {978-3-642-10633-0 978-3-642-10634-7},
langid = {english},
keywords = {and,Earth,{Earth Sciences, general},Environmental,Geophysics/Geodesy,Geotechnical Engineering \& Applied Earth Sciences,Science},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/VVS8DXP2/brockmann-schuh_2008.pdf}
title = {Stochastic Model Refinements for {{GOCE}} Gradiometry Data},
author = {Krasbutter, I. and Brockmann, J. M. and Kargoll, B. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2010},
journal = {BMBF Geotechnologien Science Report},
volume = {17},
pages = {70--76},
owner = {swd}
title = {{{GOCE}} Gravity Field Model Derived from Orbit and Gradiometry Data Applying the Time-Wise Approach},
booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Symposium Bergen}}, {{Proceedings}}},
author = {Pail, R. and Goiginger, H. and Mayerhofer, R. and Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J. M. and Krasbutter, I. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Fecher, T.},
editor = {{Lacoste-Francis}, H.},
year = {2010},
publisher = {{ESA-SP-686, ESA/ESTEC, ISBN (Online) 978-92-9221-250-6 ISSN 1609-042X}},
owner = {swd}
title = {Combined Satellite Gravity Field Model {{GOCO01S}} Derived from {{GOCE}} and {{GRACE}}},
author = {Pail, R. and Goiginger, H. and Schuh, W.-D. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Brockmann, J. M. and Fecher, T. and Gruber, T.},
year = {2010},
journal = {Geophys. Res. Lett.},
volume = {37},
pages = {L20314},
doi = {10.1029/2010GL044906},
owner = {swd}
title = {Adaptive {{Optimization}} of {{GOCE Gravity Field Modeling}}},
booktitle = {{{NIC Symposium}}, {{Proceedings}}},
author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J. M. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I.},
editor = {M{\"u}nster, G. and Wolf, D. and Kremer, M.},
year = {2010},
series = {{{IAS Series}}},
volume = {3},
pages = {313--320},
publisher = {{Schriftenreihe des Forschungszentrums J{\"u}lich}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {schuh-etal\textsubscript{1}0a}
title = {Refinement of the Stochastic Model of {{GOCE}} Scientific Data and Its Effect on the In-Situ Gravity Field Solution},
booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Symposium Bergen}}, {{Proceedings}}},
author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J. M. and Krasbutter, I. and Pail, R.},
editor = {{Lacoste-Francis}, H.},
year = {2010},
publisher = {{ESA-SP-686, ESA/ESTEC, ISBN (Online) 978-92-9221-250-6 ISSN 1609-042X}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {schuh-etal\textsubscript{1}0b}
title = {{{GOCE Data Analysis}}: {{From Calibrated Measurements}} to the {{Global Earth Gravity Field Observation}} of the {{Earth System}} from {{Space}}},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I. and Schuh, W.-D. and Wermuth, M.},
year = {2009},
journal = {Springer (accepted)},
owner = {swd}
type = {Diplomarbeit},
title = {Effiziente {{Varianzkomponentensch{\"a}tzung}} {\"U}ber Iterative {{Techniken}} Bei Der {{GOCE-Daten Prozessierung}}},
author = {Brockmann, J.},
year = {2008},
owner = {swd},
school = {Professur f{\"u}r Theoretische Geod{\"a}sie, Universit{\"a}t Bonn}
type = {Talk at {{ITISE2023}}},
title = {A {{Comparison}} between {{Successive Estimate}} of {{TVAR}}(1) and {{TVAR}}(2) and the {{Estimate}} of a {{TVAR}}(3) {{Process}}},
author = {Korte, Johannes and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
year = {2023},
month = dec,
address = {{Las Palmas, Gran Canaria}}
type = {Talk},
title = {Refinement of Spatio-Temporal Finite Element Spaces for Mean Sea Surface and Sea Level Anomaly Estimation Depending on Prior Information},
author = {Borlinghaus, M. and Neyers, C. and Brunn, V. and Brockmann, J. M.},
year = {2022},
address = {{Milano, Italy}}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Talk},
title = {Sch{\"a}tzung Eines Kontinulierlichen Raum-Zeitlichen {{Modells}} Der {{Meeresoberfl{\"a}che}}},
author = {Borlinghaus, M. and Neyers, C. and Brockmann, J. M.},
year = {2022},
address = {{Essen, Germany}},
url = {}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Talk (Invited)},
title = {Computational {{Geodesy}}: {{Challenges}} in the {{Analysis}} of {{Satellite-based Earth Observation Data}}},
author = {Brockmann, J. M.},
year = {2022},
address = {{online}},
url = {},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/75Q6EKDU/Brockmann - 2022 - Computational Geodesy Challenges in the Analysis .pdf}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Talk},
title = {Coestimating Long-Term Temporal Signals to Reduce the Aliasing Effect in Parametric Geodetic Mean Dynamic Topography Estimation},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Borlinghaus, M. and Neyers, C. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2022},
address = {{Milano, Italy}},
url = {},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/SBT3CNZS/Brockmann et al. - 2022 - Coestimating long-term temporal signals to reduce .pdf}
type = {Talk at {{FROGS}} 2022},
title = {Time {{Variable AR Processes}} with {{Linear Root Motion}}: {{A Comparison}} between Successive {{Estimation}} of {{TVAR}}(1) and {{TVAR}}(2) with the Estimation of a {{TVAR}}(3) {{Process}}},
author = {Korte, J. and Schubert, T. and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2022},
address = {{Essen, Germany}}
type = {Talk at {{X Hotine-Marussi Symposium}}},
title = {On the {{Estimation}} of {{Time Variable AR Processes}} with {{Linear Root Motion}} of the {{Characteristic Polynomial}}},
author = {Korte, J. and Schubert, T. and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2022},
address = {{Milano, Italy}}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Talk},
title = {Can We Refine a Local Marine Geoid by Exploiting {{Sentinel-1 RVL}} Observations?},
author = {Neyers, C. and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2022},
address = {{Essen, Germany}},
url = {}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Talk at the {{X Hotine Marussi Symposium}}},
title = {Modeling of Inhomogeneous Spatio-Temporal Signals by Least Squares Collocation},
author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Korte, J. and Schubert, T. and Brockmann, J. M.},
year = {2022},
address = {{Milano, Italy}},
url = {}
type = {Talk at {{ITISE2021}}},
title = {A Mathematical Investigation of a Continuous Covariance Function Fitting with a Discrete Covariances of {{AR}} Processes},
author = {Korte, J. and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2021},
address = {{online}}
type = {Talk at {{ESA Living Planet Symposium}}},
title = {An Improved Global Gravity Field Model of the {{Earth}} Derived from Reprocessed {{GOCE}} Observations with the Time-Wise Approach},
author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schubert, Till and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter and Kvas, Andreas and {Mayer-Guerr}, Torsten},
year = {2019},
address = {{Milano, Italy}}
type = {Talk},
title = {{{SWOT}} Sea Surface Heights in a Multi-Mission Approach for Joint Estimation of Geoid \& Dynamic Ocean Topography},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2019},
address = {{Bonn, Germany}}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Talk at {{EGU2018}}},
title = {Reprocessed {{GOCE}} Gravity Gradients for Gravity Field Recovery: First Results with the Time-Wise Approach (Talk)},
author = {Brockmann, Jan-Martin and Schubert, Till and Schuh, W.-D. and GOCE HPF Team},
year = {2018},
address = {{Vienna, Austria}},
url = {}
type = {Talk at {{GGHS}} 2018},
title = {Towards the 6th Release of the Time-Wise {{GOCE}} Models: Processing Status and Preliminary Results (Talk)},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Schubert, T. and Schuh, W.-D. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T.},
year = {2018},
address = {{Copenhagen, Denmark}},
howpublished = {Talk},
owner = {jmb}
type = {Talk at the {{IX Hotine Marussi Symposium}}},
title = {Least {{Squares Collocation}} with Finite and Recursive Defined Covariance Functions Using Function Values and Derivatives},
author = {Korte, J. and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2018},
address = {{Rome, Italy}}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Talk at the {{IX Hotine Marussi Symposium}}},
title = {Identification of Suspicious Data for Robust Estimation of Stochastic Processes},
author = {Schubert, T. and Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2018},
month = jul,
address = {{Rome}},
url = {},
annotation = {oral presentation}
type = {Talk at {{HPF CCN Progress Meeting}} \#1},
title = {Reprocessed {{GOCE}} Gravity Gradients for Gravity Field Recovery --- First Analysis and Results from the Time-Wise Approach (Talk)},
author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schubert, Till and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2018},
address = {{Frascati, Italy}},
howpublished = {Talk},
owner = {jmb}
type = {Talk at the {{GGHS}} 2018},
title = {Advanced Time Series Analysis to Estimate Tailored Stochastic Models for the Global Gravity Field Processing (Talk)},
author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Schubert, T. and Loth, I. and Brockmann, J. M. and Kargoll, B.},
year = {2018},
address = {{Copenhagen, Denmark}},
howpublished = {Talk},
owner = {jmb}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Talk},
title = {Design of Frequency Selective Filters for Non-Equispaced Data},
author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Franken, J. and Brockmann, J.M. and Esch, C. and K{\"o}hler, J.},
year = {2018},
address = {{Rome, Italy}},
url = {},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/5F9KSU4T/Schuh et al. - 2018 - Design of frequency selective filters for non-equi.pdf}
title = {Improving the Official {{GOCE-only}} Gravity Field Model --- {{Strategies}} Inline with the 'classical' Time-Wise Processing},
booktitle = {{{HPF-Reprocessing Workschop}}, 2/3 {{February}} 2017},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D. and {WP6000-Team}},
year = {2017},
address = {{IAPG, Munich}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {Oral Presentation, 3. Feb. 2017}
title = {Hochleistungsrechnen in Der {{Geod{\"a}sie}} - {{Herausforderungen}} Und {{Chancen}} F{\"u}r Die {{Erdbeobachtung}} Aus Dem {{Weltraum}}},
booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}} 2016},
author = {Brockmann, J. M.},
year = {2016},
address = {{Hamburg}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {Vortrag, 12.10.2016 (invited)}
title = {Stochastic Modeling of Altimetric Sea Surface Height Measurements - Refined {{AR}} Models from Iterative Residual Analysis},
booktitle = {International {{Symposium}} on {{Gravity}}, {{Geoid}} and {{Height Systems}}, {{IAG Symposium}}},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D},
year = {2016},
address = {{Thessaloniki}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {Oral Presentation, 23.9.2016}
title = {An Improved Version of the {{GOCE-only}} Model {{EGM}}\_{{TIM}}\_{{RL05}}},
booktitle = {26{\textsuperscript{th}} {{IUGG General Assembly}} 2015},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Zehentner, N. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Loth, I. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2015},
address = {{Prag}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {30.6.2015}
title = {A Case Study on the Potential of Robust Decorrelation Filter Design for a Reprocessing of a Gravity Field Model from {{GOCE}} Data},
booktitle = {{{EGU General Assembly}} 2015},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D. and Kargoll, B.},
year = {2015},
address = {{Wien}},
doi = {},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {Oral Presentation, 14.4.2015}
title = {Huge Dimensional Data Analysis in Geodesy --- {{Computational}} Concepts for Adjustment Problems},
booktitle = {Politecnico Di {{Milano}}, {{Dipartimento}} Di {{Ingegneria Civile}} e {{Ambientale}}},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2015},
address = {{Milano}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {18.2.2015 (invited)}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {Correlation Analysis for Long Time Series by Robustly Estimated Autoregressive Stochastic Processes},
booktitle = {{{EGU General Assembly}} 2015},
author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M. and Kargoll, B.},
year = {2015},
address = {{Wien}},
url = {},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {oral presentation (solicited), 17.4.2015 schuh-etal\textsubscript{v}15}
title = {On {{High Performance Computing}} in {{Geodesy}} - {{Applications}} in {{Global Gravity Field Determination}}},
booktitle = {Rigorosum, {{Landwirtschaftliche Fakult{\"a}t}}, {{Universit{\"a}t Bonn}}},
author = {Brockmann, J.M.},
year = {2014},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {21.11.2014}
title = {The {{Release}} 05 of the {{Time-Wise Approach}}},
booktitle = {{{HPF Progress Meeting}} 28},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Zehetner, N. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2014},
address = {{Munich}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {25.6.2014}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {A Gravity Field Model from the Entire {{GOCE}} Mission: {{EGM}}\_{{TIM}}\_{{RL05}}},
booktitle = {5{\textsuperscript{th}} {{International GOCE User Workshop}}},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Loth, I. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D. and Zehentner, N.},
year = {2014},
address = {{Paris}},
url = {},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {25.11.2014}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {Quality Analysis of the {{GOCE}} Gravity Gradients from the Low Orbit Operation Campaign},
booktitle = {5{\textsuperscript{th}} {{International GOCE User Workshop}}},
author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J. M. and Loth, I.},
year = {2014},
address = {{Paris}},
url = {},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {27.11.2014}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {Decorrelation Strategies for the Integration of Finite Seqeunces of a Stochastic Process into {{Gauss-Markov}} Models},
booktitle = {{{EGU General Assembly}} 2014: {{G1}}.1 {{Recent Developments}} in {{Geodetic Theory}}},
author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M. and Kargoll, B. and Loth, I.},
year = {2014},
publisher = {{institution}},
address = {{Vienna}},
url = {},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {oral presentation, 28.4.2014}
title = {Decorrelation Process Revisited --- Tailored Strategies for {{GOCE}} Low Orbit Data},
booktitle = {{{HPF Progress Meeting}} 28},
author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M. and Loth, I.},
year = {2014},
address = {{Munich}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {26.6.2014}
title = {Performance of the Fourth Generation {{GOCE}} Time-Wise {{Earth}} Gravity Field Model},
booktitle = {{{EGU}} 2013},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Krasbutter, I. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D. and Zehentner, N.},
year = {2013},
address = {{Vienna}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {12.4.2013}
title = {Gravity {{Field Determination}} - {{Time-Wise Approach}}: {{Preliminary Release}} 4},
booktitle = {{{HPF Progress Meeting}} 26},
author = {Brockmann, J.},
year = {2013},
address = {{Munich}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {21.2.2103}
title = {Gravity Field Determination from {{Low Orbit Phases}} Using the Time-Wise Method},
booktitle = {{{GOCE HPF Meeting}} 27},
author = {Brockmann, J.M.},
year = {2013},
address = {{Utrecht}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {13.6.2013}
title = {Performance and Status of the {{GOCE}} Time-Wise Gravity Field Models},
booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Symposium}} 2013},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Krasbutter, I. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D. and Zehentner, N.},
year = {2013},
address = {{Edinburgh}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {10.9.2013}
title = {Status of the {{GOCE}} Time-Wise Gravity Field Models and First Analysis of the Low Orbit Data},
booktitle = {{{IAG Scientific Assembly}} 2013},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Zehentner, N. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Krasbutter, I. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2013},
address = {{Potsdam}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {5.9.2013}
title = {Validation of {{GOCE}} Time-Wise {{Gravity Field Models}} via the {{Estimation}} of the {{Ocean}}'s {{Mean Dynamic Topography}}},
booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Symposium}} 2013},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Becker, S. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2013},
address = {{Edinburgh}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {10.9.2013}
title = {Massive Parallel Concepts for the Estimation of High Degree Spherical Harmonic Gravity Field Models},
booktitle = {{{VIII Hotine-Marussi-Symposium}}},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2013},
address = {{Rom}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {21.06.2013}
title = {Tailored Numerical Strategies and High Performance Computing in Geodesy},
booktitle = {{{VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium}}},
author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M.},
year = {2013},
address = {{Rome}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {21.06.2013 (invited)}
title = {Consistent Combination of Gravity Field, Altimetry and Hydrographic Data},
booktitle = {{{DFG-SPP}} 1257 {{Final Colloquium}} ''{{Mass}} Transport and Mass Distribution in the {{Earth}} System''},
author = {Becker, S. and Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M.},
year = {2012},
address = {{Potsdam}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {18.9.2012}
title = {On High-Performance Computing in Geodesy - Applications in Global Gravity Field Determination},
booktitle = {Doktorandenseminar, {{IGG}}, {{Universit{\"a}t Bonn}}},
author = {Brockmann, J. M.},
year = {2012},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {16.7.2012}
title = {Use of High Performance Computing for the Rigorous Estimation of Very High Degree Spherical Harmonic Gravity Field Models},
booktitle = {International {{Symposium}} on {{Gravity}}, {{Geoid}} and {{Height Systems}} ({{GGHS}} 2012)},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and {Roese-Koerner}, L. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2012},
address = {{Venice}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {10.10.2012}
title = {{{REAL-GOCE Gravity}} Field Determination from {{GOCE}}},
booktitle = {{{BMBF Geotechnologien Abschlusssseminar}} ''{{Erfassung}} Des {{Systems Erde}} Aus Dem {{Weltraum III}}''},
author = {Krasbutter, I and Baur, O. and Brockmann, J. M. and Cai, J. and Eicker, A. and Kargoll, B. and Kusche, J. and {Mayer-Guerr}, T. and Schall, J. and Schuh, W.-D. and Shabanloui, A. and Sneeuw, N.},
year = {2012},
address = {{Potsdam}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {24.5.2012}
title = {{{WP}} 130: {{GOCE}} in-Situ {{Ausgleichung}}: {{Von}} Kalibrierten {{Messdaten}} Zum {{Erdschwerefeld}}},
booktitle = {{{REAL GOCE}} 6. {{Projekttreffen}} in {{Bonn}}},
author = {Krasbutter, I. and Brockmann, J. M. and Kargoll, B. and Schuh, W.-D. and Schumacher, M.},
year = {2012},
owner = {ina},
annotation = {15.03.2012}
title = {Constistent Modeling of {{GOCE}} Gravity Field Models},
booktitle = {International {{Symposium}} on {{Gravity}}, {{Geoid}} and {{Height Systems}} ({{GGHS}} 2012)},
author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J. M. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I.},
year = {2012},
address = {{Venice}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {10.10.2012}
title = {{{WP6000}}: {{Gravity Field Determination}} with the {{Time-Wise}} Approach ({{Tuning-Machine}})},
booktitle = {{{GOCE HPF}} Project Meeting \#21},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D. and Krasbutter, I.},
year = {2011},
series = {{{GOCE HPF}} Project Meeting \#21},
address = {{Bonn, Germany}},
owner = {jmb},
annotation = {Oral presentation, 10.02.2011}
title = {Gravity Field Determination from {{GOCE}} Using the Time-Wise Method - {{Status}} of Release {{GOCE-TIM03}}},
booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Fecher, T. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I. and {Mayer-Guerr}, T. and Mayrhofer, R. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2011},
address = {{N{\"u}rnberg}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {29.9.2011}
title = {Charakteristik von Verschiedenen {{Vorkonditionierern}} in Der Iterativen {{L{\"o}sung}} von {{GOCE Schwerefeld Normalgleichungen}}},
booktitle = {Charakteristik von Verschiedenen {{Vonkonditionierern}} in Der Iterativen {{L}}{\dbend}sung von {{GOCE Schwerefeld Normalgleichungen}}},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2011},
address = {{N{\"u}rnberg}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {27.9.2011}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {The Combined Satellite-Only Global Gravity Field Model {{GOCO02s}}},
booktitle = {General {{Assembly}} of the {{European Geosciences Union}}},
author = {Goiginger, H. and Hoeck, E. and Rieser, D. and {Mayer-Guerr}, T. and Maier, A. and Krauss, S. and Pail, R. and Fecher, T. and Gruber, T. and Brockmann, J. M. and Krasbutter, I. and Schuh, W.-D. and Jaeggi, A. and Prange, L. and Hausleitner, W. and Baur, O. and Kusche, J.},
year = {2011},
address = {{Vienna}},
url = {},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {04.04.2011}
title = {{{GOCE}} In-Situ {{Ausgleichung}}: {{Von}} Kalibrierten {{Messdaten}} Zum {{Erdschwerefeld}}},
booktitle = {{{REAL GOCE}} 4. {{Projekttreffen}}},
author = {Krasbutter, I. and Kargoll, B. and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2011},
address = {{M{\"u}nchen}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {30.3.2011}
title = {{{GOCE}} In-Situ {{Ausgleichung}}: {{Von}} Kalibrierten {{Messdaten}} Zum {{Erdschwerefeld}}},
booktitle = {{{REAL GOCE}} 5. {{Projekttreffen}}},
author = {Krasbutter, I. and Brockmann, J. M. and Kargoll, B. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2011},
address = {{Stuttgart}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {10.10.2011}
title = {Combination of Band-Limited Data Sets from Multi-Satellite Missions},
booktitle = {1st {{International Workshop}} on the {{Quality}} of {{Geodetic Observations}} and {{Monitoring Systems}}},
author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Becker, S. and Brockmann, J. M.},
year = {2011},
address = {{Garching/Munich}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {15.4.2011}
title = {{{WP6000}}: {{First GOCE}} Gravity Field - {{Tuning Machine}}},
booktitle = {{{GOCE-HPF}}: {{Progress Meeting}} \#19},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I. and Schuh, W.-D. and Pail, R. and Goiginger, H. and H{\"o}ck, E.},
year = {2010},
address = {{CNES Toulouse}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {10.-11.6.2010}
title = {Gravity Field Determination from {{GOCE}}},
booktitle = {{{BMBF Geotechnologien Statusseminar}}},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Baur, O. and Cai, J. and Eicker, A. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I. and Kusche, J. and Schall, J. and Schuh, W.-D. and Shabanloui, A. and Sneeuw, N.},
year = {2010},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {4.10.2010}
title = {{{GOCE-only}} Solution Using the {{Time-Wise}} Method},
booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Fecher, T. and Goiginger, H. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I. and Mayerhofer, R. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2010},
address = {{K{\"o}ln}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {6.10.2010}
title = {{{WP}} 130: {{GOCE}} in-Situ {{Ausgleichung}}: {{Von}} Kalibrierten {{Messdaten}} Zum {{Erdschwerefeld}}},
booktitle = {{{REAL GOCE}} 2. {{Projekttreffen}}},
author = {Krasbutter, I and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D. and {Roese-Koerner}, L. and Kargoll, B.},
year = {2010},
series = {2. {{Projekttreffen}}},
address = {{M{\"u}nchen}},
owner = {ina},
annotation = {15.3.2010}
title = {{{WP}} 130: {{GOCE}} in-Situ {{Ausgleichung}}: {{Von}} Kalibrierten {{Messdaten}} Zum {{Erdschwerefeld}}},
booktitle = {{{REAL GOCE}} 3. {{Projekttreffen}}},
author = {Krasbutter, I and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D. and Kargoll, B.},
year = {2010},
series = {3. {{Projekttreffen}}},
address = {{Stuttgart}},
owner = {ina},
annotation = {23.9.2010}
title = {Statistische {{Analyse}} Der Ersten {{GOCE Residuen}}},
booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
author = {Krasbutter, I. and Schuh, W.-D. and Kargoll, B. and Brockmann, J.M.},
year = {2010},
address = {{K{\"o}ln}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {6.10.2010}
title = {Refinement of the Stochastic Model of {{GOCE}} Scientific Data and Its Effect on the In-Situ Gravity Field Solution},
booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Symposium}}},
author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I. and Pail, R.},
year = {2010},
address = {{Bergen}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {29.6.2010}
title = {Die {{Satellitenmission GOCE}} - {{Status}} Und Erste {{Schwerefeldl{\"o}sungen}}},
booktitle = {{{GeoDarmstadt}} 2010},
author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Kargoll, B. and Brockmann, J.M.},
year = {2010},
address = {{Darmstadt}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {11.10.2010}
title = {Genauigkeitsuntersuchungen Zu Datenadaptiven Robusten {{M-Sch{\"a}tzern}}},
booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
author = {Kargoll, B. and Brockmann, J. M.},
year = {2009},
address = {{Karlsruhe}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {24.09.2009}
title = {Integration von Punktweiser {{Schwereinformation}} in Globale {{Erdschwerefeldmodelle}}},
booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2008},
address = {{Bremen}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {30.9.2008}
title = {Effiziente {{Varianzkomponentensch{\"a}tzung}} {\"U}ber Iterative {{Techniken}} Bei Der {{GOCE-Daten Prozessierung}}},
booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tisches {{Integrationsseminar}}},
author = {Brockmann, J.M.},
year = {2008},
address = {{Universit{\"a}t Bonn}},
annotation = {12.6.2008}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Poster},
title = {Simultaneous Estimation of a Continuous {{Mean Sea Surface}} and Spatio-Temporal {{Sea Level Anomaly Model}} from Altimetric {{Sea Surface Heights}}},
author = {Borlinghaus, M. and Neyers, C. and Brockmann, J. M.},
year = {2022},
address = {{Bonn, Germany}},
url = {}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Poster},
title = {On the Use of Surface Current Observations for the Joint Estimation of Geodetic Mean Dynamic Topography Models and the Geoid},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Borlinghaus, M. and Neyers, C. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2022},
address = {{Frascati, Italy}},
url = {},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/5UTAJ72F/Brockmann et al. - 2022 - On the use of surface current observations for the.pdf}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Poster},
title = {About the {{Potential}} of {{Satellite-based One-dimensional Geostrophic Current Observations}} to {{Improve}} the {{Separation}} of the {{Mean Dynamic Topography}} and {{Geoid Undulation}}},
author = {Neyers, C. and Borlinghaus, M. and Brockmann, J. M.},
year = {2022},
address = {{J{\"u}lich, Germany}},
url = {}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Poster},
title = {Exploring the Opportunities of Geostrophic Current Observations from Space in the Joint Estimation of Mean Dynamic Topography and Geoid Undulation},
author = {Neyers, C. and Borlinghaus, M. and Brockmann, J. M.},
year = {2022},
address = {{Bonn, Germany}},
url = {},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/MYJY7S3V/Neyers et al. - 2022 - About the Potential of Satellite-based One-dimensi.pdf}
type = {Poster},
title = {A {{Parametric Representation}} to {{Integrate Current Observations}} into the {{Estimation}} of the {{Mean Dynamic Topography}} (Poster)},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Neyers, C. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2019},
address = {{Frascati, Italy}},
howpublished = {Poster},
owner = {jmb},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/J4CG65X6/Brockmann - 2016 - A Parametric Representation to Integrate Current O.pdf}
type = {Poster},
title = {Parametric Finite Element Based Models to Represent the {{Mean Dynamic Ocean Topography}}},
author = {Neyers, Christian and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
year = {2019},
address = {{Milano, Italy}},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/67PGM5MC/Neyers et al. - 2019 - Parametric finite element based models to represen.pdf}
title = {Analysis and Refinement for an Integrated Approach Estimating the Ocean's Mean Dynamic Topography from Altimetry and {{GOCE}}},
booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Symposium}} 2016},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and M{\"u}ller, S. and Schuh, W.-D},
year = {2016},
address = {{Prag}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {Poster, 10.5.2016 brockmann-etal\textsubscript{p}16}
title = {Computational Aspects of High-Resolution Global Gravity Field Determination},
booktitle = {{{NIC Symposium}}, {{J{\"u}lich}}},
author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2016},
address = {{J{\"u}lich}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 12.2.2016 brockmann-schuh\textsubscript{p}16}
title = {Refinement of the Stochastic Model for {{GOCE}} Gravity Gradients by Non-Stationary Decorrelation Filters},
booktitle = {{{ESALiving Planet Symposium}} 2016},
author = {Schuh, W.-D and Brockmann, J. M.},
year = {2016},
address = {{Prag}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {Poster 2382, 10.05.2016 schuh-brockmann\textsubscript{p}16}
title = {{{GOCE}} Gravity Field Models Following the Time-Wise Approach},
booktitle = {{{EGU General Assembly}} 2015},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Loth, I. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D. and Zehentner, N.},
year = {2015},
address = {{Wien}},
doi = {},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {Poster, 14.4.2015}
title = {Integrated Approach to Estimate the Ocean's Time Variable Dynamic Topography Including Its Covariance Matrix},
booktitle = {{{EGU General Assembly}} 2015},
author = {M{\"u}ller, S. and Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2015},
address = {{Wien}},
doi = {},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {Poster, 15.4.2015}
title = {Integrated Approach to Estimate the Ocean's Time Variable Dynamic Topography Including Its Covariance Matrix},
booktitle = {{{EGU General Assembly}}: {{G3}}.2 {{Determination}} of {{Mass}} Transport and {{Distribution}} in the {{Earth System}}},
author = {Becker, S. and Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2014},
address = {{Vienna}},
owner = {swd},
annotation = {Poster, 28.4.2014}
title = {Validation of the {{GOCE}} Time-Wise Gravity Field Models via the Estion of the Ocean's Mean Dynamic Topography},
booktitle = {{{IAG Scientific Assembly}}},
author = {Becker, S. and Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2013},
address = {{Potsdam}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 4-5.9.2013}
title = {Integrated Approach to Estimate the Ocean's Dynamic Topography},
booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Sympisium}}},
author = {Becker, S. and Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2013},
address = {{Edinburgh}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 11.9.2013}
title = {A Concept for the Estimation of High-Degree Gravity Field Models in a High Performance Computing Environment},
booktitle = {Geophysical {{Research Abstracts Vol}}. 15, {{EGU2013-8934-1}}},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and {Roese-Koerner}, L. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2013},
address = {{Vienna}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 8.4.2013}
title = {Consistent Combination of Gravity Field, Altimetry and Hydrographic Data},
booktitle = {International {{Symposium}} on {{Gravity}}, {{Geoid}} and {{Height Systems}} ({{GGHS}} 2012), {{Venice}}},
author = {Becker, S. and Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M.},
year = {2012},
address = {{Venice}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 9.-12.10.2012}
title = {{{GOCE In-Situ Adjustement}}: {{From}} Calibrated Measurements to the {{Earths}} Gravity Field},
booktitle = {{{BMBF Geotechnologien Abschlussseminar}} ''{{Erfassung}} Des {{Systems Erde}} Aus Dem {{Weltraum III}}''},
author = {Krasbutter, I. and Brockmann, J.M. and Kargoll, B. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2012},
address = {{Potsdam}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 24.5.2012}
title = {The Impact of a {{GOCE}} Gravity Field Model on Estimationg the Ocean's Mean Dynamic Topography},
booktitle = {4th {{International GOCE User Workshop}}},
author = {Becker, S. and Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2011},
address = {{Vienna}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 31.3.2011}
title = {The Impact of a {{GOCE}} Gravity Field Model on Estimationg the Ocean's Mean Dynamic Topography},
booktitle = {Geophysical {{Research Abstracts Vol}}. 13, {{EGU2011-11396}}},
author = {Becker, S. and Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2011},
address = {{Vienna}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 4.4.2011}
title = {Use of Massive Parallel Computing Libraries in the Context of Global Gravity Field Determination},
booktitle = {4th {{International GOCE}} User Workshop},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2011},
address = {{Munich}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 31.3.---1.4.2011}
title = {Use of Massive Parallel Computing Libraries in the Context of Global Gravity Field Determination},
booktitle = {Geophysical {{Research Abstracts Vol}}. 13, {{EGU2011-12084}}},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2011},
address = {{Vienna}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 4.4.2011}
title = {Refinement of the Stochastic Model of {{GOCE}} Scientific Data in a Long Time Series},
booktitle = {4th {{International GOCE}} User Workshop},
author = {Krasbutter, I. and Brockmann, J.M. and Goiginger, H. and Kargoll, B. and Pail, R. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2011},
address = {{Munich}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 31.3.--1.4.2011}
title = {{{GOCE}} Gravity Field Determination Using the In-Situ Adjustment Approach: First Three Releases},
booktitle = {{{BMBF Geotechnologien Statusseminar}}},
author = {Krasbutter, I. and Brockmann, J.M. and Kargoll, B. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2011},
address = {{Stuttgart}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 11.10.2011}
title = {Low-Degree Gravity Field Coefficients from {{SLR}} Data for the New Combined Gravity Field Model {{GOCO02S}}},
booktitle = {Geophysical {{Research Abstracts Vol}}. 13, {{EGU2011-9977}}},
author = {Maier, A. and Baur, O. and Hausleitner, W. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Krauss, S. and Goiginger, H. and Rieser, D. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Pail, R. and Gruber, T. and Fecher, T. and Albertella, A. and J{\"a}ggi, A. and Meyer, U. and Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M. and Kusche, J. and Eicker, A.},
year = {2011},
address = {{Vienna}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 4.4.2011}
title = {Kombinierte Globale {{Schwerefeldmodelle}} Der {{GOCO-Reihe}}},
booktitle = {Geod{\"a}tische {{Woche}}},
author = {Pail, R. and Brockmann, J.M. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Fecher, T. and Schuh, W.-D. and Rieser, D. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Krasbutter, I. and J{\"a}ggi, A. and Prange, L. and Maier, A. and Krauss, S. and Gruber, T. and Kusche, J.},
year = {2011},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 28.9.2011}
title = {Stochastic Model Refinements for {{GOCE}} Gradiometry Data.},
booktitle = {{{BMBF Geotechnologien Statusseminar}}},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2010},
address = {{Bonn}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 4.10.2010}
title = {The Impact on a Combined Global Gravity Model Using Simulated {{GOCE}} Data},
booktitle = {{{EGU General Assembly}} 2010, {{Vienna}}},
author = {Goiginger, H. and Hausleitner, W. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Krauss, S. and Maier, A. and Pail, R. and Gruber, T. and Fecher, T. and J{\"a}ggi, A. and Meyer, U. and Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J. M. and Kusche, J. and Eicker, A.},
year = {2010},
address = {{Vienna}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 2.-6.5.2010}
title = {Combined Global Gravity Field Models from {{GOCE}} Data and Complementary Data Types},
booktitle = {{{ESA Living Planet Symposium}} 2010, {{Bergen}}},
author = {Goiginger, H. and Hausleitner, W. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Krauss, S. and Maier, A. and Pail, R. and Gruber, T. and Fecher, T. and J{\"a}ggi, A. and Meyer, U. and Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J. M. and Kusche, J. and Eicker, A.},
year = {2010},
address = {{Vienna}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 30.6.2010}
title = {Adaptive {{Optimization}} of {{GOCE Gravity Field Modeling}}},
booktitle = {{{NIC Symposium}}, {{J{\"u}lich}}},
author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Kargoll, Boris and Krasbutter, Ina},
year = {2010},
address = {{J{\"u}lich}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 24.2.2010}
title = {Adaptive {{Optimization}} of {{GOCE Gravity Filed Modeling}}},
booktitle = {{{GeoDarmstadt}}},
author = {Schuh, W.-D. and Brockmann, J.M. and Kargoll, B. and Krasbutter, I.},
year = {2010},
address = {{Darmstadt}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 12.10.2010}
title = {Release 3 of the {{GOCE-only}} Gravity Field Model Applying the Time-Wise Method},
booktitle = {{{AGU Fall Meeting}}},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Pail, R. and H{\"o}ck, E. and Krasbutter, I. and {Mayer-G{\"u}rr}, T. and Mayrhofer, R. and Schuh, W.-D. and Fecher, T.},
year = {2009},
address = {{San Francisco}},
owner = {schuh},
annotation = {Poster, 8.12.2011}
title = {Fast {{Variance Component Estimation}} in {{GOCE Data Processing}}},
booktitle = {{{IAG International Symposium}} on ''{{Geodesy}}, {{Geoid}} and {{Earth Observation}}''},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2008},
address = {{Chania}},
annotation = {Poster, 23.6.2008}