Ph.D. Student
Tel: +49 – 228 – 73 – 3576
Fax: +49 – 228 – 73 – 6486
Office: Nussallee 17, 2nd floor, room 2.007
University of Bonn
Theoretical Geodesy, IGG
Nussallee 17
53115 Bonn
Research interests
- Finite elements
- Linear algebra
- Parallel programming
- High performance computing
- General-purpose computing on graphics processing units
Short CV
Christian Neyers obtained his B.Eng. in “Vermessung” at the University of Applied Sciences Bochum in 2014 before coming to Bonn University. There he finished a M.Sc. in “Geodäsie und Geoinformation” in 2017. Since July of the same year, he’s been a Ph.D. student in the Theoretical Geodesy group.
Teaching activities
- “Masterprojekt: Space Geodesy Simulator Bonn”, since 2017
Paper and Presentations
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {Development of a Continuous Spatiotemporal Finite Element-Based Representation of the Mean Sea Surface},
author = {Borlinghaus, Moritz and Neyers, Christian and Brockmann, Jan Martin},
year = {2023},
month = feb,
journal = {Journal of Geodesy},
volume = {97},
number = {2},
pages = {16},
issn = {1432-1394},
doi = {10.1007/s00190-023-01709-1},
url = {},
urldate = {2023-02-22},
langid = {english},
keywords = {{\textbackslash}(C\^1{\textbackslash})-smoothness,Finite elements,Mean sea surface,Ocean variability,Satellite altimetry,Sea-level variations},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/II4KRV4H/Borlinghaus et al. - 2023 - Development of a continuous spatiotemporal finite .pdf}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {Refinement of {{Spatio-Temporal Finite Element Spaces}} for {{Mean Sea Surface}} and {{Sea Level Anomaly Estimation}}},
author = {Borlinghaus, Moritz and Neyers, Christian and Brockmann, Jan Martin},
year = {2023},
series = {International {{Association}} of {{Geodesy Symposia}}},
pages = {1--10},
publisher = {{Springer}},
address = {{Berlin, Heidelberg}},
doi = {10.1007/1345_2023_205},
url = {},
urldate = {2023-08-11},
langid = {english},
keywords = {Finite elements,Mean sea surface,Mesh refinement,Sea level anomalies}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {On the {{Coestimation}} of {{Long-Term Spatio-Temporal Signals}} to {{Reduce}} the {{Aliasing Effect}} in {{Parametric Geodetic Mean Dynamic Topography Estimation}}},
author = {Brockmann, Jan Martin and Borlinghaus, Moritz and Neyers, Christian and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
year = {2023},
series = {International {{Association}} of {{Geodesy Symposia}}},
pages = {1--9},
publisher = {{Springer}},
address = {{Berlin, Heidelberg}},
doi = {10.1007/1345_2023_224},
url = {},
urldate = {2023-09-18},
langid = {english},
keywords = {Finite elements,Geoid,Mean dynamic topography,Sea surface height,Signal separation,Spatio-temporal modelling}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Technical {{Report}}},
title = {Towards the {{Development}} of a {{Continuous Spatio-Temporal Finite Element Based Representation}} of the {{Mean Sea Surface}}},
author = {Borlinghaus, M. and Neyers, C. and Brockmann, J.M.},
year = {2022},
number = {IGG-TG-2022-01},
address = {{Bonn, Germany}},
institution = {{University of Bonn, Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation}},
url = {},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/QWN2HFEB/Borlinghaus and Neyers - .pdf}
title = {Integration von Radialen {{SAR Doppler Ozeanoberfl{\"a}chengeschwindigkeitsmessungen}} in Die {{Berechnung}} Der {{Dynamischen Ozeantopographie}}},
author = {Neyers, C.},
year = {2017},
address = {{Bonn, Germany}},
owner = {jmb},
school = {Universit{\"a}t Bonn},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/M7A2STXQ/thesis_neyers.pdf}
type = {Talk},
title = {Refinement of Spatio-Temporal Finite Element Spaces for Mean Sea Surface and Sea Level Anomaly Estimation Depending on Prior Information},
author = {Borlinghaus, M. and Neyers, C. and Brunn, V. and Brockmann, J. M.},
year = {2022},
address = {{Milano, Italy}}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Talk},
title = {Sch{\"a}tzung Eines Kontinulierlichen Raum-Zeitlichen {{Modells}} Der {{Meeresoberfl{\"a}che}}},
author = {Borlinghaus, M. and Neyers, C. and Brockmann, J. M.},
year = {2022},
address = {{Essen, Germany}},
url = {}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Talk},
title = {Coestimating Long-Term Temporal Signals to Reduce the Aliasing Effect in Parametric Geodetic Mean Dynamic Topography Estimation},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Borlinghaus, M. and Neyers, C. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2022},
address = {{Milano, Italy}},
url = {},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/SBT3CNZS/Brockmann et al. - 2022 - Coestimating long-term temporal signals to reduce .pdf}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Talk},
title = {Can We Refine a Local Marine Geoid by Exploiting {{Sentinel-1 RVL}} Observations?},
author = {Neyers, C. and Brockmann, J. M. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2022},
address = {{Essen, Germany}},
url = {}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Poster},
title = {Simultaneous Estimation of a Continuous {{Mean Sea Surface}} and Spatio-Temporal {{Sea Level Anomaly Model}} from Altimetric {{Sea Surface Heights}}},
author = {Borlinghaus, M. and Neyers, C. and Brockmann, J. M.},
year = {2022},
address = {{Bonn, Germany}},
url = {}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Poster},
title = {On the Use of Surface Current Observations for the Joint Estimation of Geodetic Mean Dynamic Topography Models and the Geoid},
author = {Brockmann, J. M. and Borlinghaus, M. and Neyers, C. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2022},
address = {{Frascati, Italy}},
url = {},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/5UTAJ72F/Brockmann et al. - 2022 - On the use of surface current observations for the.pdf}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Poster},
title = {About the {{Potential}} of {{Satellite-based One-dimensional Geostrophic Current Observations}} to {{Improve}} the {{Separation}} of the {{Mean Dynamic Topography}} and {{Geoid Undulation}}},
author = {Neyers, C. and Borlinghaus, M. and Brockmann, J. M.},
year = {2022},
address = {{J{\"u}lich, Germany}},
url = {}
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
type = {Poster},
title = {Exploring the Opportunities of Geostrophic Current Observations from Space in the Joint Estimation of Mean Dynamic Topography and Geoid Undulation},
author = {Neyers, C. and Borlinghaus, M. and Brockmann, J. M.},
year = {2022},
address = {{Bonn, Germany}},
url = {},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/MYJY7S3V/Neyers et al. - 2022 - About the Potential of Satellite-based One-dimensi.pdf}
type = {Poster},
title = {A {{Parametric Representation}} to {{Integrate Current Observations}} into the {{Estimation}} of the {{Mean Dynamic Topography}} (Poster)},
author = {Brockmann, J.M. and Neyers, C. and Schuh, W.-D.},
year = {2019},
address = {{Frascati, Italy}},
howpublished = {Poster},
owner = {jmb},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/J4CG65X6/Brockmann - 2016 - A Parametric Representation to Integrate Current O.pdf}
type = {Poster},
title = {Parametric Finite Element Based Models to Represent the {{Mean Dynamic Ocean Topography}}},
author = {Neyers, Christian and Brockmann, Jan Martin and Schuh, Wolf-Dieter},
year = {2019},
address = {{Milano, Italy}},
file = {/home/jmb/pc/internetSettings/zotero/storage/67PGM5MC/Neyers et al. - 2019 - Parametric finite element based models to represen.pdf}